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Boat Blogs and Comments

NEW POST> A38 The Beaver - News from Canada
March 10th, 2025 by
A38 The Beaver sailing in western Canada in 2024

Due to my dis-organisation I failed to act on an update from Gabby Budden in Canada. I have now corrected that and been in touch with Gabby. A38 The Beaver was launchedRead More…

NEW POST> Starting the Mountain of work - hive mind needed!
March 2nd, 2025 by

Getting to grips with taking out the Farymann Hydraulic Engine and preparing for my Beta 14 to go in. I spent the day having a look over what I need to do,Read More…

NEW COMMENT: March 5th, 2025 by Richard James
Steve, Probably best to ask Mike Dixon who designed and fitted a new engine, gearbox and propshaft s

NEW COMMENT: March 5th, 2025 by Mike Dixon
Steve - happy to offer advice, but looks as if you have bases covered.............Mike

NEW POST> A22m Added to the Register
February 22nd, 2025 by
A22m Transom detail

A22m is a beautiful 1/8 scale model of A22 A22, Mary Jane of Morton, was bought new in 1958 by John Burgess and Doctor Green who both lived in Moreton Oxfordshire, sailingRead More…

NEW POST> Alternative Rigs
February 5th, 2025 by
Atalanta alternate rigs - gaff and junk

This post is taken from the most recent 2024-25 Annual Bulletin.The article generated some discussion amongst AOA members.It is reproduced here with some of those comments with the hope of encouraging aRead More…

NEW COMMENT: February 6th, 2025 by David Ewing
I was also considering a bow spirit for a cutter rig and bigger asymmetrical kite. David

NEW COMMENT: February 6th, 2025 by David Ewing
Also spotted this, it’s an old design but somewhere in the middle of an old gaff, modern square to

NEW COMMENT: February 6th, 2025 by David Ewing
One more for the wish list.. the keel boxes could be extended for 8 to 9’ of draft!! With a re-ji

NEW COMMENT: February 9th, 2025 by Fairey Mary
I thought about this, not in any real sense but in a kind of daydream. I agree the keels are a sign

NEW COMMENT: February 9th, 2025 by Fairey Mary
I was definitely considering the retractable bowsprit and lightweight genoa. Mary is 3/4 rig so run

NEW COMMENT: February 10th, 2025 by Chris Green
The Gunter rig (as A80 ) is a proven alternative for the Atalanta - there is an PBO article about he

NEW COMMENT: February 20th, 2025 by Jim Sumberg
As a thought experiment, consideration of different rigs for the Atalanta is certainly engaging. But

NEW COMMENT: February 20th, 2025 by AOA
An interesting provocation! Perhaps an element of sense too, although we shouldn’t under-estimate

NEW POST> Reflections on dropping the mast
January 16th, 2025 by

Thanks to Simon West (A5 Diaphony) for helping – we managed to drop the mast (literally) onto the deck and not into the water (nearly!). Colchide does not have the handy frameRead More…

NEW COMMENT: January 27th, 2025 by AOA
Well done to the both of you for getting it down. Sounds a bit hairy. Being able to raise and lower

NEW COMMENT: February 1st, 2025 by Chris Green
The inboard leg can also be made removable as a bolt-on. The system on Elle was made this way - the

NEW POST> Orwell to Oxford
January 4th, 2025 by

OK lets do this thing…. I have started my preparations by watching tweedy pubs on youtube.  So the goal is a pint in the Lamb and Flag with a toast to theRead More…

NEW COMMENT: January 11th, 2025 by Stephen McCann
Could you come up before the AGM and then head back down with A89 Colchide in a 2-ship (possibly 3 i

NEW COMMENT: January 11th, 2025 by Fairey Mary
You mean up the Thames? How far?I would come up as far as a photo opportunity in the city but t

NEW COMMENT: January 27th, 2025 by AOA
What a great idea! I believe Gellie and Hiran once did a photo shoot under Tower Bridge (although I

NEW COMMENT: March 5th, 2025 by Mike Dixon
A couple of pictures from that day - 16th August 2001. Sort of a bucket list item, and great fun!

NEW COMMENT: March 5th, 2025 by Mike Dixon
And picture two.........

NEW POST> Keel mechanics refurbished
December 18th, 2024 by

Curlews keels and mechanisms have been removed and restored, fortunately a straightforward job as the stirrups had already been upgraded to stainless. The keels are in good condition but have shot blastedRead More…

NEW COMMENT: December 28th, 2024 by Murray
Very good!

NEW COMMENT: December 30th, 2024 by David Ewing
Blasted and primed

NEW COMMENT: December 30th, 2024 by AOA
David, wow! This is all looking a bit thorough and smart! Out of interest, what primer did you us

NEW COMMENT: January 8th, 2025 by David Ewing
To be honest I don’t know! The plan is to epoxy when the weather warms up. The blasting compan

NEW POST> Classic Boat
October 24th, 2024 by

Great article on Fairey plus a bit of Fame for Richard James!! [Webmaster addition: You should be able to read the article in the box on the right. If not you canRead More…

NEW COMMENT: November 3rd, 2024 by AOA
Steve, thanks very much post posting this. I have tried to add the article from the Classic Boat w

NEW COMMENT: November 12th, 2024 by Chris Green
It is worth noting that Uffa Fox did not claim the design credit for the Atalanta in any of his cont

NEW POST> End of season lift out at Dell Quay
October 20th, 2024 by

This year I opted for the Dell Quay Sailing Club lift-out instead of recovery on the trailer. Some pictures of Elle being lifted on her own internal strops. The mast was loweredRead More…

NEW COMMENT: November 3rd, 2024 by AOA
Chris Just caught up with these pictures. Such a great way of lifting, using the three-part strop.

NEW COMMENT: November 3rd, 2024 by Chris Green
During the lift - overheard comments of a couple of observers wondering about the strength of the 6

NEW POST> Secret weapon - British Seagull Outboard
October 16th, 2024 by
Motor down

 Elle has an 8kW Lynch electric motor driving a 13 inch folding prop. The current (no pun intended) battery capacity is 150 amp hours. This is fine for manoeuvres in – outRead More…

NEW COMMENT: October 16th, 2024 by Stephen McCann
Chris - really interesting, I got very close to buying one this summer. Keen to understand how it ma

NEW COMMENT: October 16th, 2024 by Chris Green
Steve - I think the efficiency is down to the hefty gearbox’s low gearing and the large four blade

NEW POST> RIP Colin Twyford
October 14th, 2024 by
Colin Twyman sailing A95

Photo: Colin sailing his beloved Atalanta A95 Hiran It is with sadness that we have to report the death of Colin Twyman. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. Colin ownedRead More…

NEW COMMENT: October 14th, 2024 by Chris Green
I was sad to hear of Colin’s passing. It was a pleasure to work with Colin on the committee and I

NEW COMMENT: October 25th, 2024 by murray reid
Indeed. Spent time with Colin on Hiran back in the day. He was a real gentleman, very generous and a

NEW POST> Recommended Atalanta Trailer - BSP TEX
October 2nd, 2024 by
New Atalanta trailer

I have recently taken delivery of a new purpose made trailer for A142 Sugar Plum after my previous one was written off in a “no fault” accident in May.  The trailer wasRead More…

NEW POST> Folding saloon table
September 23rd, 2024 by
A169 Folding table 4

NEW POST> Yanmar engine rebuilt
September 16th, 2024 by

Engine refurbished rebuilt and repainted. Yanmar GM10

NEW POST> Renovation
September 16th, 2024 by
Stripping A68 Hull

Old paint removal almost complete, very sound woodwork. next stage keel removal and repainting.

NEW POST> 2024-25 Annual Bulletin - Contributions please
September 16th, 2024 by
Bulletin Article writing

Please consider contributing to this year’s Annual Bulletin. Don’t worry about literary perfection, grammar or spelling – the Editor will help with all of these.And if you have any photos old orRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 16th, 2024 by Stephen McCann
Get writing A138.... if you fancy that Silver Atalanta!! I'll write an article but not sure I'll be

NEW POST> A138 Sweet Sue demonstrates the Atalanta's capabilities
September 12th, 2024 by

(And the seamanship skills of her crew) The photographs and essence of the story are taken from Ryan’s Facebook page, where he has many posts about A138 and Sweet Sue.All photographs areRead More…

NEW POST> Sommer 2024
September 9th, 2024 by
NEW COMMENT: September 12th, 2024 by Stephen McCann
Glorious pictures Harald, where are you?

NEW POST> A104 Condition Assessment
September 1st, 2024 by

Arosa has been for sale for a while. We carried out a brief review of her condition in January 2025 to understand the best course of action. Hull. Was in better conditionRead More…

NEW POST> Sailing Gypsy to Newfoundland
August 24th, 2024 by
Gypsy at Neil's Harbor, Nova Scotia 1975

  This year I turn 70 and my daughter signed me up for Storyworth, which sends a question a week to prompt memories. This week’s question was: What is your favorite storyRead More…

NEW POST> Colchide Propulsion Options!
August 23rd, 2024 by

Having been frustrated at my inability to get up the Hamble against the tide in full flow, I have set my mind to finding ways to resolve the fact that the originalRead More…

NEW POST> A31-9 Destiny spotted alive and well by passing friend of the AOA
August 22nd, 2024 by
2024 08 20 Destiny spied 1

We were sent these two photos by members of the OGA, Clare and Pete Thomas, who spotted Destiny as they travelled homewards after the Dutch OGA 20th Anniversary celebrations. Thank Pete andRead More…

NEW POST> For Sale - Atalanta 26 Trailer SOLD
August 7th, 2024 by
Atalanta Trailer for sale

Purpose made trailer for an Atalanta 26. A142 Sugar Plum has been transported from Aberdeen to the West Coast of Scotland every year (and back!). The trailer has suffered damage to theRead More…

NEW POST> Fairey Duckling For Sale - SOLD
August 2nd, 2024 by

This boat was built by my late father in the early 1960s. He bought the hull and the plans direct from Fairey Marine. Sadly, it never saw the water and has beenRead More…

NEW POST> Elle A169 - Dell Quay 2024
July 21st, 2024 by
A169 Elle Dell Quay mooring 2

NEW POST> 2024 Portsmouth Social Weekend and AGM
June 30th, 2024 by
Well earned lunch in the cafe alongside HMS Victory

The Portsmouth Social Weekend and AGM were a great success. Brilliant weather, good turn-out and amazing location. We had a great couple of days exploring the extensive Portsmouth Historic Dockyard exhibits beforeRead More…

NEW POST> Sailing again
May 29th, 2024 by

I’m very pleased to report – we are sailing again. Me, my kids and my friends Colin and Ross have just been out this afternoon, after sailing Zambra round to Queenborough onRead More…

NEW COMMENT: June 24th, 2024 by Stephen McCann
How fabulous to see! Looks like a happy boat, owner and crew!

NEW COMMENT: July 10th, 2024 by Wouter Van Roost
Wonderful views of a beautiful Atalanta 31. Enjoy the summer!

NEW POST> Forepeak
May 19th, 2024 by
Sugar Plum forepeak

Sugar Plum has a new bullseye light in her forepeak.   What a difference that has made.

NEW COMMENT: June 24th, 2024 by Stephen McCann
Ironically, I too have a new source of light - alas, it’s an unexpected loss of forward cleat and

NEW POST> Zambra leaves the workshop
May 6th, 2024 by
31-10 Zambra back to the water

It’s exciting times in Kent, as Zambra is making the final stages of her long journey back to the sea. After ten long years of intermittent restoration, it was wonderful to seeRead More…

NEW COMMENT: May 6th, 2024 by AOA
Nick Fantastic to see Zambra 'in the wild' again. Well done for all that work - she looks fantastic

NEW COMMENT: May 10th, 2024 by Stephen McCann
Brilliant to see! Looking forward to following your journey.

NEW COMMENT: May 20th, 2024 by murray reid
Congratulations! Good to see that it is possible to keep the motivation going for 10 years!

NEW POST> A124 To Friesland
March 31st, 2024 by
Still waiting ...

A124 travelled to Friesland for a new life sailing in the Ems estuary and around the Friesian Islands. She joins A112 and A90 who are already in the area. The journey wasRead More…

NEW POST> Atalanta Prototype Acquired by Cowes Classic Boat Museum
February 13th, 2024 by
Classic Boat Museum will have an Airborne Lifeboat, Sopranino and A1

A1 Atalanta was delivered to the Classic Boat Museum in Cowes by Mike Dixon and Nick Phillips at the end of last week. This is great news for the Museum and forRead More…

NEW POST> Featured Boat: A31-04 Gellie
February 5th, 2024 by
Gellie in 2005

A31-4 Gellie is one of the twelve Atalanta 31s completed. She was 60 years old in 2023! Four other Atalanta 31s are still sailing or being restored. The Atalanta 31 was aRead More…

NEW POST> Fairey Falcon for sale on Facebook
January 31st, 2024 by
Fairey Falcon for sale on Facebook January 2024

Just seen this on Facebook. A rather nice-looking Fairey Falcon available near Chichester. If you use facebook its worth having a look just to see the photographs.

NEW POST> A modern take on the spirit of Arthur Ransome's John, Susan, Titty and Roger
January 28th, 2024 by
Julia Jones Strong Winds Trilogy

I have to admit to being a bit taken with Arthur Ransome’s Swallows and Amazons stories. As a child, as an adult, and now as a Grandad. I learnt the ‘right’ wayRead More…

NEW POST> Atalanta 26: A9 Ereina £750 ono
January 28th, 2024 by
A9 Ereina For Sale in 2018

NEW POST> Bordeaux submarine pen article (A35)
January 14th, 2024 by
Bordeaux Museum of Yachting - Submarine Pens (A35 was here)

Saw this article in atlantic magazine. June 2001 edition. Thank you very much to Mike for taking the trouble to post the article on the website. We are always excited to receiveRead More…

NEW COMMENT: February 9th, 2024 by Dominic Dobson
This was first Atalanta I sailed, during a cycling touring trip from St Malo down West coast we visi

NEW POST> A161 Amber Ellen creates Facebook Stir
January 8th, 2024 by
A161 Amber Ellen cause a stir on Facebook

Amber Ellen was spotted by a sailing enthusiast in Aberdeen. They posted a photo and there ensued a variety of comments. It appears that whilst most are appreciative of Atalantas there areRead More…

NEW POST> 31-4 Gellie - a 'new' engine for 2024
December 20th, 2023 by
Gellie 'new' engine

This follows on from Ian’s excellent four-page article in the 2023-2024 Bulletin: Ian had left Brough Haven in good time for the Uffa Fox 50 year event in the IOW on 20th AugustRead More…

NEW POST> Cleaning Bilge
December 6th, 2023 by

I know I have asked similar about ‘Bilgex’ for my bilge below engine, now that engine is out. I have Bilgexed , but more needs to be done before applying bilge paint.Read More…

NEW POST> Uffa - Yachting's Eccentric Genius. New biography and a play
October 6th, 2023 by
Uffa Fox New Book and Play

Uffa – Yachting’s Eccentric Genius by Malcolm TurnerISBN: 978-1-9144893-5-8256 Pages100 illustrations229 x 152 x 25 mmPublisher: Sun RiseMore information “Uffa Fox was the most influential designer in yacht racing history. His ‘planing’ dinghies and keel boats wereRead More…

NEW POST> Small victories
October 2nd, 2023 by

New sea toilet finally found for Zambra! After many hours trying to chase out holes in the rusted u-bend of the Simpson Lawrence sea toilet, I found one on eBay in aRead More…

NEW COMMENT: October 3rd, 2023 by AOA
Nick That is a very fine throne! Look forward to seeing Zambra afloat again next year. Cheers Ni

NEW POST> The modern world catches up with Fairey Marine?
September 30th, 2023 by
Swallow Yachts Bay Cruiser 26 Launching

Swallow Yachts has produced stylish and practical water-ballasted yachts for many years. The wood-epoxy construction, rig options, performance and performance have made them popular. And this year they have re-interpreted the briefRead More…

NEW POST> A68 Curlew Atalanta For Sale
September 17th, 2023 by
A68 2023 For Sale

Currently located at Glasson Sailing Club, Glasson Dock, Lancaster. Much loved Atalanta. Selling as part of my late father-in-law’s estate. Last registered 2000.Not been sailed since the beginning of COVID-19. Will tryRead More…

NEW POST> 'Sailor and Cowboy' - book added to Archive
September 6th, 2023 by
Finn Ziem takes A170 across the Atlantic and back

We came across this book recently by Finn Ziem after someone found his Youtube video about crossing the Atlantic – twice – in 1980 and 1981. Book description: This is the story ofRead More…

NEW POST> A170 Butterfly across the Atlantic 1980
September 4th, 2023 by
Finn Ziem takes A170 across the Atlantic and back

All images on this page are the copyright of Finn Ziem, from within the Youtube video below. We have just heard about Norwegian Finn Ziem’s double crossing of the Atlantic Ocean inRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 6th, 2023 by murray reid
Fantastic! Great to see..

NEW POST> Afloat
September 1st, 2023 by
Harrier takes up her new mooring on the River Tamar

This year we finally made it back onto the water. A berth on the Tamar became available in early August. This was followed by a rush to finish a few jobs onRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 1st, 2023 by Gregory Manning
Brings back memories.. 1969 I used to have a 14 foot dingy at Tamerton Foliot. Sailing up to Morwe

NEW COMMENT: September 5th, 2023 by AOA
George Fantastic to see Harrier afloat, and even more so to see the crew getting stuck in! It is a

NEW POST> Helene is for sale - £4500 or best offer - SOLD
August 9th, 2023 by

A124 Helene — a British Classic with a Big Personality — is offered for sale. She is sound, well looked after and a pleasure to sail. Very comfortable cockpit. Helene has benefitedRead More…

NEW POST> Blue Jackaroo for sale.
August 1st, 2023 by

Blue Jackaroo for sale on Ebay for a pound

NEW COMMENT: August 2nd, 2023 by fraser20000
Hi Yeah I can no longer keep her at the current spot and after buying a house I will not have the

NEW COMMENT: September 5th, 2023 by Nick Phillips
Great news that Blue Jackaroo has been sold. The new owner has plans to get her afloat again for ne

NEW POST> Restoration update pt2
July 29th, 2023 by

Busy weekend  actually bolting  fittings on.. such a good feeling ! Helpful  working where I do ,enables me to think through jobs and get them right first time.   On a different note Read More…

NEW COMMENT: July 30th, 2023 by JimSumberg
Simon: It looks like there will be a very strong case to have Diaphony brought into the inaugural

NEW COMMENT: September 5th, 2023 by Nick Phillips
SimonDiaphony really does look great. I am really looking forward to seeing her on the water. N

NEW POST> Restoration update
July 29th, 2023 by

Final fitment of Engine bearers Brackets and nuts and bolts all in 316 s/s. Chain plates trial fitted  Today fitted only one tricky and messy job with Butyl sealer..I have found brakeRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 31st, 2023 by Gregory Manning
Looking very clean

NEW POST> Fairey Marine - ‘Disruptors’?
July 29th, 2023 by

With the introduction of the Atalanta, was Fairey Marine a ‘disruptor’?  Jim Sumberg and Nick PhillipsMARCH 2023  In today’s business world being recognised as a ‘disruptor’ is a badge of honour (andRead More…

NEW POST> Playing with Metal
July 28th, 2023 by

Trial fit of Engine Bearers and associated brackets and Chain plates..  

NEW POST> AOA 2023 Ore and Alde Cruise: The Unbelievable Truth
July 16th, 2023 by
2023 Ore and Alde Rally

The cruising log is a unique literary genre, and can take many forms. Part fact and part fiction, a log can be as tedious as a week in the Horse Latitudes and/orRead More…

NEW POST> Alde & Ore Rally - Diversion
July 7th, 2023 by
2023 Ore and Alde Rally

We left Wrabness at 4 on Thursday and spent the night in Hamford Water. Weather fantastic and the Backwaters magic. This morning we sailed out and up the coast choosing to divertRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 9th, 2023 by Bernard Marshall
Hello sailors,Great photos and pleased that two boats made the rendezvous. Hope that you made it

NEW COMMENT: July 11th, 2023 by Jonathan Stearn
Good diversion! I hope you enjoyed Ramsholt. Sad that young George Collins is no longer around. Jane

NEW POST> FULMAR Trailer sailer For Sale £3750
July 5th, 2023 by
2023 Dodo for sale - on her trailer

FAIREY FULMAR 20 ft Sitting in Owlesbury near Winchester. Compact, trailable, sailing cruiser with remarkable internal space, having four 6ft 6in berths Head room 5ft 9in. Ready to sail this summer. PetterRead More…

NEW POST> Two Atalantas on the River Stour together on Midsummer's day
June 23rd, 2023 by
21 June 2023 (6)-b263e0ff

A89 Colchide and A124 Helene arranged to meet on the River Stour on Midsummer’s day. Is this the first time two Atalantas have sailed together  this year? 

NEW COMMENT: June 24th, 2023 by Gregory Manning
Very smart.

NEW POST> Poor Seamanship
June 5th, 2023 by
Sugar Plum June 23-6839edeb

Spot the poor seamanship!

NEW COMMENT: June 8th, 2023 by Mike Dixon
Hi Greg,I'm stumped!There's a boat following Sugar Plum You've left the boarding ladder beh

NEW COMMENT: June 9th, 2023 by Gregory Manning
Eleven out of ten for Mike.I can not stop the yellow boat following me.I do not have a board

NEW COMMENT: July 14th, 2023 by Aaron Todd
No motoring cone?

NEW COMMENT: July 16th, 2023 by Gregory Manning
No sails up so no cone required!

NEW POST> Challenging
June 3rd, 2023 by

Sugar Plum doing some challenging pilotage in the North Channel of Loch Moidart.

NEW POST> Helene's cabin update
May 6th, 2023 by

This spring the painters and decorators had a go at updating Helene’s cabin. Interesting comparison with Nick’s 2015 photo below.

NEW COMMENT: May 6th, 2023 by Gregory Manning
We are impressed

NEW COMMENT: May 7th, 2023 by Bernard Marshall
Great work Jim……a bright and airy cabin. The keel box flexible seals are also admirable, it will

NEW POST> New mylar keel gaskets
May 3rd, 2023 by

Following work this spring to address water ingress along the bottom of Helene’s keel boxes, new slot gaskets were installed using Hawk 150mm mylar gasket material obtained from RS Sailing. The badlyRead More…

NEW COMMENT: May 3rd, 2023 by Gregory Manning
I am impressed!

NEW COMMENT: May 5th, 2023 by Richard James
She's going to slip through the water really well now. I wish I could do the same on COLCHIDE, but c

NEW POST> Feli broken up.
April 30th, 2023 by
A48 Feli Scrapped on Shetland

A48 Feli has been broken up. She sank at her moring in 2015 during a storm. I got her re floated and took her out of the water. Unfortunately the stern wasRead More…

NEW POST> Two Keels - Quiz 1st April 6pm
March 25th, 2023 by
Two Keel Quiz Night

A casual get together in the Zoom bar of the ‘Two Keels Inn’. Bring your own drinks and snacks. Open to anyone who wants to come along. This year we are planningRead More…

NEW POST> Centre line repairs
March 23rd, 2023 by
Photo 4

  Over the last several years water has leaked into Helene’s forward cabin. The amount was relatively small – more annoying than anything else – but something was not right. Everything pointedRead More…

NEW COMMENT: March 23rd, 2023 by Mike Dixon
Jim, Seems a very robust repair. Nice job.I had a similar (but considerably worse) problem on

NEW POST> A77 under sail
February 12th, 2023 by
A77 under sail in USA1.1-8758af51

Photo of A77 Blue Goose sailing.

