
Atalanta A89
November 1958
- Other names
- ConditionSailing
- LocationHamble, Hampshire
- Engine12 bhp Farryman, hydralic drive
- Rig1972 Alloy Mast, Masthead
Comments: Sold new as kit.. Original owner completed her from a kit. Uniquely he sheathed her with ‘Marglass’ cloth which, with careful maintenance by the same owner for the best part of sixty years later she is still in fine condition and has never required restoration. The original owner sailed well into his 90's on Lake Geneva. See and boat history post at

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Contributed Blog

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Starting the Mountain of work - hive mind needed!

Starting the Mountain of work – hive mind needed!

2025 March - Getting to grips with taking out the Farymann Hydraulic Engine and preparing for my Beta 14 to go in. I spent the day having a look over what I need to do, and i realise that I probably need a hiab/cherrypicker to help get the engine out/in. I also removed the hydraulic gearbox which came ...

Reflections on dropping the mast

Reflections on dropping the mast

2025 January - Thanks to Simon West (A5 Diaphony) for helping – we managed to drop the mast (literally) onto the deck and not into the water (nearly!). Colchide does not have the handy frame on the shrouds which I now realise is really important for controlling the drop. As it was, we got to an angle of ...

Colchide Propulsion Options!

Colchide Propulsion Options!

2024 August - Having been frustrated at my inability to get up the Hamble against the tide in full flow, I have set my mind to finding ways to resolve the fact that the original Farymann Hydromarin propulsion system likely needs changing. Here’s my thoughts so far: OptionProsConsCost1. Add OutboardSimple and cost effective, esp as I have an 2.5HP ...

A89 with new Tiger stripes

A89 with new Tiger stripes

2022 April - I have always like the “Tiger design” NATO jets, so yesterday, I gave Colchide a “Tiger design” to her hull.

Scoop - A89's secret weapon for East Coast Race

Scoop – A89’s secret weapon for East Coast Race

2020 May - Our East Coast representative has sent us this scoop from secret waters somewhere near Harwich. Getting the Atalanta to go faster has pre-occupied many in recent years (check out this thread). Well, significant progress appears to have been made.Apparently since Boris gave permission last Wednesday A89 can be seen early every day trialling ...

Colchide's rudder

Colchide’s rudder

2019 December - Colchide came out the water last week and I noticed that the rudder had some delamination cracks on the trailing edge. It has a 12mm central oak core and a further 12mm of marine ply on each side, totalling 36 mm. To stop water ingress in the future and so I can leave it in ...

A89 Colchide stars at the 2019 Suffolk Yacht Harbour Classic Regatta

A89 Colchide stars at the 2019 Suffolk Yacht Harbour Classic Regatta

2019 June -Richard has entered A89 Colchide in the 2019 Suffolk Yacht Harbour Classic Regatta, running from Suffolk Yacht Haven over the coming weekend.This is basically a weekend of ‘ooh-ing’ and ‘ah-ing’ over loads of classic yachts. The fleet includes a large fleet of Stellas (nice website). (See picture from their website on the left). There is also ...

Colchide back in the water

Colchide back in the water

2019 April - Colchide went back into the water on a very cold 3 April 2019. Winter work included:Changing the impeller on the Farymann diesel Moving and greasing all 6 stainless steel keel pins Replacing propshaft and rudder cassette anodes T-cut and polish hull Re-fitting 115 Ah and 90 Ah batteries Renew antifoul (gone for Royal Blue this year) Re-fitting mainsail Re-fitting sheets & warps ...

Building Colchide in 1958

Building Colchide in 1958

2018 January - A photo record of Bernard Upton building Colchide in 1958

History of A89 Colchide

History of A89 Colchide

2017 December - COLCHIDE   Bernard Upton bought an Atalanta kit, hull number 104, directly from Fairey Aviation, Hamble on 25 November 1958 for £2800 and had it delivered to Cambs. The hull was built in a canvas shed in the grounds of a printing works in Wisbech. Bernard Upton and Wally Green, a former shipwright, worked on the hull ...

2015 A89 Winter Lift Out

2015 A89 Winter Lift Out

2015 December - 2015 A89 Winter Lift Out. Photo: A89 winter lift-out.

Propellor  sizes

Propellor sizes

2015 December - I took A89 Colchide out of the water for winter a few days ago, accompanied by East Coast Rep- Nick Phillips and Mart

Sail sizes

2015 November - Hello fellow members,After 2 seasons sailing A89 COLCHIDE back in the UK, it is obvious that she is over-canvassed for UK conditions. Uncle Bernard specified and fitted an oversize genoa, as he was sailing in 3-7 knots on Lake Gene

2015 A89 Sailing on the R.Orwell

2015 A89 Sailing on the R.Orwell

2015 June - 2015 A89 Sailing on the R.Orwell. Photo: A89 off Harwich.

A89 Colchide sailing on the River Orwell

2015 June - Took some pix of Colchide yesterday when you sailed past Sandack on a mooring near Clamp House, Ipswich.Will send them if you let me have an email address.

