Atalanta Mary

Atalanta A102
March 1959
- Other names
- ConditionSailing
- LocationLevington, Suffolk
- EngineBeta 13.5hp
- Rig3/4 Wood
Comments: Owned for a time by Bill Anderson, of RYA fame, A102 was used for a honeymoon of new owners in 1979. This owner fitted twin rudders after significant research and design. The next owners carried out extensive renovations and additions whilst keeping her broadly original. Recently extensively cruised in French canals and the Mediterranean.

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Contributed Blog

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Orwell to Oxford

Orwell to Oxford

2025 January - OK lets do this thing…. I have started my preparations by watching tweedy pubs on youtube.  So the goal is a pint in the Lamb and Flag with a toast to the Inklings. First stop Chatham. (thanks Wiki for the photo)

Repairs to top sides

Repairs to top sides

2022 December - The Uffa fox event was the perfect excuse for me to finally address the top-sides.  Mary was in good condition when I took over her care.  But the paint had definitely gone powdery and lifted in places. Maintenance, like the tax man and must be paid. I have not been looking forward to this but the ...

Out of hibernation

Out of hibernation

2021 August - I am really glad that I managed to find ‘hibernation’ for Mary over the lock-down.  But it is time to get her back in the water enjoy a sail and make sure things are running properly. So with the excuse of the West Mersey regatta she is going back into the water. She went in on Friday and ...

November 2019 Classic Boat - Atalanta as an 'Affordable Classic'

November 2019 Classic Boat – Atalanta as an ‘Affordable Classic’

2019 October - It started with a conversation at the Suffolk Yacht Harbour Classic Regatta in June this year.In the bar.Peter Smith, art editor for Classic boat was taking part with his 8-ton Gauntlet Bardu. We got into conversation about boats (what else) and Atalantas. We suggested that the Atalanta would make a good subject in the Classic ...

Atalanta Mary hibernates

Atalanta Mary hibernates

2019 January - Clearing up the photos on my camera, I came across these. Alistair, I hope you don’t mind me posting them. Atalanta Mary was moved in November to a home out of the weather for a few months. A stone’s throw from the her marina berth on the Orwell the barn is a great space to get work ...

2016 Mary on the way home

2016 Mary on the way home

2017 June - 2016 Mary on the way home. Photo: sep 06b to st tropez 010_modified.

Suffolk Yacht Harbour-Mary maintenance

Suffolk Yacht Harbour-Mary maintenance

2016 October - In my previous blog I spoke of bringing Mary home because the maintenance backlog was exceeding holiday expectations.  Well that kind of thing.  So now Mary is in Suffolk Yacht Harbour under her lovely cover with the expectation that I address the

09 Sep - Hyeres

09 Sep – Hyeres

2016 September -And so, it was over. Well nearly. We three crew got the bus to Hyeres, where we had used AirBnB to reserve a trendy looking flat. Heyeres is a charming town. And old, walled centre surrounded by the inevitable growth of shopping and residential areas. We explored all aspects, including some of the bars, before making ...

09 Sep - St Tropez to Le Lavendou

09 Sep – St Tropez to Le Lavendou

2016 September -Having had our fill of ‘The High Life’ we left St Tropex for Le Lavendou, where Mary was to be lifted. (After breakfast ashore of course). We motored around the headland and the beacon being pressure washed by ‘the authorities’, in the company of Rivas and other yachts, with what little wind there was on ...

07 Sep - St Tropez

07 Sep – St Tropez

2016 September -We dedicated the this day to exploring more of St Tropez. Partly to see the town and also to watch the spectacle that was being built in the harbour wall. Magic Johnson and his wife Cookie were celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary. They had started in Monaco but were descending on St Tropez; they had ...

06 Sep - Past Agay to St Tropez

06 Sep – Past Agay to St Tropez

2016 September -We left La Napoule with the hope of continuing the sail of yesterday evening.  But alas by the time we had rounded the headland the wind had stopped.  We had sails up and were just being rolled about by the wake from the big motor boats. So we decided to sit out the heat of the ...

05 Sep - Past Cannes to La Napoule

05 Sep – Past Cannes to La Napoule

2016 September -We started our journey from Antibes under motor to round the Cap D’Antibes, admiring the houses. The sea towards Cannes was awash with motorboats. Sails up we had a good sail to the cluster of islands just off Cannes – Ile Ste Marguerite, Ile Saint-Honorat and the two tiny islands Ilot de la Tradeliere and ...