NEW POST> Mallette promoted anew to restoring and still married/spliced.
February 12th, 2023 by

Thanks for the resources over the years. Word to the wise: It would have been easier to buy one in better condition! Should you undertake a similar restoration be prepared for ChristsRead More…

January 22nd, 2023 by

I did learn before I bought  A90  that the enemy of an Atalanta  was not sea water  but rain. So off to Sturminster Newton and Hansons’ massive material warehouse. Then bumping backRead More…

NEW COMMENT: March 21st, 2023 by Fairey Mary
I like the lacing idea, more robust than a zip. And more flexible.

NEW POST> Repairs to top sides
December 30th, 2022 by

The Uffa fox event was the perfect excuse for me to finally address the top-sides.  Mary was in good condition when I took over her care.  But the paint had definitely goneRead More…

NEW POST> Does anyone own Baby Seal?
November 27th, 2022 by
A137 Baby Seal on trailer 1983

Hi. Does anyone own Baby Seal? I would love to hear that she is still around. My Uncle, John Berry of HM Coastguard in Margate, Spurn Point and Liverpool, bought this boatRead More…

NEW POST> A3 Andana and A137 Baby Seal
November 26th, 2022 by
A3 1978 Amanda and Baby Seal at Margate 1978

This photo was found in my late Uncles records. He owned Baby Seal and look like this might be a rare photo of A3…!

NEW COMMENT: November 28th, 2022 by AOA
HowardThis is fantastic - a photo of A3! And not just a photo. The hand written legend on the ph

NEW POST> First owner
November 22nd, 2022 by

My father Dr Francis George Elvins was the first owner, from 1960 until 1971 when he died. He kept her moored on Wareham Quay, Dorset where he lived. He crossed the channelRead More…

NEW COMMENT: November 22nd, 2022 by AOA
Very many thanks for posting about Sabrina on the website. It is always a great pleasure to be conta

NEW POST> Winter Quarters, 2021/22
November 12th, 2022 by

This is a late, but nevertheless. Helene was lifted on 18 October 2021 at Mistley Marine on the River Stour in Essex. It proved to be a somewhat quirky but very pleasantRead More…

NEW POST> Atlantic crossing A115 moves South with new owner
November 6th, 2022 by
Mara Leaves Manchester for Emsworth

We are delighted to hear that A115 ‘Mara’ has been sold. Her new owner has moved her to the South Coast to complete her restoration. This is great news. In 1975 EricRead More…

NEW POST> Enjoy Our Renewed Home Page
October 28th, 2022 by
AOA and website news

If you use the AOA Website regularly you will have noticed a big change to the Home Page. Below are some thoughts which might help you understand the changes. Why has itRead More…

NEW POST> A sad day for A179 Emma Duck
October 25th, 2022 by
A179 Emma Duck deteriorating in Rye

A small team visited Rye last week to rescue parts from A179 Emma Duck before she is destroyed. The Secretary and Committee have worked hard in recent years to support the ownersRead More…

NEW POST> Duckling Worlds 2022 - You should have been there
September 26th, 2022 by
.. nearly there

The first ever Duckling World Championships were held at Bosham Hoe after the Uffa Fox 50 event. The weather was kind and the Currey did a great job of organising the eventRead More…

NEW COMMENT: October 7th, 2022 by Bernard Marshall
Wonderful photos ...many thanks for posting them Nick, and for taking to the water to capture them a

NEW POST> Uffa Fox 50 - three weeks of fun
September 26th, 2022 by
Comparing notes

All over a month ago now. Here are a selection of the photographs from the events in August based around the Uffa Fox 50 event. The highlight was undoubtedly seeing five Atalantas,Read More…

NEW POST> Memories of A19 Valare
September 18th, 2022 by
A19 Valare in the 1970s

The boats travelling to the UF50 event in August stopped off at Brighton. They were spotted by Mark Whittle who sailed A19 Valare in the 1970’s as a young boy. Mark veryRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 21st, 2022 by Bernard Marshall
Very pleased that Mark Whittle sent in the photos and the covering story! I remember that he was ver

NEW POST> Zambra ongoing works
September 1st, 2022 by
A31-10 Rebuild restarts

It’s been a busy few years so Zambra has had to take a bit of a backward step but this year, finally, I’ve managed to get her going forwards again. Thought IRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 18th, 2022 by AOA
NickIt is great to hear from you and even better to hear that Zambra is progressing towards the

NEW POST> Uffa Fox 50 - Celebrating Uffa’s Legacy
August 15th, 2022 by
Atalanta Mary at dawn as we leave Dover

The excitement is growing! Just 2 days to go. Check out the website for the latest including details of some of the interesting boats attending, including the Atalantas. The event isRead More…

NEW POST> NEW - AOA Regalia in our Shop
July 1st, 2022 by
AOA Shop image

Atalantas draw attention wherever they go.  To add to the publicity the AOA is hoping that all attendees at the UF50 event will sport an AOA Polo shirt and that all theRead More…

NEW POST> AOA Boat 'Display Board' Template
June 26th, 2022 by

Atalantas attract attention wherever they go. To help publicise the boats and the AOA the Association have suggested a template to display boat details for use in Marinas and alongside. These areRead More…

NEW POST> A38 has a new custodian
June 10th, 2022 by
A38 The Beaver being prepared for the water in Canada 2022

Members have enjoyed following the news from Harry Budden in Canada of A38, The Beaver, over the years. In 2019 he sent news and pictures of his journey across Canada from NorthRead More…

NEW POST> AOA Gathering - Dundee Baker's Dozen
May 23rd, 2022 by
RSS Discovery and the V&A Museum

Thirteen of us met up in Dundee: George, Estelle and Morag from A147 Chamois; Bernard from A66 Sassi; Jonathan from A183 Bluster; Mike and Sheila from A1 Atalanta; Greg from A142 SugarRead More…

NEW POST> A124 Helene reaches new heights
May 14th, 2022 by
Helene looking amazing beside the Stour

I popped by to help ready Helene for final fitting out tasks – putting her ‘in the air’ for work inside the keelboxes on the new posts at the rear. It isRead More…

NEW POST> Christchurch A5
April 25th, 2022 by

NEW POST> A5 restoration
April 25th, 2022 by

Have decided to fit the keel  mechanism from Jack of London T4  as it was all made from stainless steel ,Problem is getting this lot to fit in the keel box   asRead More…

NEW COMMENT: May 7th, 2022 by Nick Phillips
Great to see so much progress. She really is going to be fantastic when finished! Looking forward t

NEW COMMENT: May 7th, 2022 by simon
Epoxy primer undercoat ( EPU) 3x coats in succession allowing flash off between coats . Found this

NEW COMMENT: May 19th, 2022 by Mike Dixon
Simon,As ever - perfection continues! I thought I'd seen the last of T4's keel bolts - should h

NEW POST> Uffa Fox Celebrations in Cowes - APRIL PRESS RELEASE
April 13th, 2022 by

The organisers for this four day festival in August have issued and update (27th February). The event is growing with detailed plans for the sailing and a host of activities around theRead More…

NEW POST> Atalanta - more than the sum of her parts?
April 9th, 2022 by
Late 1970s Restoration for A124 Helene by Godfrey Holter

The following paper was conceived in the cabin of an Atalanta during the East Coast Cruise in 2021. New owner Jim Sumberg was reviewing the innovations within the Atalanta and its partRead More…

NEW COMMENT: May 19th, 2022 by Mike Dixon
Nick/Jim,Pretty much the only comment to make is "why didn't anyone do this before?". It seems

NEW POST> A89 with new Tiger stripes
April 2nd, 2022 by
A89 Tiger Paint Job (2)

I have always like the “Tiger design” NATO jets, so yesterday, I gave Colchide a “Tiger design” to her hull.

NEW COMMENT: April 2nd, 2022 by meleager
Wow! Nice job. I knew Hempel did a Tiger antifoul but I didn't realise they were doing gloss too.

NEW POST> Old Atalanta Sails wanted
March 31st, 2022 by
Uffa Fox 50 sails request

The Uffa Fox 50 celebrations are calling for old sails from Uffa boats, to be used in creating regalia for the event. If you have any hiding at the back of yourRead More…

NEW POST> 2022 AGM Tamesis Sailing Club
March 20th, 2022 by

20 Members and friends attend the 2022 AGM meeting and lunch. It was great to be holding another ‘In Person’ meeting after last year’s was ‘virtual’ due to Covid-19.  Of course, Covid-19Read More…

NEW POST> Uffa Fox Celebrations in Cowes - PRESS RELEASE
February 27th, 2022 by

The organisers for this four day festival in August have issued and update (27th February). The event is growing with detailed plans for the sailing and a host of activities around theRead More…

NEW COMMENT: March 12th, 2022 by Jonathan Stearn
It should be a good event!

NEW COMMENT: March 27th, 2022 by AOA
LATEST - We have SIX! Atalantas lined up. It would be great to see as many Atalanta supporters as

NEW POST> book reference - A21 'Chuff'
January 21st, 2022 by
The War that never was

Mentioned in the book “The War That Never Was” by Duff Hart-Davis page 29 one page only. The boat, A21 ‘Chuff’,  was flown to Aden in the early sixties or earlier byRead More…

NEW COMMENT: January 21st, 2022 by AOA
ColinMany thanks for adding this boat reference. I have taken the liberty of adding the quote fr

NEW POST> 'Out of Arklow' - book added to Archive
January 20th, 2022 by
Out of Arklow

We came across this book recently  by Danny O’Neill. Danny owned A78 Marianda in the 1980s and 1990s. The book is about Danny’s life at sea on eighty different boats as aRead More…

NEW POST> Elle moves to winter quarters
November 10th, 2021 by

Elle is being stored in a barn this winter.  Located in Dell Quay, Chichester Harbour – Apuldram Manor Farm.  The storage allows the luxury of working on the boat throughout the winterRead More…

NEW COMMENT: December 31st, 2021 by AOA
Chris Elle is looking superb! Really looking forward to seeing her on the water. Hopefully you wil

NEW POST> A102 Atalanta Mary no longer for sale
November 2nd, 2021 by
Atalanta Mary rubs shoulders with the great and the good.

It is time for me to pass on the ‘bateau’ on to a new owner.  Work commitments,  But she deserves to be used and should never be neglected. She is aRead More…

NEW COMMENT: May 17th, 2022 by Fairey Mary
I have committed to the UF50 celebrations so won't sell until after that. Sorry.

NEW POST> A49 seems to be in need of rescue
October 24th, 2021 by

Just saw this on Boat Scrapyards site. The boat is in Cheshire

NEW COMMENT: October 24th, 2021 by AOA
Hi Simon Thanks for the heads up. We are in discussion with the boatyard. Sadly the boat is in very

NEW POST> A15 Artemis II - Unique and in fine condition - £4000 ono SOLD
October 15th, 2021 by
A15 Artemis II out of the water showing her raised aft deck and modified rudder

Presently afloat and in commission in Chichester harbour. Artemis II is in good  condition with a Sabb marine single diesel engine and a new under boom cockpit cover.  All fresh painted thisRead More…

NEW POST> Southampton Boatshow Success
October 13th, 2021 by
The AOA were positioned alongside the OGA (Association for Gaff Rig Sailing). The OGA boat was the marvellous Golant Gaffer, 'Satellite'.

Atalantas at a Boatshow? First there was one – the twenty four feet long Atalanta prototype, in 1955. Then, over the next decade, Fairey Marine built one hundred and eighty six AtalantaRead More…

NEW POST> 1966 - We nearly drowned
October 13th, 2021 by
1966 The World Cup - not as good as sailing

The AOA caught up with the son of an ex-owner at the Southampton Boastshow in 2021. This was great – it filled in an ownership gap in our records and provided theRead More…

NEW POST> Cockpit renovation
October 3rd, 2021 by
A5 Cockpit Seats

Having  decided that the cockpit seats need replacing . I set about ripping the old ones out  the reason for this was cracking either side  of frame work . Good thing  IRead More…

NEW COMMENT: October 4th, 2021 by simon
Another day on Diaphony

NEW POST> The Wrabness tender mystery. Part 2
September 27th, 2021 by

  On taking over a boat it is common to inherit a certain number of “special” items. Dredged from the depths of locker or lazarette, damp and probably rusty, their identity andRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 27th, 2021 by AOA
Ah. Did you know that the dinghy was originally christened 'Ben Gunn' and had been owned for many d

NEW COMMENT: September 28th, 2021 by Bernard Marshall
Maybe "Wally" the Walrus has started to move north from the Scilly Isles...and had overnighted in th

NEW POST> The Wrabness tender mystery. Part 1
September 23rd, 2021 by

  The plan was for an overnight to Pin Mill or the Walton Backwaters. We left Manningtree under sail around 1130 anticipating the ebb, without even a cat’s paw of breeze. TheRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 27th, 2021 by AOA
I am very impressed that she floated, and floated level, just under the waterAnd let that let be

NEW POST> A1 Generating Chatter At Southampton
September 9th, 2021 by
At at SBS

After a great deal of effort by Mike A1 is moored in the ‘Class Association’ area of the Southampton boatshow, alongside the Old Gaffers Association. She has already generated ‘chatter’ – sheRead More…

NEW POST> Out of hibernation
August 22nd, 2021 by
Back to the water

I am really glad that I managed to find ‘hibernation’ for Mary over the lock-down.  But it is time to get her back in the water enjoy a sail and make sureRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 22nd, 2021 by AOA
Good to see 'Mary again! Looking forward to catching up at West Mersea on Friday. Better polish th

NEW COMMENT: August 24th, 2021 by Mike Dixon
Good to see Mary out of hibernation. Looking forward to seeing her at West Mersea.Mike

NEW POST> A117 Turtle project with trailer, free to be restored
August 20th, 2021 by
Turtle on the slow road to recovery in Cornwall

Free for restoration. Turtle is currently sitting on a four wheel trailer in Truro. If someone out there will take her please do, just send a lorry we can pull her onRead More…

NEW POST> Cockpit Corner Reinforcement and Repairs to Aft Bulkhead
August 17th, 2021 by
New Aft Bulkhead

Bluster has guard rail stanchions at the aft end of the cockpit. These were bolted through the stringer and the deck with a block beneath and above. Unfortunately, after being pushed aroundRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 18th, 2021 by Richard James
Hi Jonathan,Thank you for posting such an interesting article of words and pictures. Really look

NEW COMMENT: August 20th, 2021 by AOA
Jonathan Very thorough as always! I like your beefing up of the corner in way of the stanchion bas

NEW COMMENT: August 20th, 2021 by Jonathan Stearn
Nick,The chain plate fairings were all in good condition with no water ingress behind them. I on

NEW POST> Do you Facebook? New Atalanta Group
August 11th, 2021 by
Facebook Atalanta Group

There is a new ”Group’ on Facebook – Fairey Atalantas. Whilst not an AOA ‘official’ group we will be posting on it about the Association and the boats. We would really loveRead More…

NEW POST> Cockpit comfort – orientation and curves
July 30th, 2021 by

Since the mid-1990 I have owned a number of small boats including a Devon Yawl, Cornish Shrimper, Cornish Crabber (Mk 1), Kingfisher 22+ (jink rig), Anderson 26 (lifting keeI), Golden Hind andRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 11th, 2021 by Nick Phillips
JimYou are absolutely right. For the helm one of the aft corners of the cockpit is a tremendously

NEW COMMENT: August 24th, 2021 by Mike Dixon
And it was just as comfortable on T4 Gellie in 1993 - when we were all just a tad younger...........

NEW POST> The times they are a changing, dear Maurice
July 24th, 2021 by

To escape the worst of the expected heatwave I thought I would visit what has quickly become my favourite anchorage, and do some relaxed mud listening. After a beat down the StourRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 11th, 2021 by Nick Phillips
JimI am so-ooo pleased Helene found you! A wonderful evocation of East Coast yachting, and it so

NEW POST> Website Updates July '21
July 16th, 2021 by

Triggered by some recent (unsuccessful) attacks on the site we have updated the way people can request an account. It is now more manual than before. This does not affect existing usersRead More…

NEW POST> Fairey Marine Pixie Tender For Sale
July 7th, 2021 by
Pixie for sale - garage stored for 40 years

Very rare Fairey Marine Pixie Tender for sale. Open to reasonable offers. The tender has a deck over one half and has been stored in a garage for forty years. It willRead More…

NEW POST> Repairing the Split in the Topsides
July 2nd, 2021 by
Split in Topsides

As reported in Bluster’s last blog post, there was a worrying split in the topsides at the starboard aft end of the cockpit where the aft deck moulding is joined to theRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 2nd, 2021 by Nick Phillips
Wow Jonathan That was a complicated jigsaw of laminates. As you say, if only the aft-cabin and coc

NEW COMMENT: August 12th, 2021 by David Walworth
I think they are ll that way. It is a weak link. The cockpit section of the topsides and the aft se

NEW POST> 2021 Suffolk Yacht Harbour Classic Regatta
June 30th, 2021 by
Colchide is visited by a cousin

A89 Colchide attended the 2021 Suffolk Yacht Harbour Classic Regatta over the weekend 25-27 June. This Regatta encourages both motor and sail boats and this year was graced by half a dozenRead More…

NEW POST> Repairs around the rubbing strake
June 12th, 2021 by
Port Side Repairs

The hot sunny weather we are having in Scotland at the moment is ideal for wood repairs as the exposed laminates are nice and dry before being sealed in with epoxy. WaterRead More…

NEW COMMENT: June 21st, 2021 by Nick Phillips
Jonathan Great to see the progress on Bluster continuing. I don't envy you the repairs on the starb

NEW COMMENT: July 1st, 2021 by Jonathan Stearn
Nick, Thanks for the tip on replacing the rubbing strake in two parts. Someone had mentioned this p

NEW POST> A184, Aquilo II, £5,500
June 10th, 2021 by
Preparing to recover Aquilo onto her trailer

Aquilo II is in a barn on her trailer near Bridport in Dorset. She is possibly the last ever 26ft Atalanta to be launched, which she was in 1969. She has beenRead More…

NEW POST> A Dozen at The Two Keels
May 31st, 2021 by
2021 May Beer an Natter at The Two Keels

The AOA ‘Beer & Natter’ at ‘The Two Keels’ on Saturday 22 May 2021 at 6 PM was a great success and 12 members attended: Mike Dixon (Commodore A1), Jane Stearn (Vice-Commodore), Read More…

NEW POST> Website Spring Clean
May 17th, 2021 by

While most of our thorough Spring Clean was about keeping the site working smoothly there have been some functional improvements too. The ‘Images’ page now includes the Boat sail number in theRead More…

NEW POST> A165 Sloeberry was Mavista pre 1996
May 15th, 2021 by

My father Dr.Peter Ewart Burden re-named this boat. We nearly lost her and our lives once-sailing from Ramsgate on a halcyon day ,force 3 forecast to be caught in squall. My husbandRead More…

NEW POST> Bluster Progress - Removing Rusty Iron and Making Good
May 11th, 2021 by
Bluster's Winter Quarters

Work on Bluster has continued in April and early May. Much of April was spent removing rusty bolts from the engine bay area and rudder skeg. The keel stops were removed withoutRead More…

NEW COMMENT: May 17th, 2021 by Nick Phillips
Jonathan I continue to be in awe of the thoroughness and quality of the restoration work on Bluster

NEW COMMENT: May 17th, 2021 by Jonathan Stearn
My logic in choosing A2 stainless steel for the bolts inside the boat that are not in contact with s

NEW POST> Keel bolt covers: "Sikaflex - Ugh!"
May 2nd, 2021 by
A124 Renovations

This will be my last post on Helene’s Boat Blog as owner. In fact although started before the sale it is being published after handover to Jim, the new owner. Due toRead More…

NEW COMMENT: May 4th, 2021 by Jonathan Stearn
A very neat solution! What non-setting sealant would you recommend? I too do not want to put bits

NEW COMMENT: May 4th, 2021 by Nick Phillips
How silly of me not to say. 'Marine Bedding Sealant' from Traditional Boat Supplies has served me v

NEW COMMENT: May 5th, 2021 by Fairey Mary
Mary uses a foam ring, without sealant. To be honest bevelling in an 'O' ring with a bit of grease

NEW COMMENT: May 17th, 2021 by Fairey Mary
I got round to greasing my pins, I got one side done. They have not been out since Sardinia (2014)

NEW POST> A passenger ride in an Atalanta aged 9 started me sailing
April 5th, 2021 by

I was spring cleaning A89 Colchide yesterday, when I was approached by a gentleman. “Is that an Atalanta” “Oh, I had a passenger ride in an Atalanta, aged 9, in the earlyRead More…

NEW COMMENT: April 6th, 2021 by AOA
It is amazing that wherever you are in an Atalanta you will be accosted by someone who used to own o

NEW POST> Stem capping strip repair- rot in forward part of keel
April 5th, 2021 by
A177 Quinteffence - Stem and centreline repairs

A177 Quinteffence has been laid up on her trailer for the last 8 years as life has not allowed time to spend sailing (and maintaining her). She has been stored under aRead More…

NEW COMMENT: April 5th, 2021 by Mike Dixon
Tarn/Francis,Great to see progress on the boat. Can't be too prescriptive without a better unde

NEW COMMENT: April 6th, 2021 by Tarn and Frances Aitken
I carried on chiselling till almost all the black wood is out, there still seems to be more around e

NEW COMMENT: April 6th, 2021 by Tarn and Frances Aitken
the gap, missing part is 43cm long

NEW COMMENT: April 6th, 2021 by Tarn and Frances Aitken
Thanks for your advice Mike, much appreciated. Ive put some more details of the job in the blog. Ta

NEW COMMENT: April 6th, 2021 by Tarn and Frances Aitken
A pic from last cruise, June 2005 river Dart

NEW COMMENT: April 6th, 2021 by AOA
Great to see hear news of Qunteffence, albeit about her ailment! It would be great to see her afloa

NEW POST> A85 Kicky Wicky in the 1970s
March 31st, 2021 by
A85 in the 1970s, Long Island, New York State

I was delighted to welcome an ex-owner of Kicky Wicky as a website user last month. Having ‘conversations’ with ex-owners and their families is one of the delights of my job asRead More…

NEW COMMENT: April 10th, 2021 by Fairey Mary
Oh that is a lovely feature... Beautifully uncluttered.No cleats on the front! After all why w

NEW POST> Furlough Work cont
March 25th, 2021 by
A5's new Python drive and prop-shaft 2

Made a mtg for the python drive from 19mm Ply /Mahogany and 2.5 mm A4 stainless.. A new propshaft from Clements  engineering made from Duplex with couplings for conversion from 3/4″to PythonRead More…

NEW COMMENT: March 31st, 2021 by AOA
Shiny! Shiny! That is a very handsome piece of kit! Handsomely installed too!Fascinated by the

NEW COMMENT: April 1st, 2021 by simon
Nick its just after the start of film its in between the Battledore and St Mawes Harbour can't

NEW COMMENT: May 16th, 2021 by simon
Just about to fit Iroko Engine bearers I discovered the forward bulkhead was only 1/2 "ply so out

NEW COMMENT: May 24th, 2021 by simon
A little more Work on Diaphony bearers cut to length and angled for Engine alignment

NEW POST> A155 Miranda - Still Alive
March 22nd, 2021 by
A155 Miranda resting

A chance contact with the original owners of T10 Calista led to a photo of Calista with A155 Miranda in the background which, with thanks to the AOA bloodhound which is ourRead More…

NEW POST> Well rotted
March 21st, 2021 by

Occasionally walk past this poor old boat at Newham on the Truro River. I imagine she has been abandoned.