A89 Tastes East Coast Salt Water after years in Lake Geneva

A89 Tastes East Coast Salt Water after years in Lake Geneva

2014 April - A89 Tastes East Coast Salt Water after years in Lake Geneva. Photo: 2014-04-13_off_to_sea. A89 Colchide decked out ready for towing to Ipswich

2013 A89 Colchide from Switzerland to East Coast

2013 A89 Colchide from Switzerland to East Coast

2013 October - 2013 A89 Colchide from Switzerland to East Coast. Photo: A89 side.

A89 Colchide

A89 Colchide

2013 August - Here are some more pictures of A89 Colchide in Norfolk. I have some questions: 1. Should I open the foreward hatch a few inches and leave the top washboards out to encourage airflow through A89 in her outside winter storage? 2

A 89 COLCHIDE returns to the UK after 50 years on the continent

A 89 COLCHIDE returns to the UK after 50 years on the continent

2013 August - I am delighted to announce that A 89 COLCHIDE returned to the UK today, after 50 years on the Mediterranian and in Switzerland.   She was picked up by Bob and Maria of

A89 coming home in May 2013

2012 October - The Association’s senior member, Bernard Upton will be 94 next summer and has decided to stop sailing solo on A89 and to down-size his house, therefore 53 years of Atalanta spares and of course A89 herself will be coming home in May/June 2013. Ber

Bernard Upton

Bernard Upton

2012 October - Bernard Upton. Photo: Bernard.Photo:

A89 Keel slot flushers

2012 July - Bernard wants to seal the slots above A89’s keels. I have experimented with moped tyres (3.0 x 19) and I can cut them into one long sausage, seal the ends and keep pressure for weeks. When inflated, they will expand to the required 100 mm s

A89 Colchide Update as of 2 June 2012

2012 June - I visited Bernard Upton in Switzerland last week and we spent a few days working on A89 in the boatyard in Gland. The skeg was showing signs of cracking around the alloy rudder support, so I scrapped off the paint to find out the condition

2012 A89 Rudder Pintle

2012 A89 Rudder Pintle

2012 June - 2012 A89 Rudder Pintle. Photo: IMG_0101. <

2011 Sailing with Bernard on Lake Geneva

2011 Sailing with Bernard on Lake Geneva

2011 August - 2011 Sailing with Bernard on Lake Geneva. Photo: Mont Blanc. Taken from Bernard Upton’s home, with Lake Geneva in the foreground and snow-topp

Sailing with Bernard Upton on Lake Geneva

2011 August - In between family commitments I spent four days last week sailing with Bernard Upton on Lake Geneva. Many of you know that Bernard is our longest serving member, having bought A89 Colchide as a kit in 1958, built her in England and then shipped he

A89 Hydraulic drive

A89 Hydraulic drive

1990 February - Bernard Upton fitted a Farryman 12hp and hydraulic drive to a 2 bladed folding propellor. He also put hydraulic rams on the keel hoists.

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total)
Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total)


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A892023McCann, StephenHamble, HampshireStephen buys Colchide and relocates her to the South Coast.
A892020Short season due to Covid19, but includes East Coast Cruise.
A892014James, RichardLevington, SuffolkSailing1972 Alloy Mast, MastheadNew Genoa (Jeckells)
A891982Lake Geneva, SwitzerlandMasthead
A891980Lac Leman, Switzerland
A891958ColchideUpton, BWisbechRestoring12 bhp Farryman, hydralic driveSold as kit