04 Sep - Antibes

04 Sep – Antibes

2016 September -The next morning there is a bit of a breeze in Monaco and we are able to set sail towards Beaulieu Sur Mer. We are buzzed by helicopters all day and pass some very fine coastal houses. Arriving at Antibes we get caught up in the closing stages of a yacht race – normal size yachts ...

03 Sep - Around Monaco

03 Sep – Around Monaco

2016 September -After coffee we went in search of a laundry. So we washed in buckets on board (Nick’s linen smock-shirts never recovered, perhaps a good thing…..). We then paid a visit to Prince Rainier’s garage, also known as the Monaco Motor Museum. This was great fun – we both found the cars of our youth and ...

02 Sep - To Monaco

02 Sep – To Monaco

2016 September -Another windless morning. We motored the 20 miles down to Monaco, where we were to pick up Jez as a third crew member. The main harbour were not interested in an 8m yacht and sent us to the FortVielle marina to the west of the rocky outcrop on which old Monaco sits. The cliff face ...

01 Sep - San Remo

01 Sep – San Remo

2016 September -After a slow motor down the coast, sheltering under the bimini, we see a very large gaff sail in the distance. We eventually arrive off San Remo. There is no wind and the water is an amazing turquoise; we swim to cool off. Then other gaff sails start to arrive and it is obvious there ...

31 Aug - San Lorenzo Al Mare

31 Aug – San Lorenzo Al Mare

2016 August -We leave Alassio early and enjoy a good sailing breeze. Our next stop is San Lorenzo Al Mare, as recommended to us by the young man at Arnovecchio. We arrive just after lunch. There was a good breeze and a bit of a sea which made the entrance interesting – you approach the shore with ...

30 Aug - Alassio

30 Aug – Alassio

2016 August -Sailing! Initially under genoa only and then as the wind drops the Spinnaker. We make Alassio a short hop down the cost for 2pm and it is deserted. We eventually raise someone to provide fuel before mooring up to a very high harbour wall. It is a long walk into Alassio which is spread down ...

29 Aug - Savona to Loano

29 Aug – Savona to Loano

2016 August -We arrive in the very large marina / yacht club at Loano in the late afternoon. The marina is in two halves, divided by a central island with a large yacht club / marina building designed to look like a ship. There are no apparent marina staff and a large number of very large vacant ...

28 Aug - Genoa to Savona

28 Aug – Genoa to Savona

2016 August -Motor again, towards Savona, which is visible in the distance for many miles. The port extends down both sides of a long inlet, with the town at the head. Initially not that attractive (although interesting) we pass through a lifting bridge at the entry to the yacht harbour into an attractive and cramped marina. The ...

26 Aug - Genoa

26 Aug – Genoa

2016 August -We motorsailed to Genoa, a short distance to the North West. This was to be the furthest point North of the trip. The coast is continuous towns for many miles before reaching Genoa. Genoa is a very large port, with many separate docks, spread over miles of coastline. We headed for the old port near the ...

25 Aug - Portofino

25 Aug – Portofino

2016 August -A very picturesque town. Rather dominated by the motor yacht ‘Wedge Too’ when we were there, as is this page.

25 Aug - Past Cinque Terre to Portfino

25 Aug – Past Cinque Terre to Portfino

2016 August -We left Portovenere early in glorious sunshine. The plan was to sail past the Cinque Terre – five colourful villages clinging to the cliffs – to Portofino. Mooring fees were indicated to be very high, but it had to be done. In the event there was little wind and we motored close inshore. The villages were ...

24 Aug - Portovenere

24 Aug – Portovenere

2016 August -An epic voyage planned today. Just a few miles South of La Grazie there is a break in the headland forming the West side of the bay. This cut-through leads to Portovenere on the Mediterranean end of the mainland, with the island of Palmaria to the South. Famously Byron swam across the bay here to ...

23 Aug - La Grazie

23 Aug – La Grazie

2016 August -La Spezia is at the head of a South-facing bay, with a good deal of industry. We motor up the East side of the bay, behind the harbor barrier and down the West side to the small inlet at La Grazie.  We find a space on the visitors’ pontoon. A beautiful place with a piazza ...

La Spezia

La Spezia

2016 August - I have driven past Genoa and La Spezia a number of times and although the west of Genoa has some beautiful driving roads.  Well they were before they filled them with cars etc.. But it is usually with a sigh of relief when you exit the mountains and are on the highway south.  Looking at ...

23 Aug - Past Lerici, Viareggio and Carrera

23 Aug – Past Lerici, Viareggio and Carrera

2016 August -The coast looks magnificent with the flat plains around Pisa and Florence spreading North towards the mountains of Tuscany.   We motor and sail North all day, with dolphins playing around the boat, passing a few small boats. Italy becomes more mountainous the further North we go and we pass the marble-bearing mountains at Carrera, eschewing ...