NEW COMMENT: March 21st, 2021 by AOA
David Many thanks for taking the time to post the photos. This is Atalanta 31-11, Petesark. She has

NEW POST> T10 Calista - Memories from her first years
March 19th, 2021 by
T10 afloat at Fairey Marine Hamble in 1962 or 1963.  A155 Miranda in the background.

February was a great month for connecting to ex-owners of Fairey yachts. Rodney, son of Titania T10 Calista’s first owner, joined the website and we entered into a conversation by email. RodneyRead More…

NEW COMMENT: March 22nd, 2021 by Trevor Thompson
RodneyWow!I have long wondered about the early history of Calista. Many thanks for sharing t

NEW POST> Bluster's Keels and Steelwork Removed
March 14th, 2021 by
Bluster's Keel Supports

After much prevaricating, Bluster’s trailer was removed and the keels lowered to the ground. The supporting steelwork was then also removed for inspection.  Before removing the trailer, I cut off most ofRead More…

NEW COMMENT: March 19th, 2021 by AOA
Jonathan.Wow again! You make it look and sound so easy. Both the jacking / blocking and the k

NEW COMMENT: March 21st, 2021 by Mike Dixon
Jonathan. I suspect many owners over the years have baulked at the prospect of removing the steelwo

NEW COMMENT: March 21st, 2021 by Jonathan Stearn
Nick and Mike,Thanks again for your encouragement.To separate the steelwork from the keelbox

NEW COMMENT: March 22nd, 2021 by Richard James
Jonathan,Thank you for posting all those very interesting details and photographs of Bluster. Pe

NEW COMMENT: March 24th, 2021 by Jonathan Stearn
When chipping the rust off a keel bolt support frame I went right through one of the keel bolt tubes

NEW COMMENT: May 5th, 2021 by Fairey Mary
Jonathan,Are you going to get keel bolts made with the lubricating channels? If so I might also

NEW COMMENT: May 5th, 2021 by Jonathan Stearn
I am hoping to get a set of keel bolts from the AOA salvaged parts store when I go down to Norfolk l

NEW POST> Steering Gear Wear and Corrosion
February 24th, 2021 by
Whipstaff Quadrant Bearing

With the snow melting and the weather warmed up (relatively), work on Bluster has resumed with the stripping out of the steering mechanism. The whipstaff bearing had a bit of play, butRead More…

NEW COMMENT: February 27th, 2021 by Mike Dixon
Just goes to prove how essential it is to carry out a thorough examination of the largely hidden par

NEW COMMENT: February 27th, 2021 by Jonathan Stearn
Mike,The bolts for the steering cable corner sheaves were rusty, but not too waisted. The only o

NEW COMMENT: February 28th, 2021 by AOA
As Mike has said - this demonstrates how much we can take for granted when everything looks okay fro

NEW COMMENT: March 6th, 2021 by Doug Odgers
Jonathan - really useful blog. As I continue refurbishment of A90 , ( 'refurbishment' meaning find

NEW POST> Engine Bearers and Thrust Bearing
February 9th, 2021 by
Engine Bearers

The weather continues to be very cold this winter in Aberdeenshire, and now we also have 20 cm of snow. Consequently, not so much work has been done on Bluster. After muchRead More…

NEW COMMENT: February 28th, 2021 by AOA
A neat little thrust / CV unit. A124 has an 'aqua drive' which takes up significantly more space.

NEW POST> More furlough more progress..
February 8th, 2021 by

Having  purchased the engine from the late Jack of London T4 having  stripped down all ancillary items  had the alt and starter refurbishment done  by  Wasp. Started up and runs like aRead More…

NEW COMMENT: February 11th, 2021 by Doug Odgers
Oh, come on Simon, how did you get access to a spray booth? We don't need to have all the details,

NEW COMMENT: February 13th, 2021 by Jonathan Stearn
Looking very smart! Having a reliable engine is a great get-out-of-jail-free card,

NEW COMMENT: February 28th, 2021 by AOA
Simon Wow! Great job on T4's power plant. Diaphony is going to be a stunner. And a fast one too!

NEW COMMENT: March 1st, 2021 by simon
Thanks Nick .. Had to cut down one of T4s water tanks to fit in Diaphony having just measured its

NEW COMMENT: March 1st, 2021 by simon
My Friend owns a Bodyshop he has two booths.. This is where I finished restoring my classic car..

NEW COMMENT: March 5th, 2021 by Mike Dixon
Water tank capacity. Probably as many capacities as there are boats. I think (but willing to be co

NEW COMMENT: March 5th, 2021 by simon
Mike I have cut one of the large Titania tanks in two 1st tank=35litres and not far off the origina

NEW COMMENT: May 9th, 2021 by simon
Fitting water tanks at the moment as mentioned before my capacity is up to 65 litres now from 35 li

NEW COMMENT: May 9th, 2021 by simon
Starboard side tank this will probably be used for washing with a slide out sink.

NEW POST> Bluster's 1GM10 Serviced and painted
January 26th, 2021 by
Bluster's Yanmar 1GM10

Bluster’s engine was winterised, but otherwise in reasonable working order. It was badly rusted in places, the fuel and oil pipes were beginning to rust, and the paint was peeling off muchRead More…

NEW COMMENT: January 26th, 2021 by AOA
Jonathan -6 to +1 makes me feel like a wimp .... Engine bays are such damp places it is hard to ke

NEW COMMENT: January 26th, 2021 by Doug Odgers
My 1 Gm10 did sterling service , motor sailing across and back over the North Sea , the Channel, Wes

January 22nd, 2021 by
A90 - Trailer Gone !

After changing A90’s  livery, time to go for the keels. But removal of the trailer had to come first. Travis Perkins first had to deliver some railway sleepers up from Newport ,Read More…

NEW COMMENT: January 26th, 2021 by AOA
Doug Good to all the progress - looking forward to seeing Jenaka II on the water when we are allowe

NEW COMMENT: January 29th, 2021 by Doug Odgers
Thanks Nick, your photo proves Silhouettes get everywhere. I even saw two on Lake Garda. I suppose

NEW POST> Fairey Marine Pixie Tender For Sale - SOLD
January 17th, 2021 by

Very rare Fairey Marine Pixie Tender for sale. Open to reasonable offers. Built circa 1950 as a tender to the Fairey Marine Atalanta class yachts using the vacuum hot moulded plywood techniquesRead More…

NEW POST> Mike Dixon and A1 nominated for Classic Boat Award - Vote Now!
January 16th, 2021 by

Hello everyone. You may have read the Classic Boat article published in the November edition last year about A1 and her restsoration. The article aimed to bring together the historic place A1Read More…

January 14th, 2021 by

Risking the opprobrium of AOA members I changed A90 ‘s  traditional Atalanta livery of  Blue &  White  to that of my very first yacht, a Red  &  White   Silhouette  Mark  II. TheRead More…

NEW COMMENT: January 15th, 2021 by AOA
Heretic! And I love the colour - she is very striking. Looking forward to seeing her on the water

NEW POST> Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
January 8th, 2021 by

On the 8th February 2019  Dominic Dobson brings A90 all the way from Ilkley Moor to North Dorset and a bag full of ‘The Patience of a Saint’ ! Arriving after darkRead More…

NEW COMMENT: January 15th, 2021 by AOA
Hi Doug There are a lot of giants on whose shoulders we are all standing. I'll gloss over Uffa Fox

NEW POST> A182 Skimmer - Restoration Project (Virginia Beach, US)
January 3rd, 2021 by
A182 Rubbing strakes removed for repairs

A182 Skimmer has been in storage in Virginia Beach, USA, since 1985 in a tent, and been kept dry. She is now looking for someone to complete her restoration. She is lyingRead More…

NEW POST> Getting Bluster's Engine Out
December 28th, 2020 by
Bluster's Engine

Bluster currently has a Yanmar 1GM10 diesel engine, a replacement for the Volvo Penta that she previously had. It has been fairly reliable, but the paint was peeling off the lower halfRead More…

NEW COMMENT: December 30th, 2020 by AOA
Jonathan Excellent job - simple gantry but very effective and I love the dowel rollers. The 1gm m

NEW COMMENT: December 30th, 2020 by Jonathan Stearn
Nick, The oil pipe under the engine does have a stainless mesh over it, so is probably not the orig

NEW POST> Uffa Fox in 2022 - Celebrate Uffa's legacy 50 years on
December 20th, 2020 by
Uffa Fox and Charles Currey in a Firefly, copyright Fairey Marine / Currey Family

Image above of Uffa Fox and Charles Currey with a Firefly dinghy copyright Fairey Marine / Currey Family. 26th October 2022 is the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Uffa Fox. ItRead More…

NEW POST> Fascinating profile of Charles Currey
December 19th, 2020 by
Dougal Henshaw writes about Charles Currey

‘ incredible sailor, who at the same time was also a clever and insightful innovator‘ Dougal Henshaw, Sail-World 18 December 2020 Dougal Henshaw has just published a fascinating profile of Charles CurreyRead More…

NEW POST> Diaphony A5 on going work
December 18th, 2020 by
New spreader and lower shroud mount (repurposed GK24 mast)

A few pictures of Deck and a illustration on forming precise curves which are then laminated. This was done a few years ago Picture of mast spreader bracket to Fairey item incorporatingRead More…

NEW POST> Happy Christmas to all
December 15th, 2020 by
Bankside Winter

The AOA Annual Bulletin and Yearbook should be hitting Member doormats this week. Thanks to all the contributors and to Bernard and his team for its production. And a very Happy ChristmasRead More…

NEW COMMENT: December 16th, 2020 by Dominic Dobson
Bulletin arrived thanks for the work that you put into keeping the association going hopefully next

NEW POST> How A105 became 'Taku Maru'
November 27th, 2020 by
After some years under restoration a trial launch on The Broads at Martham

We were delighted to hear from the son of Taku Maru’s original owner, Philip Booth, about his recollections of her and how she got her name. I am really delighted to seeRead More…

NEW COMMENT: December 1st, 2020 by John Ingleby
I wish we had known this when I owned A105! Lost count of the number of times people asked me what h

NEW POST> Atalanta Vendee Globe Sat
November 27th, 2020 by

Hi fellow sailors and boat maintainers.  I think we should get together and discuss the Vendee Globe out of a sense of shared interest.  I have created a zoom meeting below forRead More…

NEW COMMENT: November 28th, 2020 by AOA
Alistair Great idea - thanks for setting this up. See you there. They are amazing boats and even

NEW POST> A166 Hullabaloo For Sale - £400 in boatyard on Portland
November 21st, 2020 by
A166 spotted in Portland March 2020 - captured on Facebook

Through a series of unfortunate experiences A166 is in need of a new home. She is in Clark’s Boatyard on Portland. Contact Tim or Denise at 01305 860265. Although originally covered theseRead More…

NEW COMMENT: March 4th, 2021 by Bear_Grills
Hello, Is There Somewhere on the AOA's website That Can Advise How to Inspect & Service the Fold

NEW POST> Atalanta 26 For Sale - A161 Amber Ellen, £Offers
November 21st, 2020 by
Starboard from forward

Amber Ellen could be an excellent example of the Atalanta 26 but requires extensive finishing and some woodwork repairs, mainly to the decks and cockpit. She benefits from many unique modifications includingRead More…

NEW POST> A140 Kate Thomas - Two Views of Ownership in the 1990s
November 20th, 2020 by

The Annual Bulletin for 1994-95 included an article (page 34) by R.Backhaus detailing his purchase of A140 Kate Thomas, the work he carried out and his views on sailing and trailing. TheRead More…

NEW POST> Hot Wood - Dougal Henshaw writes on Fairey Marine Hot Moulding
November 18th, 2020 by
Yachts and Yachting article on Fairey hot moulding

Thanks to Bernard Marshall for bringing to my attention the excellent article on the Yachts and Yachting website about Fairey Marine hotmoulded boats. It majors on the dinghies but the Atalanta doesRead More…

NEW POST> Repairs to Bluster's Bow
November 9th, 2020 by
Bluster with bow repaired

Work has continued on repairing the bow area of Bluster. The deck area had some rot wherever it had been penetrated by a screw or bolt, allowing water to get into theRead More…

NEW COMMENT: November 10th, 2020 by Dominic Dobson
Fantastic work your mum should be proud

NEW COMMENT: November 18th, 2020 by AOA
Jane certainly would be proud. And it is great to have the photos and comments as you go - preservin

NEW COMMENT: November 19th, 2020 by murray reid
Looks excellent!

NEW COMMENT: November 20th, 2020 by Jonathan Stearn
Thanks all for your encouraging messages. I am currently working on the "quarter round" joining the

NEW POST> User contributed photo - T1 Nuru Albahar in the early 1980s
October 26th, 2020 by
T1 Nuru Albahar in the 1980s

Titania T1 was owned by the Dixon’s in the early 1980s, in Ireland. Jim Dixon kindly posted this photo of her.

NEW POST> Laying-Up eMeeting this Sunday - Details Published
October 20th, 2020 by

The details of the virtual laying up get together have now been published under the Event entry. It would be great to see as many of you as can make it comingRead More…

NEW POST> Classic Boat A1 Design and Restoration Review
October 13th, 2020 by
A1 features in Classic Boat with an overview of the design and her first 21st century restoration

With the completion of A1 Atalanta last year it seemed like a golden opportunity for the Association to have another push at publicising our excellent wards. A1 was a very special boatRead More…

NEW POST> 12 October 2020 - A154 Deannie Obituary
October 13th, 2020 by
Deannie peaking out from the undergrowth

The decision to scrap A154 was taken in October 2020. To all intents and purposes A154 is no more although she lives on through parts salvaged by the AOA to be usedRead More…

NEW POST> Salvaged Parts For Sale
October 12th, 2020 by
2020 10 A154 001

Following the scrapping of T4 Brother Jack, A154 Deeanie and A179 Emma Duck, the AOA now have a large number of second-hand parts available for owners. You can access the list throughRead More…

NEW POST> A154 Deannie - Last chance to save her
October 5th, 2020 by

It is planned for Deannie to be scrapped over the weekend of 9-11 October. This week is the last chance if anyone wishes to save her. I you are seriously interested andRead More…

NEW POST> Bluster's Foredeck Repairs
September 28th, 2020 by
Foredeck Repairs

The foredeck from the cockpit to the forehatch has now been repaired and just needs fairing and some longitudinal slats replacing. The top laminate repairs on the bubble have now been fairedRead More…

NEW COMMENT: October 2nd, 2020 by Doug Odgers
Jonathan, what a tour de force, and also an education for a relatively newcomer like me.

NEW COMMENT: October 4th, 2020 by Richard James
Great work Jonathan. Interesting photo of a main bulkhead.

NEW COMMENT: October 6th, 2020 by AOA
Hi. What he said! You really are making a great job of Bluster and thank you very much for the re

NEW COMMENT: October 8th, 2020 by Jonathan Stearn
Doug, Richard and Nick,Thank you all for your encouragement. I does at times seem a never-endin

NEW COMMENT: October 10th, 2020 by simon
you can always increase the size of the strip that joins the blister to the deck I did this on Diaph

NEW COMMENT: October 10th, 2020 by simon
While the blister is off would be easy to get the shape . This jig worked very well on the Hydropl

NEW COMMENT: October 12th, 2020 by David Phillips
What a great job you are doing Jonathan - i notice that she is inside what looks like a storage tent

NEW COMMENT: October 12th, 2020 by Jonathan Stearn
Simon and David,Making a beefier "quarter round" is not a bad idea, and you are right, now is th

NEW COMMENT: October 13th, 2020 by Richard James
Jonathan,PSA photo of A89's blister & deck support. Keep up the good work.

NEW COMMENT: October 19th, 2020 by David Phillips
That is very helpful Jonathan, thank you

NEW POST> A115 Mara For Sale - £800 SOLD
September 28th, 2020 by
A115 Hull is in very good condition

I have taken the decision to let A115 go to a new owner. Sadly I don’t have the time to work on her where she is as there is no power andRead More…

NEW COMMENT: November 25th, 2020 by Bear_Grills
a Few Questions about This Atalanta 26 Please: 1) is the Hull Water Tight ? 2) Are the Mast, Sail

NEW COMMENT: November 27th, 2020 by Dominic Dobson
Your best contacting Robbie direct using details within the post

NEW POST> F3 Dunsheen Restoration Project
September 28th, 2020 by
F3 2018 09 Port view already restored

I hope there is a competent person out there who would take on the restoration of F3 Dunsheen and sail this lovely boat. She is a good example of this classic classRead More…

NEW POST> 2020 East Coast Cruise in Company
August 29th, 2020 by
2020 08 17 Up the Deben to Ramsholt 12

It will not go down in the AOA Annals for its mileage or good weather but we all had a great time. We explored the Stour, Deben and Walton Backwaters before StormRead More…

NEW POST> Chainplates
August 9th, 2020 by

Just wondering do the Chainplate wedges  go at the top of plate  There is a hole for a Chainplate bolt…30 yrs since I took it apart.

NEW COMMENT: August 11th, 2020 by AOA
Hi Simon Not sure if it answers your question but does drawing A24761 help? (Enter this number in

NEW COMMENT: August 11th, 2020 by simon
Cheers Nick great help .Got to be one of my next jobs ..

NEW POST> A124 Helene For Sale - £6500 incl.trailer SOLD
August 2nd, 2020 by

Lying in Ipswich. Please contact Nick for details by email or by phone on 07711 088762. A124 is for sale to allow to pursue my Atalanta and sailing aspirations in different directions.Read More…

NEW POST> Cockpit Restoration
July 28th, 2020 by
Curved deck at front of cockpit

I am now restoring Bluster’s cockpit at deck level. Getting the jib sheet tracks off (all four of them) was a struggle as many of the brass bolts were corroded into theRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 3rd, 2020 by AOA
HiI like your solid reinforcement on the starboard side. This corner seems to attract issues. I

NEW POST> A124 meets A1 - not for the first time?
July 23rd, 2020 by
A124 and A1 alongside in Ipswich

A124 Helene was launched at last on Monday (with much thanks to Mike Dixon for driving miles to assist). It felt good to have water under the keel again and looking forwardRead More…

NEW POST> T4 about to be scrapped
July 21st, 2020 by
2020 07 21 T4 being towed to Gosport for scrapping

Titania T4 will be chopped up tomorrow, 22 July 2020 at in Gosport. If you want any bits from her, please phone Steve on 023 9298 4666 ASAP or contact LukeRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 22nd, 2020 by AOA
Hi Richard. Thanks for the post. Very sad day. For those without Facebook I have attached PDF 'fac

NEW COMMENT: August 5th, 2020 by AOA
Update - A large quantity of Brother Jack's fittings and parts have been saved thanks to the efforts

NEW POST> Bluster Refit Progress
July 18th, 2020 by
'Blister' Repairs

Making the most of the warm weather and Covid19 lockdown to work on repairing the deck laminations and replace the rotten frame tops. Progress is slow, but steady.

NEW COMMENT: July 19th, 2020 by Mike Dixon
Well done Jonathon - slow and steady wins every time. All looking horribly familiar! But worthwhil

NEW COMMENT: July 19th, 2020 by Dominic Dobson
Great work definite labour of loveDom

NEW COMMENT: July 20th, 2020 by Jonathan Stearn
Thanks Dom and Mike. Your encouragement is very welcome!

NEW POST> Aft pushpit
July 4th, 2020 by
T12 Harrier on her mooring

Not sure I every shared any photos of the new aft pushpit. This push pit works by providing storage for a modern life ring, Seago lift raft complete with easy release (justRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 11th, 2020 by AOA
GeorgeThanks for the update. And the pushpit looks the business! Are you taking orders? ;-)

NEW COMMENT: July 13th, 2020 by Richard James
George - Your new aft pushpit looks great, as does Harrier.Your comment about - "Possibly a bit

NEW POST> Replacement keel bolts
June 18th, 2020 by

A 31/11 has 316 L stainless steel keel bolts and controling plates (Posted by F O’Riordain using the AOA Website ‘Guest’ posting facility)

NEW COMMENT: June 18th, 2020 by AOA
Thanks for taking the time to post the information Nick

NEW POST> Renovation update 11th June 2020
June 11th, 2020 by
New engine for A5 - Nanni 250HE 14hp

Replacement engine arrived today now the fun begins fitting it Nanni 14hp with heat exchanger..Sorting out bearers tomorrow. My New Mast which I picked up on holiday in Cornwall a few yrsRead More…

NEW COMMENT: June 12th, 2020 by AOA
Your Furlough is being very good for Diaphony at least. Great to see so much progress and glad you g

NEW COMMENT: June 12th, 2020 by simon

NEW COMMENT: September 23rd, 2020 by simon
Furlough ended now still full speed ahead on Diaphony A5 went for a Beta 10 engine in the end rem

NEW COMMENT: September 25th, 2020 by Jonathan Stearn
Simon, Great progress! The mast looks very good, as to the windows. Did you mould them yourself, fr

NEW COMMENT: September 26th, 2020 by simon
Yes the windows were moulded by my long time friend David in his Kitchen. David has been an inspirat

NEW POST> Side Deck Strengthening
June 11th, 2020 by

On Bluster, between the companionway bulkhead and the main bulkhead the side deck and blister were joined without any reinforcement other than the quarter round on the outside. This led to separation,Read More…

NEW COMMENT: June 12th, 2020 by AOA
JonathanYour additions are well worth the effort (and nicely executed from your photos!) On Hel

NEW POST> Update on UK Covid Lockdown and relevance to the Association
June 10th, 2020 by

Despite the gradual easing of lockdown restrictions in the UK (and specifically in England), planned events for the Association have taken a significant hit.  We got away with holding the AGM inRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 5th, 2020 by Mike Dixon
Further updates 5th July 2020 - specific to England - please check elsewhere for lockdown easings.