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
1,305Press26,b. Class Reviews and Appreciations1959-01-IEWDA8He'll sail the seas in a homemade yachtA89Colchide1Isle of Ely and Wisbech Daily Advertiser. Article about Bernard building A89 and his plans.00Link
422Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1988-890Cover - A89 Colchide on Lake GenevaA89Colchide110Link
484Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1994-957Mediterranean CruiseA89ColchideUpton B220Link
510Bulletin26, T,F,31h. Rudder & Self Steering1996-9717Vertical RudderA89ColchideUpton B320Link
521Bulletin26, T,F,31e. Rig, Sails and Tuning1997-9827New Sails after 33 yearsA89ColchideUpton B230Link
640Bulletin26, T,F,31h. Rudder & Self Steering2009-1025Vertical Rudder modificationsA89ColchideUpton B110Link
707Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General2014-150Cover - A89 Colchide close-hauled showing her keelA89Colchide110Link
729Bulletin26, T,F,31d. Engines2015-1642Colchide updateA89ColchideJames R310Link
730Bulletin26, T,F,31f. Keel Gear2015-1642Colchide updateA89ColchideJames R310Link
732Bulletin26,c. Boat Commentaries2016-173The Story of Colchide by Richard JamesA89ColchideJames R420Link
748Bulletin26, T,e. Rig, Sails and Tuning2017-1816Fractional Rig versus Masthead RigA89ColchideJames, R310Link
746Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events2017-189East Coast Race 2017A89ColchideJames, R410Link
769Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General2018-1941Ocean Yachtmaster sails an AtalantaA89ColchideRichard James120Link
775Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2019-2024A89 in the 2019 Suffolk Yacht Harbour Classic RegattaA89ColchideRichard James210Link
785Bulletin26, T,F,31f. Keel Gear2020-2130Atalanta 26 Keel Slot Sealing Boards By Richard JamesA89ColchideRichard James420Link
787Bulletin26, T,F,i. Trailers and Trailing2020-2135AOA - Towing Vehicles and TrailersA89ColchideRichard James620Link
778Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General2020-210Cover: A1, A89 and A124 at RamsholtA1, A89, A124AtalantaSadler, Brian110Link
789Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events2021-222The 2021 East Coast RaceA89ColchideRichard James2Write up of the East Coast Race attended by A1, A89, A102 and A12420Link
799Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events2021-22292021 AOA Cruise in CompanyA89ColchideRichard James620Link
788Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General2021-220Cover: A89 and A124 off HarwichA1, A89, A124AtalantaSadler, Brian110Link
791Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General2021-225AOA Winterisation ChecklistA89ColchideRichard James1Checklist for laying up20Link
798Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General2021-2228AOA Spring ChecklistA89ColchideRichard James1Launching checklist20Link
818Bulletin26, T,F,31b. Class Reviews and Appreciations2023-248Colchide comes homeA89ColchideStephen McCann3Colchide's new owner describes how he bought her from Richard James00Link
1,288Newsletter26, T,F,31n. AOA EventsNL-2021-10Newsletter 2021 SpringA89, A1, A102, A148, A490Events:Summary of the East Coast Race won by A89 Colchide, with A1 and A102. Details for the virtual laying up Zoom at 'The Two Keels'. Also a heads-up for the 2022 AGM and the other events plannned - Uffa Fox 2022, Solent cruise, Duckling Worlds and more.General: Introducing the new Fairey Atalanta Facebook page.AOA Admin: Jim Sumberg is co-opted onto the Committee with lots of new ideas.Boats: A148 Johara making progress under new owner Ted Baker. Sad news received about A49 Terrapina under threat of being scrapped in Cheshire.00Link
63Book26, T,F,31o. GeneralORTN-UptonOn the road to Normandy and a little beyond [Private, via 2017]A89ColchideBernard Upton0Bernards account of hs time in the RNVR during the war, and then later with a prestigious printing firm before retiring to Switzerland and Paris. The part of the story that is of particular interest to AOA supporters is his building of A89 Colchide in Wisbech and his subsequent sailing in her over fifty plus years.00Link
49AOAPaper26, T,F,31f. Keel GearQ1Alternative Keel Bolt Access CoversA89ColchideUpton B000Link
50AOAPaper26, T,F,h. Rudder & Self SteeringQ2Vertically Lifting Rudder for ColchideA89ColchideUpton B000Link
51AOAPaper26, T,F,31d. EnginesRHydraulic keels and Hydraulic Powered PropA89ColchideUpton B000Link
52AOAPaper26, T,F,31f. Keel GearRHydraulic keels and Powered Prop by Bernard UptonA89ColchideUpton B000Link
1,380Video26, T,F,31c. Boat CommentariesVA089-1A89 Colchide sailing in a breeze on the OrwellA89ColchideBrian Sadler0Colchide sailing off Harwich00


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
163Sinclair1997Bernard UptonA89ColchideServices to the AOA
211Atalanta2017Richard JamesA89ColchideWinner East Coast Race (West Mersea)
216Coupe Bernard2018Richard JamesA89ColchideFor organising and leading the AOA60 events
243Odling2020Richard JamesA89ColchideBest Technical Article - Keel Sealing Boards
250Odling2021Richard JamesA89ColchideBulletin article about keel slot boards
257Atalanta2022Richard JamesA89ColchideWinner of the East Coast Race
259Etchells2022Richard JamesA89ColchideEast Coast cruise in company article
270Coupe Bernard2024Steve McCannA89ColchideFor his energetic start to membership, writing a Bulletin article with photos within days of taking ownership and multiple Facebook posts