Starting the Mountain of work – hive mind needed!
Getting to grips with taking out the Farymann Hydraulic Engine and preparing for my Beta 14 to go in. I spent the day having a look over what I need to do,Read More…
Getting to grips with taking out the Farymann Hydraulic Engine and preparing for my Beta 14 to go in. I spent the day having a look over what I need to do,Read More…
Thanks to Simon West (A5 Diaphony) for helping – we managed to drop the mast (literally) onto the deck and not into the water (nearly!). Colchide does not have the handy frameRead More…
Having been frustrated at my inability to get up the Hamble against the tide in full flow, I have set my mind to finding ways to resolve the fact that the originalRead More…
I have always like the “Tiger design” NATO jets, so yesterday, I gave Colchide a “Tiger design” to her hull. Title: A89 Tiger Paint JobCaption: A89 Tiger Paint Job
Our East Coast representative has sent us this scoop from secret waters somewhere near Harwich. Getting the Atalanta to go faster has pre-occupied many in recent years (check out this thread). Well,Read More…
Colchide came out the water last week and I noticed that the rudder had some delamination cracks on the trailing edge. It has a 12mm central oak core and a further 12mmRead More…
Colchide went back into the water on a very cold 3 April 2019. Winter work included: Changing the impeller on the Farymann diesel Moving and greasing all 6 stainless steel keel pinsRead More…
A photo record of Bernard Upton building Colchide in 1958
COLCHIDE Bernard Upton bought an Atalanta kit, hull number 104, directly from Fairey Aviation, Hamble on 25 November 1958 for £2800 and had it delivered to Cambs. The hull was builtRead More…
Hello fellow members,
After 2 seasons sailing A89 COLCHIDE back in the UK, it is obvious that she is over-canvassed for UK conditions. Uncle Bernard specified and fitted an oversize genoa, as he was sailing in 3-7 knots on Lake Gene
Took some pix of Colchide yesterday when you sailed past Sandack on a mooring near Clamp House, Ipswich.
Will send them if you let me have an email address.
A89 Tastes East Coast Salt Water after years in Lake Geneva.
Photo: 2014-04-13_off_to_sea. A89 Colchide decked out ready for towing to Ipswich
Here are some more pictures of A89 Colchide in Norfolk.
I have some questions:
1. Should I open the foreward hatch a few inches and leave the top washboards out to encourage airflow through A89 in her outside winter storage?
I am delighted to announce that A 89 COLCHIDE returned to the UK today, after 50 years on the Mediterranian and in Switzerland.
She was picked up by Bob and Maria of
The Association’s senior member, Bernard Upton will be 94 next summer and has decided to stop sailing solo on A89 and to down-size his house, therefore 53 years of Atalanta spares and of course A89 herself will be coming home in May/June 2013. Ber
Bernard wants to seal the slots above A89’s keels.
I have experimented with moped tyres (3.0 x 19) and I can cut them into one long sausage, seal the ends and keep pressure for weeks. When inflated, they will expand to the required 100 mm s
I visited Bernard Upton in Switzerland last week and we spent a few days working on A89 in the boatyard in Gland.
The skeg was showing signs of cracking around the alloy rudder support, so I scrapped off the paint to find out the condition
2011 Sailing with Bernard on Lake Geneva.
Photo: Mont Blanc. Taken from Bernard Upton’s home, with Lake Geneva in the foreground and snow-topp
In between family commitments I spent four days last week sailing with Bernard Upton on Lake Geneva. Many of you know that Bernard is our longest serving member, having bought A89 Colchide as a kit in 1958, built her in England and then shipped he
Bernard Upton fitted a Farryman 12hp and hydraulic drive to a 2 bladed folding propellor. He also put hydraulic rams on the keel hoists.