NEW POST> A55 For Sale on eBay as restoration project
June 10th, 2020 by
A55 Sue For Sale on eBay 1

A55 is for sale on eBay (finishes 14th June at 14.23) as a restoration project. She has been stored in a barn for a few years. Condition hard to tell exactly fromRead More…

NEW COMMENT: June 18th, 2020 by AOA
The ad generated a lot of interest and the winning bid was for £560. The Secretary has contacted t

NEW POST> drg number 24833
June 9th, 2020 by

Hello fellow owners I am looking for  drg no 24833 Mast head rig metal mast are they available still and how much.. regards Simon

NEW POST> Furlough work
June 6th, 2020 by
A5 Diaphony Restoration activity during Covid-19 Lockdown

3 months Furlough Had to do something   Full speed ahead on Diaphony  working on the keel boxes  Mtg brackets blasted and  Galvernised  and painted with Epoxy Primer  as are the Keels justRead More…

NEW COMMENT: June 9th, 2020 by AOA
Wow SimonDiaphony is looking great. I can see many hours of work there and what a great job you

NEW COMMENT: June 9th, 2020 by simon
cheers Nick taking ages but getting there remade saloon sliding hatch as the skin was 4mm ply a

NEW COMMENT: June 10th, 2020 by Dominic Dobson
Baby Seal tried to get around problem of seals distorting by fairing the keel boxes externally so th

NEW POST> Fairey Marine early drawings for the A31
May 25th, 2020 by
Fairey Marine Early ideas for the Atalanta 31

The 26′ Atalanta was a great success and Fairey Marine were considering a 31′ variation. There is a very early set of sketches and drawings, many signed by Uffa Fox, in theRead More…

NEW POST> A5 Rudder
May 23rd, 2020 by
A5 Mark 1 Rudder in 2020

Mk1 Rudder  in very good condition  has finally found its way on to Diaphony A5 .  And have lowered the top pintle down about 2 inches, also replaced lower pintle with aRead More…

NEW COMMENT: May 27th, 2020 by AOA
Simon Looking good. It is quite a bit different to the later rudders. Do you have the blade to go w

NEW COMMENT: May 27th, 2020 by simon
Hi Nick this is a mk1 rudder stock I have 3x blades 2x dinghy style and a much larger blade which

NEW POST> Scoop - A89's secret weapon for East Coast Race
May 21st, 2020 by
A89 trialling foils for the East Coast Race

Our East Coast representative has sent us this scoop from secret waters somewhere near Harwich. Getting the Atalanta to go faster has pre-occupied many in recent years (check out this thread). Well,Read More…

NEW COMMENT: June 14th, 2020 by Babs70
Totally awesome!

NEW COMMENT: October 19th, 2020 by Richard James
Having done extensive computer modelling, I have decided to fit a BUSTLE to A89 Colchide over the wi

NEW POST> A160 Moyra video of sailing holiday in 1968
May 20th, 2020 by
A10 Moyra sailing video 1968

There’s a video of this boat A160 ‘Moyra’ from an 8mm film I made in 1968. David Clover. Read about the history of the London Sailing Project, now Rona Trust, on theirRead More…

NEW POST> Engine transplant
May 17th, 2020 by

Is there anyone running a Yanmar GM20 in an Atalanta 26 I already have a RCA Dolphin 12 hp two stroke twin fitted in the boat. I would like to know ifRead More…

NEW COMMENT: May 18th, 2020 by Nick
Hi Simon I don't have the twin - I have a 1GM10. I understand your comments about smoothness - a t

NEW COMMENT: May 19th, 2020 by David Phillips
I have a GM10, which I dont find unduly noisy and considerably quieter than the Yamaha 8HP outboard

NEW COMMENT: May 20th, 2020 by simon
Having looked at th GM 10 exhaust I can see why they are prone to break the inner tube that the e

NEW COMMENT: May 23rd, 2020 by simon
Having had a good measure up it seems fitting a replacement engine is not as easy as I thought..I

NEW COMMENT: May 23rd, 2020 by simon
I now have my makers name plate made by a friend..I did get him to save the item to his computer..

NEW COMMENT: May 24th, 2020 by AOA
Hi SimonThere are a lot of (Mark II) boats with diesel twins. On the Mark II boats all of these

NEW COMMENT: May 25th, 2020 by Dominic Dobson
Simon, I fitted a vetus engine in A90 see photos in her log, drive was achieved by converting a car

NEW COMMENT: May 26th, 2020 by simon
I have now ordered my engine Nanni 250 HE with TMC40 gearbox similar to beta 14 after many hrs m

NEW COMMENT: June 14th, 2020 by simon
Hello again this weeks blog concerns engine bearers with my new purchase of a Nanni diesel twin

NEW POST> A109 - You might want to look the other way
May 17th, 2020 by

In 2001 the owners of A7 bought A109 Beltine for spares. A109 was subsequently broken up as can be seen in the photos. Coincidentally A7 was bought by an owner who usedRead More…

NEW POST> Virtual Meeting E-WOW: Wild on Windermere 2020
May 11th, 2020 by

We went Wild on Windermere! See what went on. How to take part Read the conversation below. Contribute using the form at the bottom of the page. Click on the ‘Subscribe’ linkRead More…

NEW POST> Blue Jackaroo 2020 Repairs
May 6th, 2020 by
2020 A71 Blue Jackaroo Repairs 002 - transom

Hello guys, been a while but using the warm weather I have been at work doing what I can.  she started as loose tape on the deck and a little hole inRead More…

NEW POST> Fairey Marine Promotional Videos
May 5th, 2020 by
A20 on the wind from Fairey Marine promotional video

We have recently placed five Fairey Marine promotional films on the ‘Videos’ page. These are entertaining and provide an interesting insight into sailing in the late fifties / early sixties as wellRead More…

NEW COMMENT: June 18th, 2020 by Babs70
Lovely video!

NEW POST> A35 features in Audio-Visual treat
April 30th, 2020 by
A35 Artistic Video in Submarine Pens Bordeaux

Further to the investigations in what happened to A35 Scherzo after the Conservatoire International de la Plaisance  closed down in the 1990s we have continued to search periodically. I came across thisRead More…

NEW POST> A76 and A98, a sad loss and an idea for the future
April 29th, 2020 by
A76 General view November 2019

We were saddened to hear at the beginning of last year that the long term owner of A76 Inshallah and A98 Beki had died. The owner had been restoring both boats inRead More…

NEW POST> A148 Johara for sale £3,000 - SOLD
April 26th, 2020 by
Johara on trailer in 2016

It is with a heavy heart that I offer A148, Johara for sale. I moved to the Isle of Harris with the intention of finally sorting her out but a combination ofRead More…

NEW COMMENT: April 26th, 2020 by Joanna
Dear David,Johara looks beautiful.I am looking for an Atalanta for family cruising (we alr

NEW COMMENT: April 29th, 2020 by ted baker
Hi, David My name is Ted i,am also looking for a boat i see you already have someone interested bu

NEW COMMENT: May 4th, 2020 by lpw
Interested, but the journey will be a challenge. I take it that details are the same as they were:_

NEW COMMENT: May 8th, 2020 by David Phillips
They are, I have two people interested to date and will keep you posted if that changes. For whoeve

NEW COMMENT: May 11th, 2020 by David Phillips
Hallo Nick, could you please mark Johara as sold - Joanna has agreed to buy here and will collect wh

NEW COMMENT: May 11th, 2020 by AOA
David - Congratulations on the sale. Joanna has got herself a lovely Atalanta.Joanna - Congratul

NEW COMMENT: January 26th, 2021 by David Phillips
Hallo TedPlease forgive this intrusion but about 8 months ago you expressed interest in purchasi

NEW POST> A126 in the late 1970s
April 22nd, 2020 by

Happy memories of A126 Apple The AOA were very glad to be contacted in April 2020 by an ex-owner of A126 Apple with a little bit of history and some photographs. HavingRead More…

NEW POST> Atalanta Lifting Slings
April 20th, 2020 by
Atalanta Lifting Slings

The Atalanta was designed with built in lifting brackets which enabled the boat to be lifted with the weight taken largely by the strong central bulkhead and keel structure. Two were boltedRead More…

NEW COMMENT: April 4th, 2020 by AOA
Robbie Thanks for highlighting this. A great shame. Petesark has been there for many years but look

NEW COMMENT: April 20th, 2020 by T12
Does the AOA know if anyone has considered salvaging parts from this specific boat already? And woul

NEW COMMENT: April 21st, 2020 by AOA
Hi GeorgeIt ia good question. The question is whether there is an owner in the picture who wou

NEW COMMENT: April 26th, 2020 by Mike Dixon
Just seen this thread. As a previous owner of both a Titania and a 31, I can confirm that there are

NEW POST> 1958 Daily Express Boat Show Prize - An Atalanta!
April 2nd, 2020 by
A70 Cataline awarded as prize at the Boat Show

In 1958 the prize for Daily Express National Boat Show was an Atalanta! Specifically A70 Catalina! John Dixon kindly provided the cutting tin the photograph (much appreciated!) which triggered this post. TheRead More…

NEW POST> Archive addition - AOA Annual Dinner Menu Cards
April 2nd, 2020 by
AOA AGM Dinner Card Covers 1959-65

It is always a great pleasure to me as the Webmaster when members, ex-members, ex-owners or families of ex-owners send in material to add to the archive. This has included copies ofRead More…

NEW POST> A65 Joann For Sale - £4000 incl. unique trailer SOLD
March 10th, 2020 by
A065 Joann in 2017 002 - Hull and trailer

A65 Joann is for sale. A special Atalanta, Joann has a Titania coachroof ‘blister’ over the main cabin providing increased headroom there. She also has a standard Atalanta blister fitted to theRead More…

NEW COMMENT: June 18th, 2020 by Babs70
Hiya, i tried emailing but got no response. Still interested though if anyone has a personal contact

NEW COMMENT: June 18th, 2020 by AOA
Hi BabsPlease keep trying. Hal, the owner, has turned his business in London over to collecting

NEW COMMENT: June 18th, 2020 by Babs70
Thanks Nick, its not a priority at this time for sure! Weather and enthusiasm getting the better of

NEW POST> Covid 19. The Association's position 10th March 2020
March 10th, 2020 by

Given the unprecedented concern and coverage of the Covid 29 virus spread and the actions that are being considered by governments across the world, it only seems appropriate to outline the Association’sRead More…

NEW COMMENT: March 17th, 2020 by Mike Dixon
Covid 19 - update 17th MarchAs I'm sure you are aware, durng the last 24 hours, there has been a

NEW POST> Twenty Two in Twenty Twenty - the 2020 AGM
March 2nd, 2020 by
The serious part of the AGM

Storm Jorge didn’t manage to keep 22 of us from The Tamesis Sailing club, even passing through quickly so that we could bask in the sunshine during the AGM and lunch. TheRead More…

NEW COMMENT: April 20th, 2020 by T12
Thanks for organising the AGM. It was a good afternoon and useful for a boost of new knowledge abo

NEW POST> F14 Noggin for sale £5,950 SOLD
February 3rd, 2020 by
F14 afloat at Faversham

Noggin has had a great deal of work done in recent years by professional boatbuilder Alan Staley and the previous owner. She is wonderful condition, looking very smart and awaiting a freshRead More…

NEW POST> A1 Atalanta - The Radical Prototype
January 1st, 2020 by
A1 features in Classic Boat with an overview of the design and her first 21st century restoration

Below is the text of an article published in the November 2019 edition of Classic Boat. It documents the special place which A1 Atalanta has in yachting history and the amazing restorationRead More…

NEW POST> A1 Restoration - The Final Push
December 22nd, 2019 by

This is a post in the continuing story documenting the restoration of A1 Atalanta. See the overview and other posts by clicking on the staple-gun

NEW POST> We're back - apologies for the break in service
December 22nd, 2019 by

I would like to apologise to all of our readers for the non-availability of the website in the past few days. A small change triggered some unexpected impacts on the site. IRead More…

NEW POST> Contact from Norbert FRADIN in Bordeaux
December 12th, 2019 by

I have today received a reply from Norbert Fradin of the Musée Mer Marine at Bordeaux. He briefly states that he is, unfortunately not capable of giving us any information  concerning theRead More…

NEW COMMENT: December 13th, 2019 by AOA
Mark Many thanks for trying. It is a shame he doesn't know what happened to A35. I guess that mean

NEW COMMENT: December 14th, 2019 by Mike Dixon
Many thanks Mark. Seems that there's little else we can do - but worth a try.Mike

NEW POST> Colchide's rudder
December 9th, 2019 by
A89 Colchide Rudder - December 2019

Colchide came out the water last week and I noticed that the rudder had some delamination cracks on the trailing edge. It has a 12mm central oak core and a further 12mmRead More…

NEW COMMENT: December 9th, 2019 by Mike Dixon
I reckon the rudder needs attention. Has the crack penetrated deeper - splitting the layers, in whi

NEW COMMENT: December 11th, 2019 by Nick Phillips
Hi Richard Interesting! As Mike says it would be important to understand why the gaps have appeared

NEW COMMENT: December 13th, 2019 by Trevor Thompson
I think this repair needs careful consideration!The delamination could lead to rudder failure un

NEW COMMENT: December 13th, 2019 by Richard James
Thank you for your thoughts Trevor. I have over 4 months before Colchide is going back into the wate

NEW COMMENT: December 13th, 2019 by Richard James
Thanks for your comments Nick.

NEW COMMENT: December 13th, 2019 by Richard James
Thanks for your comments Mike.

NEW COMMENT: December 23rd, 2019 by Richard James
Uncle Bernard used Marglass only on the hull when he built Colchide from 1959 - 1960. The wooden bla

NEW COMMENT: December 23rd, 2019 by AOA
Richard Accoya sounds interesting. I had not really come across it before and it does look like a

NEW COMMENT: December 24th, 2019 by Dominic Dobson
Richard, I used accoya for Mourne Goblins toe rails it was easy to machine (better than sapelle) Ar

NEW COMMENT: January 25th, 2020 by Richard James
Here's an update on Colchide's rudder. It has been in our house for over a month, laying flat on ki

NEW POST> Memories of my Father's boat
December 9th, 2019 by

Alan contacted us to enquire about the fate of A175 Inyoniamanzi (African for ‘Water Bird’). We were unable to provide much more information but Alan added some information to A175’s history. InyoniamanziRead More…

NEW POST> James Wharram comments on the Atalanta, and the crew of A113 Aku
November 28th, 2019 by
A113 Aku meets James Wharram 003

UPDATED 28/11 after input from Hanneke Boon of Wharram Designs, including updates to Aku’s boat page Further to the article in November the December issue of Classic Boat includes an endorsement ofRead More…

NEW POST> Adding photos to your blog improved
November 27th, 2019 by

A number of you highlighted difficulties in adding photos to your blog entries. With apologies for it having been a bit messy I have now made it more reliable. Or should IRead More…

NEW POST> Bernard Blavier
November 23rd, 2019 by
Bernard sailing A35

Bernard Blavier contacted the AOA in October 2019 to enquire of her whereabouts. (Connecting with ex-owners is one of the pleasures of the website). Bernard was the owner responsible for A35 beingRead More…

NEW POST> A1 hauls out, watched by A89
November 17th, 2019 by
Colchide and A1 reunited (?) after 60 years

After her first few months afloat for over 25 years Mike Dixon took A1 out of the water at the Orwell Yacht Club in the middle of October. Colchide, Richard James andRead More…

NEW COMMENT: November 19th, 2019 by Hans-Erich Viet
Mike, congratulations to this wonderfull piece of work - A1 looks great!!! I wish I could have there

NEW POST> A1 Atalanta floats for the first time in over 25 years
November 7th, 2019 by
A long and varnished foredeck too!

I hope you will have read the excellent series of articles by Mike Dixon about his restoration of the Atalanta prototype – A1 Atalanta. There are more to come but in theRead More…

NEW POST> Membership Subscriptions - Simplified for 2020
November 7th, 2019 by
2020 Calendar Renewal reminder

Subscriptions for 2020 are due by 1st January. At the 2019 AGM in March it was agreed to simplify our subscription rates. There is now a flat rate of £20 for allRead More…

NEW POST> Re-Restoration for Relaunch!
November 7th, 2019 by

I can’t seem to get my photos to load, but I am under my second restoration of the awesome T6 Kittiwake.  No major problems but some major projects.  Mystery leaks discovered andRead More…

NEW COMMENT: November 7th, 2019 by AOA
Hi Paul. I am sorry that you are having trouble with photos - email sent.Great to hear that Kitt

NEW POST> New owner and location
November 4th, 2019 by

Pilgrim is now ashore at Ullswater and owned by; John Hamilton Jr. , > Barrow in Furness Cumbria

NEW COMMENT: November 4th, 2019 by AOA
John Thanks for letting us know about Pilgrim's relocation. Your address and details have been rec

NEW POST> November 2019 Classic Boat - Atalanta as an 'Affordable Classic'
October 29th, 2019 by
The Atalanta is featured in Classic Boats in their 'Affordable Classics' series

It started with a conversation at the Suffolk Yacht Harbour Classic Regatta in June this year. In the bar. Peter Smith, art editor for Classic boat was taking part with his 8-tonRead More…

NEW COMMENT: November 7th, 2019 by AOA
Further to the article in November the December issue of Classic Boat includes an endorsement of the

NEW POST> A38 - across Canada
October 6th, 2019 by

For those interested, A38 has found its way across Canada from North Bay Ontario to Saltspring island, British Columbia . A five day 4000km journey.  Saltspring island will be it’s new home.

NEW COMMENT: July 7th, 2024 by Stephen McCann
Harry,Hope all is well. I am going to be out at my sister’s in Sooke next summer - will there

NEW POST> 2019-20 Bulletin - Contributions please
September 1st, 2019 by
Bulletin Article writing

The Bulletin Editor is busy preparing to collate and format all of your articles for this year’s Bulletin. Tell us about your cruises, your modifications or anything you think other Atalanta OwnersRead More…

NEW POST> Ex Owner seeks photos of Aquilo sailing for a painting
August 12th, 2019 by
Aquilo ex owner seeks photo

Vic Carr, ex owner, had this letter published in the September edition of Classic Boat. The Secretary is getting touch with Classic Boat to connect with Vic. He is looking for photosRead More…

NEW COMMENT: October 21st, 2019 by AOA
Great news - Richard successfully made contact with Vic.

NEW POST> 2019 East Coast Rally - Final Programme
August 7th, 2019 by

The final programme for the East Coast get together and race as part of the Regatta is now available. Check it out here It would be great to see as many ofRead More…

NEW POST> A176 Persephone - Last Call (2019)
July 3rd, 2019 by
A176 Persephone in 2019 - drifting away

We were contacted by someone who was looking to help a friend dispose of an Atalanta. They did not know many details but provided the photos below. From this we were ableRead More…

NEW POST> Diesel Bug in Fuel Tank
July 1st, 2019 by

Why you should always add a biocide to your diesel fuel (see photographs)! The algal gloop formed a mat lying on the bottom of the tank. As there was a 3 cmRead More…

NEW POST> Modification - F53 ?
July 1st, 2019 by

I used to own a fairey fulmar,   I think it is this one, mast replaced   with an alloy one, a distinct modification  was carried out to the  center plate,    it was Read More…

NEW COMMENT: July 1st, 2019 by AOA
Hi Brian Thanks for the post. Its great to hear from an ex Fulmar owner!I believe that F53 ha

NEW COMMENT: August 12th, 2019 by AOA
Classic Boat write-up in September 2019 referenced the Atalanta and had this picture of A89 sailing.

NEW POST> June 2019: Website Updated - hope you like it..
June 20th, 2019 by

New Styling, Pages and Navigation (menu) Options Yes, the website looks different. Responding to feedback we have tried to make it easier to find things on the website. In particular you willRead More…

NEW POST> Bluster in two big bits (and many small bits)
June 13th, 2019 by

Bluster is now under an all-weather cover so it is possible to work on her even when the weather is not as fine as it should be. Many of the fittings haveRead More…

NEW COMMENT: June 16th, 2019 by AOA
Jonathan Thanks for the update on Bluster's progress. Wow. I love your all-weather cover - very co

NEW COMMENT: June 18th, 2019 by jstearn
Nick, The deck-coachroof reinforcement is original, but only forward of the main bulkhead. It compr

NEW COMMENT: June 18th, 2019 by AOA
JonathanInteresting! Thanks for the further info. That central join was shot on Helene too, b

NEW POST> Unknown, Glasson Dock @1982
May 26th, 2019 by
NEW COMMENT: May 26th, 2019 by AOA
Hi Richard Thanks for this. Not a flattering angle for the bow, but great to see another image of a

NEW COMMENT: May 26th, 2019 by Richard Pollard
What goes around, comes around Nick. Modern boats with their obsession with maximum beam have simila

NEW COMMENT: May 26th, 2019 by AOA
Ah. Need more coffee!I have just looked again and can see that this boat DOES have a blister on

NEW POST> Base camp Terrapin
May 22nd, 2019 by
Base camp Terrapins is online and working

base camp established we are missing the magneto from the Coventry and need a model number  we are also wanting all the sponge replicating

NEW POST> 2019 Atalanta Owners in Bristol 11th May
May 21st, 2019 by
The Underfall yard at the Western end of Bristol's Floating Harbour

The cold weather took a welcome break and the sun shone in Bristol on 11th May for our meet-up at the Underfall Yard in the Bristol Floating Harbour.  There was a prettyRead More…

NEW COMMENT: May 30th, 2019 by Bernard Marshall
Superb article on the Underfall Yard event in Bristol. It was a fabulous day out. Thank you for org

NEW POST> Saving A49 Terrapin
May 21st, 2019 by
Terrapin protected from the elements

I saw A49 on ebay and I am bringing her home to restore. 

NEW COMMENT: May 21st, 2019 by AOA
Ray Apologies for the delay in publishing your post. Hard to tell from pictures but Terrapin doesn

NEW POST> Refit of Bluster Started
April 11th, 2019 by

Work has started on Bluster’s major refit, now that the weather is warmer and dryer. I am starting to strip off the bits that have not been off for a long time,Read More…

NEW COMMENT: April 28th, 2019 by Fairey Mary
I am very happy to see this. Hope to catch up sometime this year.

