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Showing engine 'back-to-front' for ease of maintenance.  Also lack of prop shaft due to hydraulic drive

A89 Hydraulic drive

Bernard Upton fitted a Farryman 12hp and hydraulic drive to a 2 bladed folding propellor. He also put hydraulic rams on the keel hoists.


Saving Aku A113

From the 1980-81 Bulletin Tony Peck and John Riding’s start of their circumnavigation, and its halt in the Galapagos islands, has been written up elsewhere. After abandoning their circumnavigation AKU was passedRead More…


In the Navy

Atalanta Mary was owned by a Naval officer between 1979 and 1981. During this time he and his wife had their honeymoon cruising the South Coast.


A175 boat name

A175 was launched with the name Inyoniyamanzi. The is a term from South Africa (Afrikaans? Zulu?) for “African Penguin”.

A113 Aku leaves the river Hamble

A113 Sets off Round the World

From the 1960-61 Bulletin On 15 November 1960, John Peck in Fairey Atalanta “Aku” (A113 ) left Hamble on the longest planned Fairey Atalanta cruise yet . He planned to sail westward round the world – a two year, 31,000 mile journey.  John Peck was a racing motor cyclist aged 49. He was accompanied by 24 yearsRead More…