23 Aug - Leaving the Arno

23 Aug – Leaving the Arno

2016 August -Departure. No wind. We motor down the Arno and out into the Mediterranean. 

22 Aug - Arnovecchio

22 Aug – Arnovecchio

2016 August -Atalanta Mary is launched without excitements.  We spend a while in the lift dock sorting out the batteries, boom and sails. And chatting to an English man working on a very large wooden yacht in the yard.  He lives there and the boat is his family’s.  He provides some recommendations about places to avoid and ...

21 Aug -  Florence, before we get afloat

21 Aug – Florence, before we get afloat

2016 August -We flew in to the Airport at Pisa on Saturday 20th August and got a bus into the centre of town. The advertised Bus Station proved elusive (they moved it) but eventually we found it and took the bus down river to Arnovecchio. There, in a corner of the boatyard, Atalanta Mary was safe and ...

Leaving Pisa to La Grazie (near La Spezia)

Leaving Pisa to La Grazie (near La Spezia)

2016 August - We , and I say we, because our Nick joined me, had a delay before we could get into the water.  So we spent the day in Florence drinking stupidly expensive beer on roof top gardens.  I think the reason for the delay was that I needed a new battery?  We were treated to a spectacular ...

Atalanta Mary Comes Home (2016)

Atalanta Mary Comes Home (2016)

2016 August -Atalanta Mary left the UK in 2013. She travelled through the French canals and river to the Mediterranean, and then two years sailing around Corsica, Sardinia and Northern Italy. In 2016 I took the decision to bring her home. The plan was to get her from Pisa, where she had wintered in 2015, to France. ...

Bringing Mary Home-Non abbastanza vacanze

Bringing Mary Home-Non abbastanza vacanze

2016 June - I am going to need your help here.  It has become evident that I should bring Mary home. When I visited on the 2

Boat cover for Mary

Boat cover for Mary

2016 June - As you will know from Nicks posts I have had a cover made for Mary.  As described by the Pisa Marina owner ‘she is beautiful’.

2016 Atalanta Mary's new cover

2016 Atalanta Mary’s new cover

2016 June - 2016 Atalanta Mary’s new cover. Photo: Atalanta Mary’s new cover – fitting review on Helene.

Arnoveccio in Pisa

Arnoveccio in Pisa

2016 January - After leaving Bosa I decided the next overwintering would be Pisa.  I would go up the eastern side of Corsica and head to the mainland.  I think the distances around Sardinia were too great for short holidays and I think I was kind of heading home.. I found Arnovecchio through the cruising association on the Arno ...

2015 Mary to Pisa

2015 Mary to Pisa

2015 September - 2015 Mary to Pisa. Photo: Bastia. We just do it for the photos

Mary 2015

2015 September - Well I have finally managed to put Mary back in the water and I think the plan is basically to find my way home. The distances here are too great and the contradiction between waiting out mistral and having to fighter 3 weeks holiday once a year has

2015 Mary check in Bosa

2015 Mary check in Bosa

2015 April - 2015 Mary check in Bosa. Photo: new keel box seals. I managed to get new blocking plates made by a local carpenter. By all accounts a good man

Atalanta Mary 2014

Atalanta Mary 2014

2014 October - This blog covers a 2 1/2 week holiday I spent in Sardinia working on Mary. Before reading this look back at the condition of Mary when I sailed out of Portland in October 2012.  During 2013 she was exposed to a lot of strong UV.  With the a

bubble repair

bubble repair

2014 April - As you may remember I managed to damage the bubble just forward of the hatch.  After damaging and repairing the hatch itself.  This repair scared me far more as a hash job here would be a significant scar on my self confidence.

2014 Winter check on A102 in Bosa

2014 Winter check on A102 in Bosa

2014 January - 2014 Winter check on A102 in Bosa. Photo: Check on Mary. I went back to check on Mary as I wasn’t there when she was hauled out.  Although I w

2013 Atalanta Mary lays up in Bosa

2013 Atalanta Mary lays up in Bosa

2013 November - 2013 Atalanta Mary lays up in Bosa. Photo: vela coperta (3). Now she has been washed down there is little antifoul left.

2013 Atalanta Mary from above

2013 Atalanta Mary from above

2013 September - 2013 Atalanta Mary from above. Photo: Rare view of mary. I went up the mast of another Cruising Association boat to help feed an halyard. 