NEW POST> Colchide back in the water
April 5th, 2019 by
2019 Colchide back into the water

Colchide went back into the water on a very cold 3 April 2019. Winter work included: Changing the impeller on the Farymann diesel Moving and greasing all 6 stainless steel keel pinsRead More…

NEW COMMENT: April 5th, 2019 by Nick Phillips
Richard Looking great - I like the darker blue bottom. Interested to see her in the water hard on t

NEW COMMENT: April 10th, 2019 by Richard James
I should have mentioned our new keel box sealing idea, which was fitted exactly 2 days before Colchi

NEW COMMENT: April 15th, 2019 by meleager
Hey - great thinking. Looking forward to reports of how this works at the end of the season. Guess

NEW POST> Atalanta trailer winter refurbishing
March 10th, 2019 by
5 The completed rear - left hand

NEW POST> 2019 AGM Tamesis Sailing Club
March 4th, 2019 by
2019 AGM Mike Dixon administering the Awards after lunch

The 2019 AGM was a great success with 27 Members and friends attending the meeting and lunch. The Minutes, Secretary and Treasurer Reports will be published for Members in the Spring Newsletter.Read More…

NEW POST> A1 Restoration - Spars, Rigging, Sails
February 28th, 2019 by

This is a post in the continuing story documenting the restoration of A1 Atalanta. See the overview and other posts by clicking on the staple-gun

NEW POST> A1 Restoration - Topside Veneering
February 21st, 2019 by

This is a post in the continuing story documenting the restoration of A1 Atalanta. See the overview and other posts by clicking on the staple-gun

NEW POST> Wood needs to breathe - A59 Julietta re-launch delayed
February 14th, 2019 by
Ready for the water in 2017

I have had an update from Dennis Clarke on the progress of Julietta’s restoration. As often happens timescales for the work planned extended significantly but Julietta was finally prety much ready forRead More…

NEW POST> A1 Restoration - Aft cabin companionway and cockpit coaming
February 14th, 2019 by

This is a post in the continuing story documenting the restoration of A1 Atalanta. See the overview and other posts by clicking on the staple-gun

NEW POST> A1 Restoration - Engine Space
February 10th, 2019 by

This is a post in the continuing story documenting the restoration of A1 Atalanta. See the overview and other posts by clicking on the staple-gun

NEW POST> Wooden Mast and Boom Rebuild
February 9th, 2019 by
10 Spruce splines epoxy glued inside crosstrees 2

A169 “Elle” (formerly Kerry Piper) Wooden Boom and mast rebuild 2018 Boom Boom rebuild was completed over the last week in August – see photos for work stages etc. Still a fewRead More…

NEW COMMENT: February 9th, 2019 by Nick Phillips
ChrisWow! Great work. You make it look and sound so easy. And I love some of the 'extras' you

NEW COMMENT: February 11th, 2019 by Chris Green
Here is a photo missing from the sequence showing the spreaders after fitting.

NEW POST> A1 Restoration - Foredeck Veneering
February 4th, 2019 by

This is a post in the continuing story documenting the restoration of A1 Atalanta. See the overview and other posts by clicking on the staple-gun

NEW POST> A1 and A105 Head to Toe
January 31st, 2019 by
2018 A105 Coventry Victor OUT

Last year Peter Keightley bought A105 Taku Maru from John Ingleby with plans of visiting the Mediterranean via the French Canals. Peter has an excellent workshop for his preparations. There is apparentlyRead More…

NEW POST> A1 Restoration - Aft Deck Veneering
January 30th, 2019 by
9.1 Viewed from above, all the holes  in the aft deck still to be tackled

This is a post in the continuing story documenting the restoration of A1 Atalanta. See the overview and other posts by clicking on the staple-gun

NEW POST> 2019 AGM, Meet-Ups, Cruises and Rallies
January 29th, 2019 by
Calendar image

Although the wind, snow, rain and frost are still with us I am sure most of us are planning our Summer activities. Why not make room in your diaries to get togetherRead More…

NEW POST> Atalanta Mary hibernates
January 28th, 2019 by
Mary positioned in her barn

Clearing up the photos on my camera, I came across these. Alistair, I hope you don’t mind me posting them. Atalanta Mary was moved in November to a home out of theRead More…

NEW POST> A1 Restoration - The Cockpit Area
January 22nd, 2019 by
8.4 Cockpit Keelbox and Bulkhead rebuild 04

This is a post in the continuing story documenting the restoration of A1 Atalanta. See the overview and other posts by clicking on the staple-gun

NEW POST> A1 Restoration - Transom
January 7th, 2019 by
7.7 Finished transom, painted and varnished with name transfers applied

This is a post in the continuing story documenting the restoration of A1 Atalanta. See the overview and other posts by clicking on the staple-gun

NEW POST> A1 Restoration - Trailer
January 6th, 2019 by
1.8 Very curvy boat at AOA60 event, Levington (Photo Richard James)

This is a post in the continuing story documenting the restoration of A1 Atalanta. See the overview and other posts by clicking on the staple-gun

NEW COMMENT: January 7th, 2019 by Nick Phillips
Excellent work Mike. The trailer is as robust looking as Atalanta is curvy!I am fascinated by th

NEW POST> A1 Restoration - Hatches
January 5th, 2019 by

This is a post in the continuing story documenting the restoration of A1 Atalanta. See the overview and other posts by clicking on the staple-gun

NEW POST> A1 Restoration - Hull veneering, tools and equipment
December 30th, 2018 by

This is a post in the continuing story documenting the restoration of A1 Atalanta. See the overview and other posts by clicking on the staple-gun

NEW COMMENT: May 30th, 2019 by Bernard Marshall
Thanks for the tools list Mike. It has got me started.

NEW COMMENT: June 6th, 2019 by T12
Yep, really interesting and good to see larger scale repairs are possible.I have an A Souter pr

NEW POST> A1 Restoration - Keel Support Brackets
December 20th, 2018 by

This is a post in the continuing story documenting the restoration of A1 Atalanta. See the overview and other posts by clicking on the staple-gun

NEW COMMENT: December 23rd, 2018 by Peter Snowdon
Wow Mike, respect. The work that I had to do on the keel assembly pales in comparison to what you ac

NEW POST> A1 Restoration - Somewhere to do it, and initial investigations
November 19th, 2018 by
2.2 Inside the boatshed

This is a post in the continuing story documenting the restoration of A1 Atalanta. See the overview and other posts by clicking on the staple-gun

NEW POST> Restoration of A1 'Atalanta' 2016 to 2020
November 15th, 2018 by
1.8 Very curvy boat at AOA60 event, Levington (Photo Richard James)
NEW COMMENT: November 23rd, 2018 by murray reid
Mike Wow! Amazing job and excellent write up! Inspiring.... Murray A87

NEW COMMENT: December 17th, 2018 by Bernard Marshall
superb work Mike! Just to start and keep going with all the challenges you faced and overcame. Makes

NEW COMMENT: March 5th, 2019 by Bernard Marshall
Superb write up Mike. Very busy printing off some of your sections on tools and

NEW POST> What's new? - Archive and technical updates
November 13th, 2018 by

This page details all archive and website updates by the date they were made – scroll down to review. Feedback on the site and ideas for improvements are always welcome – pleaseRead More…

NEW POST> What's new - November 2018 Photos Added
November 13th, 2018 by

The photos below were loaded in November 2018. These photographs were collected as part of the pjysical AOA Archive and are now being made available online. Although the photographs are individually availableRead More…

NEW POST> 3 piece suit for A169
November 11th, 2018 by
Cover - front quarter view

Winter Cover: Removed the waxed canvas cockpit tent for valeting; so have made up a new winter deck cover for A 169. NB:  Article on making the cover will be in AOARead More…

NEW COMMENT: November 13th, 2018 by Nick Phillips
Chris Love this cover. Bernard Upton had a similar cover for the foredeck which I think he used al

NEW COMMENT: November 13th, 2018 by Chris Green
Spot on about the ridge-pole idea Nick. Pockets stitched into fore-deck section, but poles not in pl

NEW POST> Peanut in Beaumaris 2018
November 10th, 2018 by
Peanut on Facebook Uffa Fox Designs group

Peanut is based in Beaumaris, North Wales. Andrew Willat posted photos of her in 2017-18 on the Facebook group ‘Uffa Fox Designs‘. Peanut is far from standard with an extra mast andRead More…

NEW POST> A48 Seen in barn in Dorst
August 28th, 2018 by

Nick contacted us to say that he had come across A48 Theodora in a barn in Dorset. It was not clear what the owner planned for her.

NEW POST> AOA60 Photos
August 27th, 2018 by

NEW POST> Theodora safe and sound in a barn
August 23rd, 2018 by

In another demonstration of the benefits of the website we were contacted by someone who had come across Theodora in a barn in Dorset.She looks to be in reasonable condition.Unfortunately we hadRead More…

NEW POST> Bluster arrives in Scotland, from Suffolk
August 16th, 2018 by

After many years of being based at Ramsholt on the Deben and sailing the Thames Estuary with forays to Holland, France and Scotland (by trailer), Bluster has now moved to Scotland whereRead More…

NEW POST> A1 Atalanta gets a new Iron Topsail
July 30th, 2018 by

As part of her restoration Atalanta a1 has now received a shiny red Beta diesel. You will be able to read about the details of the installation in the future but inRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 4th, 2018 by Fairey Mary
Ah I believe this is the same as Mary's. I find it to be very reliable, even when running out of fu

NEW POST> A90 Mourne Goblin - Offers around £5000 SOLD
July 26th, 2018 by

Reluctant sale, due to purchase of larger boat. A90 Mourne Goblin had a full rebuild 2000/2005 – see A90 Boat Page (detail requires site registration). Ashore on trailer West Yorkshire, offers aroundRead More…

NEW POST> A86 Sassi - On the hard....refitting....Surrey
July 26th, 2018 by
A86 1990 On the drums....Showing epoxy on underside, and respray of hull. 2

Photos covering the refit in 1990 and subsequent sailing across to Cherbourg on her first cruise. She was still powered by her Coventry Victor engine at this point. Subsequent photos cover herRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 4th, 2018 by Fairey Mary
Are you going back to the black "adam-ant" look, it is interesting but maybe a 90's thing. She cert

NEW POST> Recent jobs on A169
July 24th, 2018 by
A169 Wind gen - chainplates collage

Weather is too hot for scheduled epoxy work on A169 (renamed Elle). July had been set aside for epoxy cloth sheathing below WL and rebuilding the wood mast. The problem is thatRead More…

NEW POST> A1 is measured up for some James Lawrence sails
July 11th, 2018 by
14.9 Amateur interpretation of the Jimmy Lawrence measured sail plan

A1 travelled from Market Harborough to Brightlingsea for Mark Butler, of James Lawrence sails, to measure her up for new sails. This meant Mike was able to prove his tow car, hisRead More…

NEW POST> Major Robin Shinkwin
July 11th, 2018 by
Major Robin Shinkwin '64

Major Robin Shinkwin was apparently the second owner of F8 “Iona”. The photo shows Him on A5 ” Diaphony” on a cruise down to St Malo, with my Father, myself and NigelRead More…

NEW POST> Someone is always watching...
July 11th, 2018 by
F14 Noggin Spotted in Marans near La Rochelle 2015

Spotted in Marans near La Rochelle by no less than two local Fulmar fans ! Looking good, very good!

NEW POST> A1 Atalanta Interesting Keel Hoist
July 10th, 2018 by
A1's keel hoists operate to the same principles as the production Atalantas, but with cables instead of solid stirrups.

A1’s keel plates and hoist have been completely refurbished. The lifting gear is of interesting design – the same principle was used in the production Atalantas but the original has cables inRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 17th, 2018 by murray reid
Hi Interesting. Are the threaded rods fastened to the clamping plate? What keeps the water out. do

NEW COMMENT: July 17th, 2018 by murray reid
And this....

NEW COMMENT: July 17th, 2018 by murray reid
Oh, something’s gone a bit wonky with the website? [Webmaster - it did! Apologies. I believe it i

NEW COMMENT: August 3rd, 2018 by Mike Dixon
Hello Murray - apologies for delay in replying.A1's original keel support brackets and bolts wer

NEW POST> Original Owner
July 9th, 2018 by
A61 Elissa A1 Atalanta & A48 Atala

A48 was launched as “ATALA” and was originally owned by John A. Strubbe FRIBA, his wife and children. Interestingly it was John who was responsible for the Black Night Rocket Engine TestRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 9th, 2018 by AOA
Welcome to the AOA and the website Mark. I love this photograph. I won't ask which child is you!

NEW POST> A1 Atalanta dresses in her new rigging
July 3rd, 2018 by
2018 07 A1 Mast Up 03

Mike’s new sails are to be made by famous sailmaker Jimmy Lawrence, of Brightlingsea.  The loft insist on measuring the boat themselves. So all Mike has to do is get her toRead More…

NEW POST> A1 Atalanta Trailer (ex Kotora) - a different type of trailer
July 3rd, 2018 by
A1 trailer side-rail detail

Mike bought Kotora’s old trailer and heavily refurbished it.  It is of an interesting design, quite different to others I have seen.  It has central supports for the keel and a fore-and-aftRead More…

NEW POST> A1 Atalanta Restoration - Sunlight for the first time in 18 months
July 3rd, 2018 by
Sitting proud (and high) on her trailer.  Beautiful from every angle.

A1 Atalanta has been tucked up in her workshop for the last 18 months after rescue from a garden in Essex. Mike (Dixon) has achieved an amazing amount of progress in thatRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 6th, 2018 by Fairey Mary
Are you going to paint it canary yellow? But really it is brilliant I am sure we will have a hard t

NEW POST> Site Activity Feed - Never miss a post, blog or comment on the site
June 17th, 2018 by
Site Activity Feed Option on Home Page

This is not really a News item but is recommending use of the Site Activity Feed to make sure you never miss a post, blog entry or comment on the site.This facilityRead More…

NEW POST> A162 Nip down to Spain
June 15th, 2018 by

          Back in the depth of winter my wife Lara announces that she is taking part with my eldest daughter in the annual diving club trip in ¨Rosas¨Read More…

NEW COMMENT: June 18th, 2018 by Nick Phillips
SimonThanks for sharing your trip on the site. It is great to see photos of Solone on her new ha

NEW COMMENT: June 29th, 2018 by Dominic Dobson
Simon good to read about your trip are you going to add the distance to the round the world log on h

NEW POST> A104 Arosa Hull to Whitby in June 2010
June 15th, 2018 by
A104 Arosa in Hull

I found these images of A104 Arosa whilst looking for something entirely different and thought they might be of interest.

NEW POST> A144 CYN For Sale - offers
June 7th, 2018 by
Atalanta 26 Line Drawing (Hull)
NEW COMMENT: October 18th, 2018 by Cameron OConnor
Hello! Is your boat still for sale please?Cheers Cameron O'Connor

NEW POST> A160 Moyra from the Archive - use with the RONA Trust
May 29th, 2018 by

As part of the continuing transfer of the AOA archives online I came across this note from the RONA Trust about Moyra’s first owner Lord Amroy, and Moyra’s role in the Trust.Read More…

NEW POST> Atalanta 26: A9 Ereina £2000 ono
May 21st, 2018 by
A9 Ereina For Sale in 2018

Details Atalanta 26 A9 Ereina is for sale. Ereina is part way through a restoration interrupted due to move to sailing a catamaran. She is out of the water in South Wales.Read More…

NEW POST> A138 Sweet Sue spotted in St Peterport Guernsey
May 6th, 2018 by
A138 Sweet Sue in St Peterport May 2018

A138 Sweet Sue picture in Guernsey 5th May 218

NEW COMMENT: May 15th, 2018 by AOA
Good to see Sweet Sue afloat - thanks for posting Robbie. Another vertical lifting rudder I see!

NEW COMMENT: May 22nd, 2018 by Chris Green
Sweet Sue was featured in the 1985 AOA Bulletin article " by George Parker (hon. Sec.) "Atalantas in

NEW POST> A117 Turtle May 2018 - progress in Cornwall
May 3rd, 2018 by
Turtle on the slow road to recovery in Cornwall

Our Secretary Richard has been on his travels, sailing tupperware yachts and popping in on unsuspecting Atalanta Owners. Richard visited Chris Berry in Truro. Chris has taken on A117 Turtle – TurtleRead More…

NEW COMMENT: May 9th, 2018 by Richard Pollard
Bah gum Chris....... that's a project and a half. Wish you every success.

NEW COMMENT: May 28th, 2018 by Simon Weston Jones
I have just taken a look at the pictures of Turtle , what an undertaking , I can only take my hat

NEW POST> AOA Annual Dinner
April 13th, 2018 by
AOA AGM Dinner Card Covers 1959-65

Since the inception of the Association the annual AGM has been accompanied by a social gathering and meal. Between 1962 and 2010 this was held in the excellent St Ermins Hotel inRead More…

NEW POST> ?? AOA60 - How well do you know Fairey Marine yachts?
April 2nd, 2018 by

The AOA60 quiz is now live – try your hand here

NEW POST> A169 Kerry Piper 100W Solar Panel for 48V charging
March 22nd, 2018 by
solar collage

Above: 100W “Fuji Wave” panel – delivers a high voltage with exceptional low light energy capture. Mid afternoon March last w/e measured input was 300V+.These are designed for commercial solar installations, butRead More…

NEW POST> AOA60 Challenge - Part 3 (of 3)
March 18th, 2018 by

NEW POST> AOA60 Challenge - Part 2 (of 3)
March 18th, 2018 by

NEW POST> AOA60 Challenge - Part 1 (of 3)
March 18th, 2018 by

NEW POST> Raising A86 off her trailer after repositioning in the barn
March 6th, 2018 by
Safely on her barrels.

Today, the 5th March 2018, A86 was moved on her trailer and repositioned in the barn so that all round access was possible. Many thanks to Mike Dixon for coming to theRead More…

NEW COMMENT: March 6th, 2018 by Nick Phillips
Bernard - fantastic progress. I have put you down for the East Coast Cruise and Race!It is grea

NEW COMMENT: March 6th, 2018 by Dominic Dobson
Bernard looking good just one thought when looking at how the mast is suspended just check that its

NEW COMMENT: March 7th, 2018 by Bernard Marshall
Hi DomThanks for your comments and advice. I checked the mast support out this morning and and m

NEW COMMENT: March 29th, 2018 by Fairey Mary
I definitely have shed envy...What is your guess for hours pleasantly engaged in restoration. I

NEW COMMENT: July 25th, 2018 by Bernard Marshall
Just posted off AOA60 form to Hon Sec.....with new wardrobe ordered....

NEW POST> AOA60 Round The World
March 4th, 2018 by

Fairey Marine Yachts Collaborative Round the World Journey FMAOA Around the World Log

NEW POST> AOA60 Challenge
March 4th, 2018 by

AOA60 Challenge Pit your knowledge against our resident Quizmaster ‘Dicky’ and against the wider Fairey Atalanta community.

NEW POST> Test FrontEnd Post
March 3rd, 2018 by

This is a test of a Front End Post.

NEW POST> The AOA is 60 Years Old - Celebrate with us
March 3rd, 2018 by

The AOA is 60 Years Old in 2018 – join in our celebrations. The boats and the owners have lasted well! The Association will be marking the auspicious Anniversary with a seriesRead More…

NEW POST> AOA 60:60:60 - Anecdotes from 60 Years
February 28th, 2018 by

NEW POST> AOA60 - Celebrating 60 years
February 28th, 2018 by

  The Atalanta Owners Association was formed in May 1958.For sixty years the Association has provided the means for owners and potential owners to support themselves and each other in keeping aliveRead More…

NEW POST> A110 Memories from an Owner
February 25th, 2018 by
A110 assisting Land Rover Test a V8 Landrover

These photographs relating to A110 Turnstone (now Trientje P, being restored in Germany) were kindly provided by Richard Salter.  [One of the pleasures I get from the website is connecting previous AtalantaRead More…

NEW POST> Portsmouth Bound Prt 7 Lizard Point to Portsmouth
February 21st, 2018 by

So I have finally got round to writing the final instalment of our journey from Isle of Man to Portsmouth. We had a fairly uneventful journey from Lizard to Portland Bill acrossRead More…

NEW COMMENT: February 22nd, 2018 by AOA
PaulWhat a great trip to look back on- all credit to you, your crew and Brother Jack. And thank

February 16th, 2018 by

The 2018 AGM was held at the Tamesis Sailing Club on the River Thames in Hampton Wick. It was an excellent day with a suitable mix of ‘business’ and pleasure, and theRead More…

NEW COMMENT: February 16th, 2018 by Richard James
Great photos and article Nick.

NEW COMMENT: February 16th, 2018 by Chris Green
Great article -but the link for the Treasurer's report:"Members of the Association may read the

NEW POST> Barbara Calder, ex owner of Terrapina, dies
February 15th, 2018 by

See the Forum post for obituary of Barbara Calder, corinthian ex-owner of Terrapina. Quite a sailor and quite a character.

NEW POST> Memorable family sailing on Holland waterways summer 1960
February 4th, 2018 by
Under sail ?

A memorable time for the family which we did not regret.The tide was running out fast in the Zandreek. so we went aground not exactly where we would have wished!. No problemRead More…

NEW COMMENT: February 4th, 2018 by Nick Phillips
Great photos. Thank you for posting them. They sum up so many of the attractions of the Atalanta -

NEW COMMENT: February 13th, 2018 by Chris Green
Lovely post - the essence of Atalanta cruising

NEW POST> A128 Echo in 1989-1990
February 4th, 2018 by
A128 September 1989. A stiff south-easterly in St Bride's Bay

Pictures of A128 Echo iin 1989 and 1990 kindly provided by Piers Beckett.

NEW POST> A125 Bacardi - A 'Barn Find' which died in the barn
January 31st, 2018 by
"Polaris II" in Mexico as seen before purchase.  Baot had not been sailed for 20 years.

Below is a story of a long distance affair between Peter Nicholls and A125 Polaris II in Mexico. 1960 Polaris moves to Mexico Fairey Atalanta hull no 128 left the Hamble worksRead More…

NEW POST> Building Colchide in 1958
January 4th, 2018 by
Building Colchide 58-62 (12)

A photo record of Bernard Upton building Colchide in 1958

NEW COMMENT: January 15th, 2018 by Nick Phillips
Richard Great set of photographs - thanks for posting. Looks like a pain-staking job. That was qu

NEW POST> History of A89 Colchide
December 15th, 2017 by
Colchide sailing near Harwich

COLCHIDE   Bernard Upton bought an Atalanta kit, hull number 104, directly from Fairey Aviation, Hamble on 25 November 1958 for £2800 and had it delivered to Cambs. The hull was builtRead More…

NEW POST> A16 Dervorguilla gets a makeover
December 12th, 2017 by
Note the rudder wires one over the other.

A16 Dervorguilla gets a makeover at Pin Mill. A Mark 1 Atalanta Devorguilla is still in remarkable condition despite her age. There are quite a few interesting differences: The aft-cabin is longer,Read More…

NEW POST> A169 Kerry Piper - cockpit tent + mast and boom issues
December 10th, 2017 by

Missed the bulletin deadline this year, so thought I would add this blog of the ongoing work on Kerry Piper A169. Working on the basis of KP launch in 2018, need toRead More…

NEW COMMENT: December 14th, 2017 by Richard James
Thanks for posting Chris, very interesting. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

NEW COMMENT: December 14th, 2017 by Nick Phillips
Chris Wow. You are cracking on. I like the boom tent. The raised legs for the horse and the lifting

NEW COMMENT: December 17th, 2017 by Chris Green
The boom details did not load on the new version - so added again below:

NEW POST> Paint job (mostly) complete
December 9th, 2017 by
Looking good in new colour scheme

So today was the day that all the prep has paid off. I hope the colour gets the nod. When I stripped off the old black paint, I found some of thisRead More…

NEW COMMENT: December 9th, 2017 by Paul Jones
Wow she is looking good Nick a tad bit envious I have to say.Just trying to find a place where I c

NEW POST> Zambra progress - coming along, slowly but steadily...
December 9th, 2017 by
2018 Zambra paint job

I thought I’d better drop in the latest news on the Zambra project, as it’s been a while. I’ve made some good progress over the last few weeks, including: Finishing all theRead More…

NEW COMMENT: December 9th, 2017 by Chris Green
Looking good!

