This page details all archive and website updates by the date they were made – scroll down to review.

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Updates on 13th November 2018

New material has been loaded to the archive and there have some technical updates.


The following photos have been scanned, indexed and placed on the relevant boat pages / posts.
(Members can click on the links below to view the relevant boat page or browse all of the photos loaded as a set here.)

This update includes the first website photos for the boats marked with an * below.
Check out A79’s unstayed cutter rig, the sad shots of A149 Britt and A45 Tammy Norry, and the photo of A51 Bacardi in Canada.


  • Accessibility – improved user control of font size and colours (using icon top right corner of the screen)
  • Tidied the front page lists of recent posts and comments
  • Fixed issues
    • AOA60 Round The World Challenge – improved data entry
    • Improved (but still not perfect) video page

Updates in August 2018


2016 August – A102 Atalanta Mary’s Trip home in 2016

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