2013 Atalanta Mary Alghero to Bosa, Sardinia

2013 Atalanta Mary Alghero to Bosa, Sardinia

2013 September - 2013 Atalanta Mary Alghero to Bosa, Sardinia. Photo: Alghero – making do. I guess it is not to compete with a fast cat but getting the most ou

2013 Atlanta Mary from Corsica to Isola Rossa, Sardinia

2013 Atlanta Mary from Corsica to Isola Rossa, Sardinia

2013 September - 2013 Atlanta Mary from Corsica to Isola Rossa, Sardinia. Photo: The clouds before the Mistral..

2024 A103 - Sardinia

2024 A103 – Sardinia

2013 September - 2024 A103 – Sardinia. Photo: Tough times in isola rossa.

2013 A102 - Corsica!

2013 A102 – Corsica!

2013 August - 2013 A102 – Corsica!. Photo: Corsica. I have arrived after an epic 36 hour haul on the motor today but a good 4 hours on spinaker yesterday.  

2013 A102 - Out into the Mediterranean

2013 A102 – Out into the Mediterranean

2013 August - 2013 A102 – Out into the Mediterranean. Photo: Med. I will update the blog soon as I am expecting bad weather.   50km winds. I am anchored in

2013 A102 - Hatch Repairs

2013 A102 – Hatch Repairs

2013 July - 2013 A102 – Lyon and The Rhone. Photo: Boat repairs..

2013 A102 - Lyon and The Rhone

2013 A102 – Lyon and The Rhone

2013 June - 2013 A102 – Lyon and The Rhone. Photo: Lyon. <

2013 A102 - Into the Rhone Valley & R.Saone

2013 A102 – Into the Rhone Valley & R.Saone

2013 June - 2013 A102 – Into the Rhone Valley & R.Saone. Photo: The Rhone valley. Today I crossed over from the Marne valley to the Rhone valley passing t

2013 A102 - The Marne Valley

2013 A102 – The Marne Valley

2013 June - 2013 A102 – The Marne Valley. Photo: Lateral marne canal and Ay.. Ay is very much part of the Champagne district.

2013 A102 - East from Paris on the R.Marne

2013 A102 – East from Paris on the R.Marne

2013 May - 2013 A102 – East from Paris on the R.Marne. Photo: logs. The higher water levels are washing down some significant logs so you need to keep an

2013 A102 Mary in Paris

2013 A102 Mary in Paris

2013 May - 2013 A102 Mary in Paris. Photo: Is that….

2013 A102 Mary To Paris

2013 A102 Mary To Paris

2013 April - 2013 A102 Mary To Paris. Photo: beat this. Long on the somme.

2013 Atalanta Mary ready on the South Coast

2013 Atalanta Mary ready on the South Coast

2013 January - 2013 Atalanta Mary ready on the South Coast. Photo: 2012-12-24 14.51.57. Well we didn’t make the east coast. Ah well. All the easier to cross

European holiday

2012 December - I am planning on a holiday next year along the lines of sailing from Chichester to St Valerie-sur-somme then across internal waterways to the south of France and then to spend the remainder of this year sailing towards and around the Tyrrhenian se

2012 A102 Atalanta Mary travels to Chichester

2012 A102 Atalanta Mary travels to Chichester

2012 November - 2012 A102 Atalanta Mary travels to Chichester. Photo: mary bow. first site nose on

A102 Atalanta Mary is for sale SOLD

A102 Atalanta Mary is for sale SOLD

2012 February - ATALANTA MARY A102 1959, 3/4 rig, restored to very good condition. Wood spars, sails – main and genoa, 1 & 2 jibs, spinnaker. Anchor’s chains & warps. Lavac heads, sink,fresh water tank,

Beta Diesel engine

Beta Diesel engine

2000 January - In 2001 the original Coventry Victor engine was replaced with a 13.5HP Beta.  

Restoration – Cockpit, Engine, Rig

1998 May - In 1998 a restoration began with the rebuilding of the lower cockpit woodwork. Further work included restoring the mast, standing and running rigging.

Coupe Bernard Trophy 1992 – Twin Rudders

1992 January - In the early 1990’s Atalanta Mary was modified with the fitting of twin rudders in place of the single lifting original. This was influenced by the number of rudder blade failures and a desire to maintain a balanced helm with shallower draft. Could say lots of stuff here. And wouldn’t it be good to have a ...

In the Navy

1979 January - Atalanta Mary was owned by a Naval officer between 1979 and 1981. During this time he and his wife had their honeymoon cruising the South Coast.

References in Forum Topics

(Based on contributors tagging their posts with the sail number e.g. A71, 31/3)

Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total)
Viewing topic 1 (of 1 total)


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Ownership history is available only to members of the AOA
or by exception in response to an enquiry through the Contact Us link at the foot of this page.