NEW POST> 2018 AOA Website - introduction
December 2nd, 2017 by

Welcome to the new 2018 AOA Website which replaces the old ‘Ning’ site. Our new website is still work in progress. We are in the process of loading AOA records and thereRead More…

NEW COMMENT: December 17th, 2017 by Richard James
A huge well done to Nick Phillips for this new fantastic website.

NEW COMMENT: December 17th, 2017 by Chris Green
Here here!

NEW COMMENT: December 18th, 2017 by Bernard Marshall
Well done Nick.....pretty awesome work... many thanks

NEW POST> F14 Noggin for sale £6,000 - SOLD
November 26th, 2017 by

Christopher Perkins has put Noggin up for sale. She has had a great deal of work done by professional boatbuilder Alan Staley. Lying in Faversham, with an excellent trailer. Contact details christopher.perkinsRead More…

NEW POST> Portsmouth Bound Prt 6 Padstow to Lizard Point
November 5th, 2017 by
T4 on passage round Lands End

So after a very long time sitting in Padstow and due to work commitments we made the final push get Brother Jack underway again and back to Portsmouth. We set out ourRead More…

NEW POST> Finally... launched on the River Bure at Martham
October 31st, 2017 by

The culmination of work since acquisition from Derek Buckton in 2006… everything should work! Taka Maru stayed moored up for a week, during which it transpired the exhaust system needed repair, andRead More…

NEW POST> A169 Kerry Piper-out of the shed!
September 7th, 2017 by
2017 A169 Reeconfiguring the hoists for high position.

Last week (of August), after several postponements due to inclement weather, KP’s scaffold shed was dismantled. The scaffolding has been reconfigured to provide a higher lift on the winched slings ready forRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 13th, 2017 by ChrisGreen
Hi Murray, Yes - planning to tilt in slings by attaching a secondary overhead hoist/sling

NEW COMMENT: September 12th, 2017 by murrayreid
Hi Chris Are you going to tilt KP on her side to make it easier to sheath the bottom? inte

NEW COMMENT: September 8th, 2017 by ChrisGreen
Thanks Nick - still a lot to do, but at least she is in the open. NB: Paint looks good in the pho

NEW COMMENT: September 8th, 2017 by NickPhillips
WOOHOO!  Well Done Chris!  She is looking great. You must be very pleased after all the hours a

NEW POST> Portsmouth Bound Prt 5 (Update)
August 15th, 2017 by

Made a cheeky visit to Brother Jack as it was my wifes birthday last week and she wanted dinner at Rick Steins’…. (Its a Malay thing)… We gave the engine a runRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 17th, 2017 by NickPhillips
Ouch! Glad you noticed in time.  They do say that Fish and Chips is bad for you ....

NEW POST> Portsmouth Bound Prt 5
August 15th, 2017 by

So progress so far we have been running on motor since 11pm the previous night with a short 2 hour interlude the follwing day. We are making good headway at 6-7 knotsRead More…

NEW POST> Portsmouth Bound Prt 4
August 15th, 2017 by

So after the false start first time round, myself and another 2 others set sail from Aberystwyth in the dead of night (11pm to be precise). First waypoint was Porth Mawr onRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 17th, 2017 by NickPhillips
Paul Love the image of Brother Jack's track in Ramsey Sound. Looks very interesting!

NEW POST> Italian/Croatian adventure
August 13th, 2017 by
2017 A60 Achates cruises in Croatia

Its a pretty well worn path for Titania / Atalanta owners but its certainly a big adventure for us, family crew of five, including George 6, below, Jemima 10 and Freddie 9.Read More…

NEW COMMENT: August 20th, 2017 by FaireyMary
+1 on the photos.  I hope you have a great time.

NEW COMMENT: August 15th, 2017 by NickPhillips
Jonathan What a fantastic adventure for you all. And Achates looks stunning - all credit t

NEW POST> Portsmouth Bound Prt 3
July 24th, 2017 by

Hi All Sorry its been a while since I updated but suffice to say we have made progress to N Devon but since then progressed has stalled due to work commitments. AnywayRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 7th, 2017 by SimonWeston Jones
Good to see of your last adventure with Brother Jack. such bad luck.  It's always the same with

NEW POST> A154 Deannie - restoration
July 20th, 2017 by

Deannie is available, free of charge, in the Lake District area, near the M6. The owners have entrusted the AOA to find a good home for her. Deannie has been under aRead More…

NEW COMMENT: October 18th, 2018 by Cameron OConnor
Sorry, has this boat been claimed yet?Regards Cameron O'Connor

NEW COMMENT: October 1st, 2020 by Richard James
Hello Cameron,The boat is still available.Are you interested?

NEW POST> The madness has paid off
July 11th, 2017 by

Firstly I would like to introduce myself to the members of AOA.  My name is Simon and I am the proud new owner of yacht Solone. Back in May I began negotiationsRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 13th, 2017 by FaireyMary
That rope looks handly for the canals.  You look well placed for a short trip up to carcasonne.

NEW POST> 2017 T12 Harrier re-launched
July 5th, 2017 by
T12 Harrier back on the water after restoration

Photo: Ready for launching.     Photo: Showing off Harrier’s curves!.   Photo: Mooring at Salcombe.   Photo: 6 knots to Salcombe. The new sails and clean bottom resulted in an easyRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 6th, 2017 by StephenandGeorgeTaylor
Thanks Nick, Harrier is looking in great shape and will have a busy summer of South West cruising. G

NEW COMMENT: July 5th, 2017 by NingWebmaster
Yes-Hah! She floats. So pleased to see you afloat. Well done for all your work in her

NEW POST> A86 in storage
July 4th, 2017 by
A87 Sassi moves to a new home nearer the owner

Photo: A86 in storage.  

NEW COMMENT: July 6th, 2017 by BernardMarshall
First mouthful of the Elephant as Mike Dixon says, second bite was today.....many more to follow. Lo

NEW COMMENT: July 5th, 2017 by NingWebmaster
Hi. Good to see A86 tucked up in the dry.  And that is a nice big working space to

NEW POST> A124 Helene gets new electrics panel
July 3rd, 2017 by
A124 Helene gets a new electrics panel (2017)

Helene had been professionally rewired before I bought her. There were one or two aspects I didn’t like, mainly that some of the cable routing was very visible, the sockets provided wereRead More…

NEW POST> A124 Helene gets her old boom back with slab reefing
June 22nd, 2017 by

Helene’s previous owner had invested in the hope of a return in silverware. Helene (3/4 rig, wooden mast) had been set up with new sails and gear for racing. This included leadingRead More…

NEW POST> AOA Toco demise 2017 - A sad tale
June 12th, 2017 by
2017 01 Tired but not beyond repair

Sadly we watched the A99 Toco demise in 2017. She had been lying outside the owner’s house for many years. He had intended to restore her but never quite got started. TheRead More…

NEW POST> 2016 Mary on the way home
June 11th, 2017 by
Sunset sailing

NEW POST> Hullabaloo for sale SOLD
May 30th, 2017 by

Reluctantly the owner of Hullabaloo has decided to sell as he is no longer able to use and maintain Hullabaloo. Basically in very sound condition Hullabaloo is offered for sale on eBay.

NEW COMMENT: December 9th, 2020 by Bear_Grills
This Sold for £166. in 2017. mmm, Bargain.

NEW POST> A124 Keels and their mechanism
May 25th, 2017 by
A124 Renovations

The keels, keel brackets and clamping plates all looked in excellent condition but I wanted to get them out to check. I got the boat in the air and prepared to removeRead More…

NEW POST> A124 Replacement Windows
May 25th, 2017 by
A124 Renovations

The windows on Helene were very cloudy and needed replacing. There is a lot of excellent information in bulletins about how to replace them so I got stuck in. The only variationRead More…

NEW POST> Portsmouth Bound Prt 2
May 13th, 2017 by

So during our trip around Anglesey was quite uneventful although we did witness an amazing sunset in the Irish Sea. The progress was slow going around Bardsey as we hit the tides wrongRead More…

NEW COMMENT: May 19th, 2017 by murrayreid
Great to see! look forward to further updates.. Fair winds. Murray. A87

NEW POST> Portsmouth Bound 2017 Part 1
May 12th, 2017 by

So we arrived on a blowy Saturday morning to set off from Castletown with a view to reaching at least the North Coast of Somerset/Devon. This was slightly ambitious in hindsight nowRead More…

NEW POST> Sadly Remnants of A99 Toco on eBay
May 9th, 2017 by

A99 Toco has been scrapped and broken up. Seller badgersden10 has a number of parts including windows, sails, prop shaft, and fuel tank listed on eBay at present. At somewhat inflated prices.Read More…

NEW POST> A95 Hiran Cockpit Tent
May 3rd, 2017 by
cA95 Hiran Cockpit Cover

Photographs of the cockpit tent installed on Hiran, which may be of interest to others.

NEW POST> Lifting the boat from the trailer
April 30th, 2017 by
2017 Helene Lift Up 019

I adapted a methodology for lifting the boat off the trailer that I have used for other boats. It involves a cross-beam with a jack at each end. In the past IRead More…

NEW POST> Article in Classic Sailor about Atalantas
April 22nd, 2017 by

The Association have contributed to an article in Classic Sailor about Atalantas this month. Dan Houston’s Classic Sailor magazine is an excellent publication – thoroughly recommended. Check it out at

NEW POST> 2016 Brother Jack heads South
April 2nd, 2017 by

Photo: T4 Brother Jack Lift in. Brother Jack about to get her backside wet after 6 months in the dry.       Photo: T4 Brother Jack Lift in. Brother Jack aboutRead More…

NEW COMMENT: April 13th, 2017 by PaulJones
Well heading back to the IOM for a few further days of completing the small jobs. So I will add s

NEW COMMENT: April 3rd, 2017 by PaulJones
Thanks Nick, and a further thanks for helping with the survey.

NEW COMMENT: April 3rd, 2017 by NingWebmaster
Paul  Very exciting. She looks great too. Hoping to hear all about her and your tr

NEW POST> Atalanta 26: A179 Emma Duck - SOLD
March 25th, 2017 by

Emma Duck was excellently looked after for many years by AOA members, and she retains many original Atalanta features, with some later additions attributed to an extended stay in the Med. SheRead More…

NEW COMMENT: April 15th, 2019 by Terrapin
Hi do you still have emma duck for sale Thanks ray

NEW COMMENT: November 13th, 2019 by AOA
Excellent news about Emma Duck's sale. We wish the new owner every success in getting her back on t

NEW POST> A162 Solone For Sale - £5,000 SOLD
March 8th, 2017 by
A162 Solone

Keith Viewing’s wonderful Solone is now for sale. Set up for serious cruising Solone is looking for new adventures. Invoices available for all works carried out. Solone has been laid up ashoreRead More…

NEW POST> A95 For Sale £4,500 - SOLD
March 3rd, 2017 by
A95 Hiran For Sale in 2017 004

Hiran is up for sale after over 30 years of ownership. Sale Details

NEW POST> Fairey Marine tenders for Atalantas
February 14th, 2017 by

There are three Fairey Marine tenders to complement the Atalanta series of yachts. The Dinky This is an 8 ft long dinghy. Constructed in the same way as the Atalanta, hot mouldedRead More…

NEW POST> 20 February - Toco goes to a new home
February 11th, 2017 by
A99 Toco languishing near Kings Lynn

Great news for Fred and the Association – Toco Axxx has a new home. We wish the new owner good fortune in the restoration and hope to follow progress over the comingRead More…

NEW POST> A33 - a fascinating Atalanta in the USA
February 6th, 2017 by

Photo: A33 under trees.   Photo: Michel straddling A33.   Photo: A33 motoring with 5 crew.   Photo: Michel and A33 in a lock.   Photo: Michel and A33 under garden parasol.Read More…

NEW POST> Salizanda blog update
January 31st, 2017 by

I have just finished updating the Salizanda blog following her successful re-launching and I have posted the link here. I would be very pleased if members would look at it andRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 6th, 2017 by PeterSnowdon
Hallo Bernard, I'm glad that you enjoyed my blog and found it useful. I'm now enjoying the fruits

NEW COMMENT: July 4th, 2017 by BernardMarshall
I am amazed at what you have achieved with the restoration. Attention to detail, and perseverance on

NEW POST> Photos of A33 from Michel Lapierre in Canada
January 29th, 2017 by
NEW COMMENT: January 29th, 2017 by ChrisGreen
Great looking project - original hull/topsides finishing will certainly be a head turner! 

NEW POST> Electric Motor Installation
January 28th, 2017 by

Photo: Electric motor installation 1. Electric motor components set up in situ to check all OK before final installation.

NEW COMMENT: February 1st, 2017 by PeterSnowdon
Hi Chri - I'm using the original 11x9 RH prop. I could have changed the pitch but it is simpler a

NEW COMMENT: January 31st, 2017 by ChrisGreen
Hi Peter - what size prop and pitch are you running? Looks like the original 3 bladed from your b

NEW COMMENT: January 31st, 2017 by PeterSnowdon
Hi Chris - I've set mine as a 24v system rated about 2000rpm and had a 2:1 reduction but I'm chan

NEW COMMENT: January 31st, 2017 by ChrisGreen
Hi Peter - Reduction is linked to the power curve of the motor i.e. rated rpm at around 2600 rpm

NEW COMMENT: January 31st, 2017 by PeterSnowdon
Nice installation Chris. Why did you decide on this reduction? What will be the shaft RPM and at

NEW COMMENT: January 29th, 2017 by NickPhillips
Chris, looking good. So tidy and so much room! Can't wait to hear how she performs.

NEW COMMENT: January 29th, 2017 by ChrisGreen
Photos of initial electric motor setup.

NEW POST> 2017 AOA AGM - Roaring Success in Dartford
January 23rd, 2017 by

The 2017 AOA AGM was well attended with 26 people representing xxx boats. We discussed…. We had a great lunch with much talk of adventures new, old and future. And so on

NEW POST> Atalanta Mary A102 Mediterranean Circuit
January 18th, 2017 by

In 2013 Alistair Rodger sailed A102 Atalanta Mary across The Channel to St Valery Sur Somme as the first part of a Mediterranean adventure. Alistair, Mojo the greyhound and Atalanta Mary spentRead More…

NEW POST> A117 Turtle Sizing Up the challenge
January 17th, 2017 by

Photo: IMG_1785. Photo: IMG_1787. Photo: IMG_1788. Photo: IMG_1789. Photo: IMG_1790. Photo: IMG_1791. Photo: IMG_1817. presure wash, looking better already. Photo: IMG_1818. Photo: IMG_1819. Photo: IMG_1820. Photo: IMG_1821. Photo: IMG_1822. Photo: IMG_1823. Photo:Read More…

NEW POST> A117 Turtle on the move after 10 years
January 15th, 2017 by

Photo: IMG_1814. Photo: IMG_1813. Photo: IMG_1812. Photo: IMG_1783. Photo: IMG_1782. Photo: IMG_1781. Photo: IMG_1780. Photo: IMG_1779. Photo: IMG_1778. Photo: IMG_1777. First movement in ten years. 🙂

NEW POST> A117 Checking her out
January 10th, 2017 by

Photo: IMG_1804. Photo: IMG_1803. William checking her out Photo: IMG_1799. Photo: IMG_1798. Photo: IMG_1797. Photo: IMG_1796. Photo: IMG_1795. Photo: IMG_1784. Into the workshop for a clean out Photo: IMG_1776. Photo: IMG_1759. Photo:Read More…

NEW POST> Fulmar - Original Brochures, Advertisements and PR
December 21st, 2016 by

Brochures Adverts and Publicity Shots

NEW POST> Atalanta 31 - Original Brochures, Advertisements and PR
December 21st, 2016 by

Brochures Adverts and Publicity Shots

NEW POST> Titania - Original Brochures, Advertisements and PR
December 21st, 2016 by

Brochures Adverts and Publicity Shots

NEW POST> Atalanta 26 - Original Brochures, Advertisements and PR
December 21st, 2016 by

Brochures Adverts and Publicity Shots

NEW POST> A169 Saloon
December 20th, 2016 by

Photo: Saloon – shelving and seat mod’s. Full length shelves added to each side of saloon. Fitted cushion back below shelves NB: These will be modified with a back panel to bringRead More…

NEW POST> A169 Nav Station
December 20th, 2016 by

Photo: Kerry Piper- Nav station mod’s. Slide out chart table allows access to storage/quarter berth below cockpit seat. Formica top makes a usable extra work area for galley.  

NEW POST> A169 Aft Cabin refurbishment
December 20th, 2016 by

Photo: Aft cabin refurb 1. The secondary bulkheads were made in two sections (top and base)   Photo: Aft cabin refurb 2. Getting the cut-outs in the right place took all myRead More…

NEW POST> A117 Turtle on eBay
November 14th, 2016 by

Photo: s-l1600. As seen on Ebay.

NEW POST> Memories of my ownership of A179 Emma Duck in 1970s
November 1st, 2016 by

Photo: 7 – Julie & Steve in Emma Duck’s Tender 1972. My children in the Duckling Dinghy. They spent many happy hours rowing this around the Marina and Canal at Sharpness inRead More…

NEW POST> A166 Hullabaloo for sale on eBay
October 13th, 2016 by
2017 Hullabaloo on Portland

Hullabaloo spotted on ebay. Extract of ad here: Fairey Atalanta 26′ Yacht, possible unusual garden guest accommodation Air BnB, Up for grabs is my Fairey Atalanta A166 Hullabaloo, lying at Portland, Dorset.Read More…

NEW COMMENT: October 19th, 2016 by ChrisGreen
Hopefully they will register as a new member - unless already one!

NEW COMMENT: October 19th, 2016 by JohnIngleby
Auction ended early. Wonder who's bought her?

NEW POST> Suffolk Yacht Harbour-Mary maintenance
October 1st, 2016 by
2016 A102 New Cover

In my previous blog I spoke of bringing Mary home because the maintenance backlog was exceeding holiday expectations.  Well that kind of thing.  So now Mary is in Suffolk Yacht Harbour underRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 26th, 2017 by NickPhillips
Looking good Alistair. I like the new colours. Will you fitting torpedos?

NEW COMMENT: July 26th, 2017 by FaireyMary
I managed to take advantage of a break in the weather and primed.  Now a light sand and the top

NEW COMMENT: July 23rd, 2017 by FaireyMary
I went out on friday night and hopefully got to the end of the sanding of the hull.  I took the

NEW COMMENT: June 25th, 2017 by FaireyMary
Ok the other thing I have been doing and it is hard work is skimming the hull.  I sanded back th

NEW COMMENT: June 17th, 2017 by FaireyMary
Actually it isn't bad. The only thing I don't like is areas where there looks like tiny air bubbles.

NEW COMMENT: June 17th, 2017 by NickPhillips
Good to see the mast coming together.  Be very interested to see how the Awlwood MA lasts. Is it

NEW COMMENT: June 5th, 2017 by FaireyMary
This weekend I stripped the mast back..  it was crazing and mold was growing underneath it in ot

NEW POST> Salizanda re-launched
September 10th, 2016 by
A150 Salizanda on the way to the water in 2017

FINALLY  🙂 Salizanda was finally re-launched on the 3rd August. There is still lots to do but after 14 years it was a wonderful moment. She sails like a dream even thoughRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 2nd, 2016 by PeterSnowdon
Hi John, I will try to get something together, pretty busy right now as you might imagine. Thanks

NEW COMMENT: September 2nd, 2016 by PeterSnowdon
Thanks Nick, I'm just off to the boat but I will try to get some other pics together and post the

NEW COMMENT: September 1st, 2016 by JohnIngleby
Well done Peter! Salizander looks absolutely gorgeous in your photos. Will you post some d

NEW COMMENT: August 31st, 2016 by NingWebmaster
Peter What a fantastic looking Atalanta you have crafted. She looks stunning and I love the town veh

NEW POST> Ready for winter storage
September 10th, 2016 by

So it with great pleasure that I have taken on an Atalanta Titania (T4). I am still looking into the history of her and previous owners and names (Gellie,Katya and currently BrotherRead More…

NEW COMMENT: October 30th, 2016 by PaulJones
Thanks for the pictures David Mike I am sure I will have 1 million and 1 questions at some

NEW COMMENT: October 9th, 2016 by DavidWalworth
Nice!.  I have some pictures from 2010 when we were visiting my sister in Anglesey (she and her

NEW COMMENT: September 28th, 2016 by MikeDixon
Hello Paul - great boat!  I owned her for over 10 years (as "Gellie").  Don't hesitate to get i

NEW COMMENT: September 19th, 2016 by StephenandGeorgeTaylor
Great pictures and I also look forwards to updates on progress. T12, based at Plymouth, is

NEW COMMENT: September 14th, 2016 by murrayreid
Excellent, look forward to your updates on progress.  Murray A87

NEW COMMENT: September 11th, 2016 by colintwyford
You can ask Nick Phillips A124 for a copy of T4's page giving all details of her history and good lu

NEW POST> A1 Recovery from Essex
September 10th, 2016 by
2016 08 A1 Recovery from Point Clear 017

A1 was moved to Market Harborough, via Martin Bennet’s field, using Colchide’s trailer. A masterclass in lifting an Atalanta.

NEW POST> 09 Sep - Hyeres
September 9th, 2016 by
Hayers was a charming town

NEW POST> 09 Sep - St Tropez to Le Lavendou
September 9th, 2016 by
Looking back at St Tropez

NEW POST> 07 Sep - St Tropez
September 7th, 2016 by
Beautiful craftsmanship

NEW POST> 06 Sep - Past Agay to St Tropez
September 6th, 2016 by
Bimini motoring.

NEW POST> 05 Sep - Past Cannes to La Napoule
September 5th, 2016 by
This motorboat intrigued Nick as it sped past - is there a strong hint of Citroen DS about the styling?

NEW POST> 04 Sep - Antibes
September 4th, 2016 by
Some of them were quite eerie

NEW POST> 03 Sep - Around Monaco
September 3rd, 2016 by
St Nicholas Cathedral at night

NEW POST> 02 Sep - To Monaco
September 2nd, 2016 by
The small boat harbour, SW of the clifftop old Monaco. An impressive hole overshadowed but the the cliffs on which Old Monaco stands.

NEW POST> 01 Sep - San Remo
September 1st, 2016 by
Elena meets 15m

NEW POST> 31 Aug - San Lorenzo Al Mare
August 31st, 2016 by
Leaving Alassio behind

NEW POST> 30 Aug - Alassio
August 30th, 2016 by
We spent ages looking for one or two famous people's plaques - very time consuming.

NEW POST> 29 Aug - Savona to Loano
August 30th, 2016 by
In Loano we entered a massive and half-empty marina.  There was no clear guidance so we moored in a berth around three times the length of Atalanta Mary and headed for the Capitainerie

NEW POST> 28 Aug - Genoa to Savona
August 28th, 2016 by
Looking cool in the shade of the ad-hoc bimini rigged under the boom.

NEW POST> 26 Aug - Genoa
August 26th, 2016 by

NEW POST> 25 Aug - Portofino
August 25th, 2016 by
A spectacular (if expensive) quayside.

NEW POST> 25 Aug - Past Cinque Terre to Portfino
August 25th, 2016 by
Looking back at Portovenere in the morning sun

NEW POST> 24 Aug - Portovenere
August 24th, 2016 by
Stunning- the blue sea, the magnificent fort and town of Portovenere

NEW POST> 23 Aug - La Grazie
August 24th, 2016 by
These two yachts are operated by a UK Charter company

NEW POST> La Spezia
August 23rd, 2016 by
aug 23c past lerici 001

I have driven past Genoa and La Spezia a number of times and although the west of Genoa has some beautiful driving roads.  Well they were before they filled them with carsRead More…

NEW COMMENT: January 15th, 2018 by Nick Phillips
Cor, it were 'ot! And brilliant blagging skills of Alistair got us a prime spot at Porto Venere. T

NEW POST> 23 Aug - Past Lerici, Viareggio and Carrera
August 23rd, 2016 by
Lerici, on the way to La Grazie

NEW POST> 23 Aug - Leaving the Arno
August 23rd, 2016 by
Atalanta owner in his element. One hand on the tiller, other on the vodka bottle.

NEW POST> 22 Aug - Arnovecchio
August 22nd, 2016 by
You can't see them, but the mosquitoes were definitely there.

NEW POST> 21 Aug - Florence, before we get afloat
August 21st, 2016 by
La Terrazzo Bar - trendy, great views, nicely done.  And the most expensive beer we had at over £12 each!

NEW POST> Leaving Pisa to La Grazie (near La Spezia)
August 20th, 2016 by
aug 22 arnovecchio 009

We , and I say we, because our Nick joined me, had a delay before we could get into the water.  So we spent the day in Florence drinking stupidly expensive beerRead More…

NEW POST> Atalanta Mary Comes Home (2016)
August 20th, 2016 by
Journeys end - at least for the waterborne Atalanta Mary.  This was closing the Mediterranean track of Mary which had started at Marseille 3 years before.


NEW POST> A136 Amsara needs a home
August 15th, 2016 by

Photo: Amsara 2016 02.   Photo: Amsara 2016 03.   Photo: Amsara 2016 04.   Photo: Amsara 2016 05.   Photo: Amsara 2016 06.  

July 26th, 2016 by

The wonderful A17, Gambol, is for sale. Gambol has had much work done by Simon Garrett and is in great condition. Asking Price £9,350 Currently Lying Under Cover a Few Mins FromRead More…

NEW POST> Bringing Mary Home-Non abbastanza vacanze
June 23rd, 2016 by

I am going to need your help here.  It has become evident that I should bring Mary home. When I visited on the 20th June (2016) you could see this view fromRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 18th, 2016 by FaireyMary
Well Mary is now back in Suffolk Yacht Harbour.  If it wasn't for the weather I would like be wo

NEW COMMENT: August 23rd, 2016 by jimpailing
On an incredibly dull note 'midst all the excitement, you are suffering from paint incompatibilit

NEW COMMENT: July 17th, 2016 by FaireyMary
Thanks Chris,  I must say I am impressed by the generosity of association members ;-) But

NEW COMMENT: July 12th, 2016 by ChrisGreen
I used Land Rover hire/trailer company ( to bring  KP  back from Belgium wh

NEW COMMENT: July 6th, 2016 by TrevorThompson
That makes sense now! I think you also understand why I bring Calista home every time. 

NEW COMMENT: July 6th, 2016 by FaireyMary
Ah, yes sorry, that vital piece of information.  Bob, the boat transport company, is goin

NEW COMMENT: July 5th, 2016 by TrevorThompson
Sorry you have totally confused me now! I am not sure how that works. Is a boat tr

NEW COMMENT: July 5th, 2016 by FaireyMary
Ok things are starting to take shape.  I have gone with using Bob at fen boat transport.  Proba

NEW COMMENT: July 2nd, 2016 by TrevorThompson
Alistair To answer your points in order: I think that the closer you can ge

NEW COMMENT: July 1st, 2016 by FaireyMary
Thanks Trevor, I hoped you would reply to the post rather than the email. I have asked and

NEW COMMENT: June 29th, 2016 by TrevorThompson
This is really a reply to a message that Alistair sent to me via the website message facility. Si

NEW POST> Boat cover for Mary
June 23rd, 2016 by
2016 A102 New Cover

As you will know from Nicks posts I have had a cover made for Mary.  As described by the Pisa Marina owner ‘she is beautiful’. It fits remarkably well considering it wasRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 3rd, 2016 by NickPhillips
Alistair It looks great in place!  And much better without the pulpit in the way!

NEW COMMENT: July 29th, 2016 by PaulJones
That would be great thanks

NEW COMMENT: July 29th, 2016 by FaireyMary
Hi Paul, I will send Janet's details privately. I will say no cover is cheap but I think it is worth

NEW COMMENT: July 27th, 2016 by PaulJones
Hi I have just joined the group as I am in the midst of purchasing "Brother Jack (T4)" fro

NEW POST> F53 Pilgrim for sale SOLD
June 20th, 2016 by

Photo: F53 Pilgrim 001.   Photo: F53 Pilgrim 002.   Photo: F53 Pilgrim 003.   Photo: F53 Pilgrim 004.   Photo: F53 Pilgrim 005.   Photo: F53 Pilgrim 006.   Photo: F53Read More…

NEW POST> Atalanta A1-The Prototype-What a great project for someone
June 13th, 2016 by

Atalanta A1 was the very first ‘prototype’ Atalanta. She is smaller than the Mark 2 and 3 but has all of the same features – twin keels, centre cockpit, blister and soRead More…

NEW COMMENT: June 23rd, 2016 by FaireyMary
Am I correct in suggesting that she has less of a compromise for accomodation?  The bow looks th

NEW POST> 2014 A1 Condition Survey
June 12th, 2016 by
A1 Survey 2014

Photo: 2014 A1 – 1 of 28. A1 had been stored near St Osyth for many years. The owner had died and the Association began to look for a new owner toRead More…

NEW POST> 2016 Atalanta Mary's new cover
June 1st, 2016 by

Photo: Atalanta Mary’s new cover – fitting review on Helene.

NEW COMMENT: June 4th, 2016 by FaireyMary
Janet - the dress maker in question is going to make a few alterations.  I hope to post pictures

NEW COMMENT: June 3rd, 2016 by NingWebmaster
Its amazing how the camera lies ;-))

NEW COMMENT: June 3rd, 2016 by ChrisGreen
Great looking cover- just the job for Mary in the Med. NB: Helen's hull finish - like a polished

NEW COMMENT: June 1st, 2016 by NickPhillips
Unlike the Emperor's new clothes, Atalanta Mary's new all over cover is looking tremendous.

NEW POST> Ahamkara-free to good home?
May 18th, 2016 by

Colin has been in touch with the current owner Eles Ellis who is very anxious to get rid of her and has offered the boat for no payment! The original fully illustrated post by JohnRead More…

NEW POST> Deck repairs complete
April 2nd, 2016 by

There has been progress – the decks are repaired, filled and primed.

NEW COMMENT: April 4th, 2016 by nickruneckles
That's the plan! All good in Whitstable!

NEW COMMENT: April 4th, 2016 by NickPhillips
Nick Great to hear from you and news about Zambra. Hope all is well with you and the famil

NEW POST> A169 Kerry Piper Galley refurb
March 30th, 2016 by

Photo: KP Galley refurb.

NEW POST> A169 Kerry Piper Cabin Table
March 6th, 2016 by

Photo: Kerry Piper – Table project. Further detail to the bulletin article. Provides a functional foldaway table note the slide stop and support peg for full deployment. NB: Also – short midRead More…

NEW POST> A136 Amsara-Want to save her?
February 18th, 2016 by

Mick Doyle kindly contacted us about A136 Amsara, which is in a boatyard in Portchester. The current owner had started work on her. There is more to do, and apparently she willRead More…

NEW COMMENT: October 2nd, 2016 by NingWebmaster
Jason Romer has been in touch again. He needs to pass Amsara on as soon as possible. If he

NEW COMMENT: August 15th, 2016 by NingWebmaster
Update - August 2016 Jason Roamer who owne Amsara has been in touch and is keen to

NEW POST> A5 Diaphony Restoration Update
February 16th, 2016 by

Photo: A5 lower pintle.   Photo: Diaphonys new lower rudder pintle.   Photo: Diaphonys new mast step A4 stainless steel.   Photo: Diaphony A5 Cherbourg.   Photo: Diaphony A5 1956.  

NEW POST> AGMs and Subscriptions
February 6th, 2016 by

Beef this up – more recent history, plus maybe subscription over the years…. The AGM/Dinner held at St Ermin’s Hotel, Caxton Street, London, on a Saturday in January, is held in aRead More…

NEW POST> T4 Brother Jack sailing
February 1st, 2016 by

Photo: Photo of T4 Brother Jack. Sir, We struggle with computers.T4 Brother Jack is a serviceable boat, there are allways jobs to do when the weather bucks up,but can be put inRead More…

NEW COMMENT: February 4th, 2016 by NingWebmaster
Keith Great to hear from you and see your photos.   Lets hope for good sailing and maybe

NEW POST> A46 Theodora pictures from 2005
January 21st, 2016 by

Photo: Theodora 2. Theodora was towed in by the lifeboat during the race at the 50th anniversary. She had repeated problems with engine overheating during that trip form and to Hull.  Read More…

NEW POST> Arnoveccio in Pisa
January 7th, 2016 by

After leaving Bosa I decided the next overwintering would be Pisa.  I would go up the eastern side of Corsica and head to the mainland.  I think the distances around Sardinia wereRead More…

NEW POST> A46 Theodora-anyone know where she is now?
December 5th, 2015 by

We have had an enquiry through the website about the whereabouts of Theodora. John Black who used to own her would like to hear how she is fairing.  The last owner weRead More…

NEW COMMENT: January 21st, 2016 by NingWebmaster
Hi.  Simon - thanks for the response. I should have updated this thread as I have now bee

NEW COMMENT: January 19th, 2016 by Simon
Remember Diaphony sailing along side Theodora ,When owned by George Weller,Paul Sharphouse ,Ray Herm

NEW COMMENT: January 19th, 2016 by TrevorThompson
Simon She has changed hands since then Simon. To the best of my kno

NEW COMMENT: January 17th, 2016 by Simon
I thought Theodora was in Hull was in need of restoration back in 2005

NEW POST> 2015 A89 Winter Lift Out
December 4th, 2015 by
Colchide lays up 2016

Photo: A89 winter lift-out.   Photo: A89 winter lift-out.   Photo: A89 winter lift-out.   Photo: A89 winter lift-out.   Photo: A89 winter lift-out.  

NEW POST> Propellor sizes
December 4th, 2015 by

I took A89 Colchide out of the water for winter a few days ago, accompanied by East Coast Rep- Nick Phillips and Martin Bennett. They were surprised how small A89’s prop is.Read More…

NEW COMMENT: December 13th, 2015 by ChrisGreen
Hi Richard - When I swapped the 3 blade for a folding 2 on Jaunty picture of prop below (from Jau

NEW COMMENT: December 6th, 2015 by TrevorThompson
I am not sure that the three bladed propeller will make that much difference to the boat speed

NEW POST> Ahamkara Fairey Atalanta - Free to a good home
November 26th, 2015 by

Ahamkara is a custom built Atalanta – see details here and also here – lying at Benfleet, Essex. Maree Ellis is keen for her to go to a new home. Please contactRead More…

NEW COMMENT: January 8th, 2023 by Chris Henderson
Is this boat still for sale?

NEW POST> Sail sizes
November 2nd, 2015 by

Hello fellow members, After 2 seasons sailing A89 COLCHIDE back in the UK, it is obvious that she is over-canvassed for UK conditions. Uncle Bernard specified and fitted an oversize genoa, asRead More…

NEW COMMENT: November 3rd, 2015 by FaireyMary
I found this to be a good reference, though I have not checked the numbers.

NEW POST> 2015 Mary to Pisa
September 12th, 2015 by

Photo: Bastia. We just do it for the photos Photo: Fornelli Straight. Coming up from Alghero you can pass through this straight between Sardinia main land and the Isola Piana, below IsolaRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 26th, 2015 by TimothyMallette
I like it - nice photos, sail on sailor.

NEW COMMENT: September 20th, 2015 by NickPhillips
That's a very elaborate mooring rope system you have on Mary ......

NEW POST> Mary 2015
September 6th, 2015 by

Well I have finally managed to put Mary back in the water and I think the plan is basically to find my way home. The distances here are too great and theRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 18th, 2015 by FaireyMary
I arrived at arnovecchio yesterday after a good day on the foresail. They have lifted Mary out and s

NEW COMMENT: September 16th, 2015 by FaireyMary
I spent last night on anchor but in the early morning the wind rose and the anchor alarm went off. I

NEW COMMENT: September 14th, 2015 by FaireyMary
In Elba now motored all the way after getting a jump start this morning. The sea was high but not ma

NEW COMMENT: September 13th, 2015 by FaireyMary
I had mixed weather reports but the captainerie, whilst dealing with a large "bateaux poubelle" that

NEW COMMENT: September 12th, 2015 by NickPhillips
Sounds like its all coming together.  Big hop coming up?  Glad you found a place for the

NEW COMMENT: September 12th, 2015 by FaireyMary
I got the numbers in from Pisa it works out at about € 165 a month on the hard. But then it is in

NEW COMMENT: September 8th, 2015 by FaireyMary
Oh, I am heading north and hope I can get a reasonable price for winter. If not I might need to borr

NEW COMMENT: September 8th, 2015 by FaireyMary
From isola rossa I hauled to Puddu just south of maddelena to catch up with a friend. He had trouble

NEW COMMENT: September 6th, 2015 by FaireyMary
Trips far. Bosa to cala tramarigilo then stintinto through the frenalli passage and then up to cala

NEW POST> A115 Moved Home
August 6th, 2015 by
A115 Mara at her new home

Evening All. I have successfully had A115 lowered on to her new trailer and moved from Warrington down to her new home in Stone in Staffordshire, where I can really get going withRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 9th, 2015 by murrayreid
Robbie, good to see your photos and look forward to following your progress! Murray

NEW POST> 2015 A89 Sailing on the R.Orwell
June 28th, 2015 by
Colchide sailing near Harwich

Photo: A89 off Harwich. Photo: A89 in the north sea.   Photo: A89 in the River Orwell.   Photo: Orwell.   Photo: North Sea.   Photo: Formation with Sadler 29.   Photo:Read More…

NEW COMMENT: July 25th, 2015 by NickPhillips
Looking very good Richard!

NEW POST> A89 Colchide sailing on the River Orwell
June 18th, 2015 by

Took some pix of Colchide yesterday when you sailed past Sandack on a mooring near Clamp House, Ipswich. Will send them if you let me have an email address. We had alreadyRead More…

NEW POST> A124 Engine Tidy Up
May 20th, 2015 by
A124 Renovations

The engine was not in bad condition but needed a tidy and paint up. Some of the ancilliaries and pipework were a bit untidy. I removed the cockpit floor and the engineRead More…

NEW POST> Blister Repairs
May 15th, 2015 by

The join between the deck and blister was distressed at the forward end. Upon investigation it was clear that the laminated ‘quadrant’ in this corner was delaminating and there was evidence ofRead More…

NEW POST> A124 Foredeck Repairs
May 10th, 2015 by
A124 Renovations

The foredeck didn’t seem too bad away from the Blister (coachroof). However on investigation it transpired that the top veneer was breaking up in a few areas, particularly in the corners onRead More…

NEW POST> A124 Helene Aft Deck Repairs
May 5th, 2015 by
A124 Renovations

The decks appeared to need some paint. Sadly on investigation it turned out that areas were delaminating and that the stern deck on the starboard side had been badly repaired in theRead More…

NEW POST> Perkins 4107 rides again
April 30th, 2015 by

So, after much knuckle scraping, seized bolts and antiquated parts, she’s running again. Here’s a video: And a pic above. Decks are now all repaired, sanded and new woodwork is goingRead More…

NEW POST> A124 Helene - Renovations
April 30th, 2015 by
A124 Renovations

I bought Helene in 2007 expecting to do some light renovation of the decks and then get sailing. I got her home and started the work. And then I made my firstRead More…

NEW POST> 2015 Mary check in Bosa
April 10th, 2015 by

Photo: new keel box seals. I managed to get new blocking plates made by a local carpenter. By all accounts a good man. These are made of azobe which reminds me ofRead More…

NEW POST> The engine bites back
April 10th, 2015 by

We’ve finally got the engine stripped down, and I’ve ordered some various parts. Amazingly, Perkins still sell most of what I needed! But, it turned out the heat exchanger was too corroded,Read More…

NEW COMMENT: May 16th, 2015 by jimpailing
Ahoy ! Bit late now but having worked on a pair of 4/107's with the possibility of termina

NEW COMMENT: April 10th, 2015 by FaireyMary
It certainly puts my little repair into perspective...

NEW POST> More progress on Zambra
March 30th, 2015 by

Today we’ve stripped out the thrust bearing and drive – it looks like an old Aquadrive sort of affair, with two universal joints, a thrust bearing and a 4″ hub connecting toRead More…

NEW POST> It looks a bit scary at this moment...
March 27th, 2015 by
2015 31-10 Zambra Renovations - topside preparations

We’ve nearly stripped the whole boat now, and found a few ‘nasty’ bits of rot, but some other bits are really looking much better! And it won’t be long till we startRead More…

NEW COMMENT: March 27th, 2015 by colintwyford
Keep going Nick it will be well worth the time and effort, though I must admit she's a bit bigger

NEW POST> And out came the engine....
February 3rd, 2015 by

So, having a forklift definitely helps this process, especially with the weight of a Perkins 4-107 with hydraulic gearbox. And, the excellent design of the Atalanta meaning the engine lifts out vertically!Read More…

NEW COMMENT: February 6th, 2015 by nickruneckles
Hi Nick, I think we might just make it this year! It does help having some willing helpers, espec

NEW COMMENT: February 6th, 2015 by NickPhillips
Nick - looking good.  Impressed you are finding the time amongst your growing family ;-)

NEW COMMENT: February 4th, 2015 by DominicDobson
The boxes in the 26 form the cockpit drainage. Most are covered with open wooden grid to prevent lar

NEW COMMENT: February 4th, 2015 by nickruneckles
They are closed, but this is an A-31 so there are quite a few different bits. Even so, the engine

NEW COMMENT: February 4th, 2015 by MickByrne
would the 4.107 have been a large engine both physically and in HP for the atalanta? 

NEW POST> A169 Kerry Piper Aft Deck repairs
February 2nd, 2015 by

Photo: Aft deck repairs collage 1. Aft deck rebuild – top section repairs. Weather very cold for epoxy gluing, but Tilly paraffin pressure heater and a pressure lamp gave the deck enoughRead More…

NEW POST> A31-10 Zambra renovations
January 29th, 2015 by

When I first took ownership of Zambra, she looked fantastic (above).   But, as many of you might well be aware, with an Atalanta, beauty can be skin deep!   So, inRead More…

NEW COMMENT: February 3rd, 2015 by nickruneckles
Quite right, I mean 'highly skilled wooden boat restoration team'...

NEW COMMENT: February 3rd, 2015 by josephlloyd
Hope they don't mind being called Wood Monkeys,pretty offensive I think.

NEW COMMENT: January 31st, 2015 by DominicDobson
Looking good lucky to have undercover storage.

NEW POST> Atalanta 26 for sale on eBay
January 9th, 2015 by

Seven days to go at 9th January 2015 Judging by the stub extension below the keelboxes, I believe this to be A137 Baby Seal, based near York. Too bad about the foredeck.Read More…

NEW COMMENT: January 24th, 2015 by RobbieCormie
Another Alalanta 26 on Ebay this week

NEW COMMENT: January 15th, 2015 by NingWebmaster
Peter Burn got in touch with me, his phone number is 01439 788030. (The latest Yearbook is incorr

NEW COMMENT: January 15th, 2015 by colintwyford
questions asked about A137.  If it is A127 the engine should be the Lister diesel SE.  Last kno

NEW COMMENT: January 14th, 2015 by jimpailing
Ahoy !For instance the one shot that shows a very large repair has the planks running longit

NEW COMMENT: January 14th, 2015 by jimpailing
How about some input ? What has been history ? Condition ? Engine ? A

NEW COMMENT: January 9th, 2015 by NingWebmaster
NB The first line of the above blog post is a link to the eBay entry. John

NEW COMMENT: January 9th, 2015 by TrevorThompson
John I cant find the listing - can you either quote the title or the item number.

NEW POST> Tim Arnold (A31/8) writes
January 4th, 2015 by

Tim previously wrote from USA to say that he had reluctantly decided to break up A31/8 “Trio of Playford”, after trying unsuccessfully to sell her as a potential restoration project to othersRead More…

NEW POST> A17 Gambol is for Sale
December 30th, 2014 by

Asking Price £9,350 Currently Lying Under Cover a Few Mins From J17 M6 Part 1 registered, Gambol is on the National Small Boat Register Database No 2155 3/4 Rig Yanamr 2GM20FC with BrandRead More…

NEW POST> A104 For Sale SOLD
December 12th, 2014 by
2015 For Sale.

A104 For Sale ‘Click’ on a photo for a slideshow.

NEW POST> A99 Toco for sale
November 27th, 2014 by

Complete boat and trailer.   Been standing for 3 years at Kings Lynn   6 x excellent sails.   4 clocks on hatch for speed, depth, wind, lean.   The mast wasRead More…

NEW COMMENT: December 8th, 2014 by MickByrne
well if the new owner doesn't want to fit "an ageing petrol engine" (lol) I would love it for CYN

NEW COMMENT: December 7th, 2014 by NingWebmaster
Yes it is, and in bench tested condition too!

NEW COMMENT: December 7th, 2014 by MickByrne
IS that a Coventry Victor? 

NEW POST> F2 Steel Deal for sale in the US $2,000 USD
November 26th, 2014 by

Lying Michigan, USA Contact George Wietor email: wietorg at Tel: 616 452-1021

NEW POST> A31-7 Moby Dick & A31-13 Project Atalanta 31s £enquire NO LONGER FOR SALE
November 26th, 2014 by

Peter and Ian Brook have an unfinished A31 hill (number 13) and a donor boat in A31-7 Moby Dick. Peter Brook 020 8950 1313 See details of Moby Dick on her boatRead More…

NEW POST> A31/8 Trio of Playford - Restoration project in the US
November 26th, 2014 by

Tim Arnold is selling Trio of Playford. tw.arnold at gmail dot com 07960148158 See further details on this post

NEW POST> F53 Pilgrim for sale
November 14th, 2014 by

Fulmar F53 Pilgrim is for sale at Stonehaven, Gairlochhead. She’s in good order, fitted with new Beta 10hp diesel, which has been run in for 180 hrs. New keel bolts with greaseRead More…

NEW POST> A169 Kerry Piper Hull repairs
October 31st, 2014 by

Photo above: Exterior hull repair collage. Starboard quarter repair – veneer replacement, work in progress.   Photo: Aft cabin stb’d new frame section 2. Lower part of new stb’d frame butt joinedRead More…

NEW POST> Atalanta Mary 2014
October 1st, 2014 by
A102 Attacking the Blister in Sardinia

This blog covers a 2 1/2 week holiday I spent in Sardinia working on Mary. Before reading this look back at the condition of Mary when I sailed out of Portland inRead More…

NEW COMMENT: October 19th, 2014 by TrevorThompson
Coachroof looks good!