Sail_No Year BoatName Owner HomePort Condition Rig Engine Notable EVENT Comments
A1022022Toe-rails replaced, bow deck and fairlead repairs, deck repairs and repainted outside. Takes part in the Uffa Fox 50 celebrations in Cowes, sailing down from Ipswich
A1022021Re-commissioned, takes part in East Coast Race. Up for sale.
A1022020Stored in barn during house move and awaiting repainting
A1022017Levington, SuffolkReturns from Med to R.Orwell
A1022015Pisa, Italy
A1022007Rodger, AlistairPoole
A1022000SailingBeta 13.5hp
A1021998Brooks, Geoffrey & JenniferRidge Wharf, R.FromeRestoringRebuild lower cockpit, mast & rigging
A1021991Fits twin rudders, written up in Bulletin and wins Coupe Bernard award
A1021980Runs South Coast Rally
A1021979Lovelock, David & AntheaFarehamHoneymoon on boat!
A1021977Anderson, BillLangstone, HantsBill Anderson of RYA training fame
A1021971Trickey, LeonardPoole
A1021959Atalanta MaryCol. PatersonHambleSailing3/4 WoodCov. Vic

AOA Bulletin and Press Appearances

ArchID Type AClass Category Ref Page No Title ABoat ABoat_Name Author APages AComments APrice ASort Link
241Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising1971-7212Learning the hard way - or What NOT to do in an AtalantaA102Atalanta MaryTrickey L.A.120Link
319Bulletin26, T,h. Rudder & Self Steering1979-8017Another Rudder FailureA102Atalanta MaryLovelock D.G.010Link
382Bulletin26, T,F,31l. History1984-854The South Coast ForumA102Atalanta MaryLovelock D&A310Link
409Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events1986-8713South Coast RallyA102Atalanta MaryLovelock D210Link
417Bulletin26, T,F,31n. AOA Events1987-8810The 1987 Cross Channel RaceA102Atalanta MaryLovelock D310Link
429Bulletin26, T,F,31o. General1988-8920The loss of HMS Atalanta in 1880A102Atalanta MaryLovelock D210Link
455Bulletin26, T,h. Rudder & Self Steering1992-9310Twin Rudders for Atalanta MaryA102Atalanta MaryLovelock D320Link
697Bulletin26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2013-143French canal motoring, then sail to BosaA102Atalanta MaryRoger A1010Link
1,362Press26, T,F,31m. Cruises & Cruising2014-05-PBO86South Coast to SardiniaA102Atalanta MaryAlistair Rodger3Practical Boat Owner. Account of A102's journey across the channel, down through the French canals and then across the Med to Sardinia.00Link
1,365Press26, T,F,31b. Class Reviews and Appreciations2019-10-CB68Affordable Classic AtalantaA102Atalanta MaryPeter Poland1Classic Boat. One page reflection on the Atalanta as an affordable classic.00
1,288Newsletter26, T,F,31n. AOA EventsNL-2021-10Newsletter 2021 SpringA89, A1, A102, A148, A490Events:Summary of the East Coast Race won by A89 Colchide, with A1 and A102. Details for the virtual laying up Zoom at 'The Two Keels'. Also a heads-up for the 2022 AGM and the other events plannned - Uffa Fox 2022, Solent cruise, Duckling Worlds and more.General: Introducing the new Fairey Atalanta Facebook page.AOA Admin: Jim Sumberg is co-opted onto the Committee with lots of new ideas.Boats: A148 Johara making progress under new owner Ted Baker. Sad news received about A49 Terrapina under threat of being scrapped in Cheshire.00Link


wdt_ID trophy year awardedto sailno boatname award
3Coupe Bernard1980DG LovelockA102Atalanta MaryFor Organising the South Coast Rally
7Coupe Bernard1984D & A LovelockA102Atalanta MaryOrganising South Coast Forum
10Coupe Bernard1987D & A LovelockA102Atalanta MaryWiinner of Race from Poole to Cherbourg
14Coupe Bernard1992DJ LovelockA102Atalanta MaryFitting Twin Rudders article
206Charles Currey2013Alistair RogerA102Atalanta MaryMost Adventurous Journey - Travel through French rivers and canals to the Med
264Charles Currey2023Jim Sumberg and Alistair Rodger jointlyA102Atalanta MaryPassage to and from Cowes for UF50 from the Orwell
267John Searle2023Alistair RodgerA102Atalanta MaryFor restoration work on A102 to get her to UF50