NEW POST> Kerry Piper-work in progress continued
September 14th, 2014 by
A169 Aft Cabin Starboard repairs

Trying to complete as much of the epoxy /veneer repair work before the colder weather arrives. Added below some pic’s of the  the aft cabin repairs to the extensive dry rot. TheRead More…

NEW POST> 2014 A15 Artemis Photos
August 31st, 2014 by

Photo: P1010092. Another image in Chichester,A15 again.     Photo: P1010086 (5).   Photo: P1010093. A15 in Birdham pool July 2014   Photo: P1010093. A15 in Chichester harbour returning from the classicRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 12th, 2014 by TimothyMallette
Yes, interesting straight aft sheer.

NEW COMMENT: August 31st, 2014 by colintwyford
I recall many years ago that you had a different rudder system and you have raised the level of t

NEW COMMENT: May 24th, 2018 by Richard Pollard
Does anyone know the process that created the raised aft section, how was it achieved. It makes such

NEW COMMENT: June 12th, 2018 by AOA
Joe is something of a craftsman. Having made a model of the proposed modifications to judge how it

NEW POST> A72 Rondar advertised on Gumtree
August 27th, 2014 by

A72 rondar was once sailed by RAF personnel in Singapore and Cyprus, sadly now neglected and for sale. Details and photos here: Contact Hal Gillilan on 07527531744

NEW POST> A169 Kerry Piper Transom and Cockpit Drains
August 12th, 2014 by

Photo: Collage – transom and cockpit drains.

NEW POST> A169 Kerry Piper Bullhead & Galley repairs
August 12th, 2014 by
A169 Cockpit forward bulkhead repairs

Photo: Fwd bulkhead and galley repairs.

NEW POST> A169 Kerry Piper Keelboxes and aft bulkhead
August 12th, 2014 by

Photo: Collage – keelboxes and aft bulkhed.  

NEW POST> Kerry Piper-work in progress
August 12th, 2014 by

  A few photo’s of restoration work (so far) for A169 Kerry Piper. Apologies for the pick and mix  collages, I will be posting a more complete record of the ongoing restorationRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 2nd, 2014 by murrayreid
Good work!

NEW COMMENT: August 17th, 2014 by TimothyMallette
Thanks for posting the photos Chris

NEW POST> A147 Chamois to the Western Isles-Day 1-12th July
July 15th, 2014 by

Ballindean to Kilmelford

NEW POST> A148 Johara for sale SOLD
July 1st, 2014 by

A148 has been beautifully restored by her owners, Terry and Jackie Wetherilt who very sadly decided to put her up for sale following their move up to Scotland: Contact Terry & JackieRead More…

NEW POST> Exhaust for Coventry Victor WN4
June 24th, 2014 by

  Having replaced the CV Midget on A49 with the larger engine, I followed the original Midget exhaust line through the aft cabin using fabricated S/S injection exhaust stubs feeding into highRead More…

NEW COMMENT: June 25th, 2014 by TrevorThompson
David I would not move the exhaust skin fitting if that was what you meant. Wherever you p

NEW POST> A148 Johara back to the water 2013
June 11th, 2014 by

Photo: imagejohara.   Photo: Johara A148.   Photo: Johara A148. Afloat at Sandwich Marina   Photo: Johara A148. Going in   Photo: Johara A148. On new mooring Oare Creek near Faversham KentRead More…

NEW POST> A31/4 Gellie for Sale, or offer to repair?
May 24th, 2014 by

Unfortunately health issues are preventing Bill getting Gellie sorted out after her disaster last year in the gales. She needs a new mast, some rigging and some repairs to the coach workRead More…

NEW COMMENT: November 22nd, 2014 by jimpailing
Ahoy ! Are we getting anywhere with pics of damage ? Are we in contact with owner ?

NEW COMMENT: November 4th, 2014 by jimpailing
Ahh ! Total is 8. Anyone taking pictures ? Jim

NEW COMMENT: November 4th, 2014 by NingWebmaster
Scrolling up I see: Scrolling back up this page: 1. Reply by

NEW COMMENT: November 4th, 2014 by jimpailing
I see I have had 8 replies according to your 'hit' indicator but in fact I have seen none.

NEW COMMENT: October 30th, 2014 by jimpailing
Ahoy A plan ! Before I start sharpening my adze can we have some photos, lots, part

NEW COMMENT: October 29th, 2014 by FaireyMary
What a fine offer Jim.. It is quite a way for me to drive to get there.  But I am happy t

NEW COMMENT: October 27th, 2014 by NingWebmaster
Jim, What a fantastic offer, and I do hope Gellie's owner takes it up! From the sound of i

NEW COMMENT: October 26th, 2014 by jimpailing
Hi ! Lest I be misunderstood, happy to take on restoration on a 'gift' basis. Would pay tr

NEW COMMENT: October 25th, 2014 by DominicDobson
She's located at silvers yard opposite side of Gare Loch to Rhu marina. Due to the amount of work re

NEW COMMENT: October 25th, 2014 by FaireyMary
Where is she now?  I am happy to put some work in too.  Might I suggest a kind of repair party!

NEW COMMENT: October 24th, 2014 by jimpailing
Free home offered ! Jim

NEW COMMENT: June 9th, 2014 by DominicDobson
I visited Gellie last week on the hard shes in a sorry state with a number of holes in the rear d

NEW COMMENT: May 26th, 2019 by Richard Pollard
Gents, may I enquire what happened to Gellie, was she repaired and hopefully now sailing again? Out

NEW COMMENT: May 26th, 2019 by AOA
Hi Richard Gellie was rescued by Ian Pollard who has been restoring her in between work commitments

NEW COMMENT: May 26th, 2019 by Richard Pollard
Thanks Nick, excellent to know she's on the mend. Another Pollard..... not many of us around!I'

NEW POST> A71 Sailing Videos
May 20th, 2014 by
A71 Blue Jackaroo Youtube Playlist

A71 was bought by Lisa and Terry Greatrix. Terry’s brother had owned Blue Jackaroo earlier in her life and he helped Lisa and Terry restoration A71 to he former glory. Lisa andRead More…

NEW POST> A31/4 Gellie-Urgent appeal
May 14th, 2014 by

Just received this message from Bill Johnston, owner of A31/4 Gellie: URGENT APPEAL You may remember me as the owner of A31/4 “Gellie” Unfortunately health issues are preventing me getting Gellie sortedRead More…

NEW POST> T12 Tily-Ho sold
May 10th, 2014 by

Just heard from Tim that he’s sold T12 Tily-Ho to what sounds like a very good home, so hopefully we’ll see her afloat again before very long.

NEW POST> bubble repair
April 18th, 2014 by

As you may remember I managed to damage the bubble just forward of the hatch.  After damaging and repairing the hatch itself.  This repair scared me far more as a hash jobRead More…

NEW COMMENT: April 18th, 2014 by FaireyMary
Finally Last week (April) I booked a couple of days off and went down by myself.  I can sleep on

NEW COMMENT: April 18th, 2014 by FaireyMary
My wife and I spent a week in February in Sardinia with the intension of me fixing the hole.  I

NEW POST> Calista's Adriatic Cruise 2014
April 17th, 2014 by

Calista will be spending May and June sailing in the Adriatic.   The plan is: Leaving Pembrokeshire on Easter Monday, driving through the channel tunnel, Germany and Austria to launch on 25/03/14Read More…

NEW COMMENT: July 4th, 2014 by TrevorThompson
I can confirm that all went to plan this time and that Calista is now on her mooring in Milford H

NEW COMMENT: June 25th, 2014 by TrevorThompson
Just a brief update: We arrived back at San Georgio de Nogara last Friday, and Calista was

NEW COMMENT: June 16th, 2014 by NingWebmaster
Monday 16th June. Sitting with Derrick near internet connection while rain stops and sun comes up. D

NEW COMMENT: June 16th, 2014 by NingWebmaster
Sunday 15th June. (Struggling with predictive text a bit! Yesterday she read 'Motored out of anchora

NEW COMMENT: June 16th, 2014 by NingWebmaster
Saturday 14th June. Moored out if anchorage then set sail in light winds to return under the bridge

NEW COMMENT: June 16th, 2014 by NingWebmaster
Friday 13th June. Despatched photo of all 4 of us at Omisalj and fill water tanks before setting off

NEW COMMENT: June 16th, 2014 by NingWebmaster
Back to 12th June when Dom and arrived at Omisalj around 1pm & enjoyed some beer... After lunch we s

NEW COMMENT: June 16th, 2014 by NingWebmaster
Monday 16th June. We moored in Crest marina yesterday afternoon and enjoyed a shower followed by exc

NEW COMMENT: June 13th, 2014 by NingWebmaster
Dom and I met these two unusual characters in a bar on the waterside at Omisalj in Croatia:

NEW COMMENT: June 2nd, 2014 by TrevorThompson
It is just over a week since Beth left us, and we have been slowly working our was NW again. Our

NEW COMMENT: May 24th, 2014 by DominicDobson
Looking forward to joining you soon hope weather settles down I can get wind and rain in Scotland!

NEW COMMENT: May 24th, 2014 by TrevorThompson
Saturday 10th May Derrick Ardron (A100) and Beth arrived on board mid-mo

NEW COMMENT: May 9th, 2014 by TrevorThompson
Firstly a bit of a confession about using the blog facility on the AOA website. I started out edi

NEW COMMENT: May 7th, 2014 by TrevorThompson
2nd May We drove to Split airport (which is actually near Trogir) in the mornin

NEW COMMENT: May 1st, 2014 by murrayreid
I guess that a new Discovery 4 is on your wish list now! Great photos - hope you get a bit

NEW COMMENT: May 1st, 2014 by TrevorThompson
Calista finished her journey to the travelhoist in style!!

NEW COMMENT: May 1st, 2014 by TrevorThompson
I can now add some details on the trip so far.   Firstly it was all going really w

NEW COMMENT: April 29th, 2014 by TrevorThompson
Update 29/04/14 Well it is a long story! Range rover blew the radiator up on the M25.

NEW COMMENT: April 25th, 2014 by murrayreid
Have a good trip! looking forward to hearing about your adventures..

NEW COMMENT: April 18th, 2014 by FaireyMary
Well, I wish you a good journey.  I hope you have your European health insurance card and even m

NEW COMMENT: April 17th, 2014 by TrevorThompson
17/04/14 Continued Calista is now ready to go!  

NEW POST> A89 Tastes East Coast Salt Water after years in Lake Geneva
April 15th, 2014 by
2014 Colchide heads for salt water

Photo: 2014-04-13_off_to_sea. A89 Colchide decked out ready for towing to Ipswich for her first sniff of sea since 1979.               Photo: Colchide launch. Anti-foul was appliedRead More…

NEW COMMENT: April 15th, 2014 by colintwyford
I am sure that Bernard will be thrilled. Colin A95

NEW COMMENT: July 4th, 2014 by DominicDobson
Looking good Richard only problem is Karen wants to know why Mourne Goblins paint work doesn't look

NEW COMMENT: July 4th, 2014 by colintwyford
Well done Richard, I hope to see you visiting Erith Yacht Club soon.  A trip up the Thames is wo

NEW COMMENT: July 14th, 2014 by colintwyford
Colchide is looking great, I hope that you will be able to make the East Coast Race.

NEW COMMENT: August 1st, 2014 by TimothyMallette
I like the cut of your jib.

NEW COMMENT: August 2nd, 2014 by RichardJames
Thanks Timothy. I have now removed the huge old Genoa pictured, as although it was ideal f

NEW COMMENT: August 16th, 2014 by FaireyMary
I have been meaning to comment for a while. She is indeed very pretty and looks immaculate

NEW POST> A17 Gambol Winter Home
February 12th, 2014 by

Photo: A17 Gambol Plans For Winter Home – Real Men only Reference In Case of extreme Emergency after The Event! Winter 2013.   Photo: A17 Gambol Frames Being Made on Garage FloorRead More…

NEW POST> 2013 A17 Gambol in France
February 1st, 2014 by

Photo: A17 Gambol On The Ferry June 2013 – Who Says Cossing The Channel Is Difficult (Question Mark).   Photo: A17 Gambol Approaching Arromanches in Mulberry Harbour B June 2013.   Photo:Read More…

NEW POST> 2014 Winter check on A102 in Bosa
January 17th, 2014 by

Photo: Check on Mary. I went back to check on Mary as I wasn’t there when she was hauled out.  Although I was warned about the possibility of poor storage the peopleRead More…

NEW COMMENT: January 18th, 2014 by TimothyMallette
If you use composite staples to fasten the new veneers they can just be sanded off after it cures

NEW COMMENT: January 18th, 2014 by TimothyMallette
It looks like the hole is close to a joint between the outer veneers and the veneer is short, so

NEW POST> What can we do about A31/8 "Trio of Playford" in Austin, TX?
January 13th, 2014 by

Tim Arnold writes: “Dear Atalanta Enthusiasts,We are regretfully disposing of A31 “Trio” Restoration is beyond our capacity. It is lying in Austin TX on a very substantial 3 axle trailer.Before it isRead More…

NEW COMMENT: January 18th, 2014 by TimothyMallette
I have a 3/4 ton truck that is up to the task of towing Trio from Texas to my property in New Ham

NEW COMMENT: January 18th, 2014 by TimothyMallette
I could haul this from Texas to New Hampshire in the Spring if he can hold on that long. A few ye

NEW COMMENT: January 16th, 2014 by NingWebmaster
Kingstown Shipping quoted in the region of £3,200 for ro-ro on the trailer, from Galveston, TX t

NEW COMMENT: January 13th, 2014 by DominicDobson
Seems a shame as so much work appears to have been done, have you any idea why Tim has decided its b

NEW COMMENT: January 13th, 2014 by colintwyford
There is a complete A31 shell available in the UK, for details apply to the Hon. Sec. if interest

NEW COMMENT: January 13th, 2014 by colintwyford
Is it possible for contact to be made with Boating Magazines in America and Canada and make an ap

NEW POST> A87 Methuselah update: on the move (again!)
December 30th, 2013 by

A87 is now in the new shed at home and we are planing some serious progress on her in 2014!   After more than five years in a rented shed we wereRead More…

NEW COMMENT: January 8th, 2014 by TimothyMallette
A steel gantry such as the one from northern tool would be handy no doubt. A bridle for use with

NEW COMMENT: January 4th, 2014 by TrevorThompson
Murray What about this:

NEW COMMENT: January 4th, 2014 by murrayreid
With the gantry/travel lift it could also be possible to hang the boat from its designed li

NEW COMMENT: January 4th, 2014 by murrayreid
An idea could be a gantry/travel lift with fore and aft adjustment between the uprights. It would

NEW COMMENT: December 31st, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Looks great skipper, I'm looking forward to serious progress in 2014 too.  You might consider ch

NEW COMMENT: December 30th, 2013 by NickPhillips
Good to hear about Methusaleh's continuing journey and all the best for the continuing work.

NEW POST> A17 Gambol 2013/14 Winter Projects
December 17th, 2013 by

It has occurred to me (after my gearbox issues) that it might be good to share projects being tackled in real time as it’s very likely that others may be contemplating or tacklingRead More…

December 17th, 2013 by

Photo: A17 Gambol – A Trio of PRM 150 Gearboxes.

NEW POST> A17 Gambol-Wrong Gearbox Reduction
December 17th, 2013 by

Finally last Friday my replacement exchange PRM 150 hydraulic gearbox (needed because the original feathering prop on Gambol is left handed & the Yanmar 2GM20FC I re-engined Gambol with from my previousRead More…

NEW POST> 2013 Atalanta Mary lays up in Bosa
November 13th, 2013 by

Photo: vela coperta (3). Now she has been washed down there is little antifoul left.   Photo: vela coperta, Nautica Pinna, Bosa Sardinia.. Obviously a bit concerned about the shroud bars eatingRead More…

NEW POST> 2013 A89 Colchide from Switzerland to East Coast
October 18th, 2013 by
Colchide ready to leave Switzerland

Photo: A89 side.   Photo: A89 rear quarter.   Photo: Anyone for tennis (2).   Photo: A89 at winter camp.   Photo: A89 almost home.   Photo: Bernard takes his own photo.Read More…

NEW POST> 2013 Atalanta Mary from above
September 28th, 2013 by

Photo: Rare view of mary. I went up the mast of another Cruising Association boat to help feed an halyard. 

NEW COMMENT: September 28th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Nice photo skipper.

NEW COMMENT: September 18th, 2013 by DominicDobson
Great photo very jealous

NEW POST> 2013 Atalanta Mary Alghero to Bosa, Sardinia
September 25th, 2013 by

Photo: Alghero – making do. I guess it is not to compete with a fast cat but getting the most out of what you have.  Up early in Alghero for a 20Read More…

NEW COMMENT: September 28th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
It's tough to get the best boat speed using a spinnaker on this heading but it is fun sailing.

NEW POST> 2013 Atlanta Mary from Corsica to Isola Rossa, Sardinia
September 18th, 2013 by

Photo: The clouds before the Mistral..   Photo: Golfe de Porto Novo. Corsica, only two other yachts there. I put down two anchors as it was still a bit windy. This isRead More…

NEW POST> A144 Cyn for Sale SOLD
September 15th, 2013 by
Cyn for sale in 2013

Photo: portside. very good condition   Photo: Head & mainsail. used but in good condition   Photo: Head & Mainsail.   Photo: Head & Mainsail.   Photo: Head & Mainsail.   Photo:Read More…

NEW POST> 2024 A103 - Sardinia
September 5th, 2013 by

Photo: Tough times in isola rossa.   Photo: Tough times in isola rossa.   Photo: Tough times in isola rossa.   Photo: Oops. I managed to bend the anchor testing it forRead More…

NEW POST> A 81 Spotted in Netherlands by Peter on A31/09
September 4th, 2013 by

As far as I knew only one Atalanta situated in The Netherlands. Found a second one, the A81. No rigging and in a bad shape. The owner told me that he wasRead More…

NEW POST> A117 Turtle is still for sale
September 2nd, 2013 by

Robert Handley-Fairbairn writes: An update, to say Turtle A117 is still available, so make me an offer. I could break her for 500 and keep the trailer, but I would hate toRead More…

NEW POST> More about Ahamkara, a most unusual Atalanta
August 21st, 2013 by

A most unusual Atalanta Mariana and I visited Maree Ellis aboard “Ahamkara” which her father Jack Ellis built from Atalanta 26 plans between 1961 and 1966. For the last 15 years “Ahamkara”Read More…

NEW POST> 2013 A102 - Corsica!
August 14th, 2013 by

Photo: Corsica. I have arrived after an epic 36 hour haul on the motor today but a good 4 hours on spinaker yesterday.  What a forgiving boat that can let you playRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 25th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Now you have something in common with Sir Francis Chichester, I believe he lost the tip of a fing

NEW COMMENT: August 25th, 2013 by FaireyMary
There are a few of those here but I am usually keen on a swim or a bucket wash, thanks for the of

NEW COMMENT: August 26th, 2013 by DavidWalworth
On our Atalanta we set up a car with wheels on each leg of the split part of the backstay, the wh

NEW COMMENT: May 31st, 2015 by DavidPhillips
Great photos - what a trip. I notice the boom arrangement for the main sheet in this photo. My boat,

NEW COMMENT: May 31st, 2015 by FaireyMary
It is part of the boom reefing it is galvanised steel with two tuffnal wheels that hold the boom. It

NEW COMMENT: May 31st, 2015 by DavidPhillips
Many thanks for that - sorry to keep asking questions but does the clamping sheet pulley replace tha

NEW COMMENT: June 1st, 2015 by DavidPhillips
Ahhhh yes, it's becoming clearer now. My boat was was converted to a fixed point reeling system with

NEW POST> 2013 A102 - Out into the Mediterranean
August 6th, 2013 by

Photo: Med. I will update the blog soon as I am expecting bad weather.   50km winds. I am anchored in harve de morgiret on the iles du frioul near marseille.  Read More…

NEW COMMENT: August 7th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Do what you can to stay safe.

NEW POST> A89 Colchide
August 6th, 2013 by

Here are some more pictures of A89 Colchide in Norfolk. I have some questions: 1. Should I open the foreward hatch a few inches and leave the top washboards out to encourageRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 15th, 2013 by murrayreid
Re boat storage/workshop solutions - finally after what seems like years in the planning A87's pu

NEW COMMENT: August 14th, 2013 by RichardJames
Thank you to Colin, Chris, Dom, Timothy and Trevor for all your advice so far. Trevor - A8

NEW COMMENT: August 14th, 2013 by ChrisGreen
As an alternative boat storage/workshop  solution, you may consider a scaffolding tent. This can

NEW COMMENT: August 13th, 2013 by DominicDobson
Just a thought on storage Ive found it almost impossible to work on the boat when its outside dur

NEW COMMENT: August 13th, 2013 by DominicDobson
Glad you managed to get her back safely as far as port holes concerned I believe Colin has a moul

NEW COMMENT: August 11th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
It isnt surprising that the plastic has crazed after 50 years or so. When replacing them it is wo

NEW COMMENT: August 11th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Attached is a photo of the frames and plexiglass off A77.  The articles that Trevor suggests are

NEW COMMENT: August 11th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
You really must open the ends of the tarpaulins to allow air to circulate as Colin suggested.

NEW COMMENT: August 7th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
You'll be fine for the winter, plenty of slope to shed the rain & snow.  Keep the bilge dry. t

NEW COMMENT: August 6th, 2013 by colintwyford
Open both the ends of the cover to let a flow of air through and YES to question "1".

NEW POST> A 89 COLCHIDE returns to the UK after 50 years on the continent
August 2nd, 2013 by

I am delighted to announce that A 89 COLCHIDE returned to the UK today, after 50 years on the Mediterranian and in Switzerland.   She was picked up by Bob and Maria ofRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 17th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Robbie, now that I've learned from Trevor that there exists an old article or technical paper on

NEW COMMENT: August 18th, 2013 by RobbieCormie
great pictures. What a smart looking vessel. I would like to get my hands on some addition

NEW COMMENT: August 5th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Sharp lookin boat Skipper, best of luck with the tidy up work.  You might consider a company lik

NEW COMMENT: August 2nd, 2013 by colintwyford
Richard a historic moment and my sincere wishes to your future enjoyment of Bernard's pri

NEW POST> A115 Cockpit
July 28th, 2013 by

Photo: Clean Cockpit looking Astern.   Photo: Clean Cockpit looking Forward.  

NEW POST> 2013 A146 Le Bateau Ivre moves to new home
July 23rd, 2013 by

Photo: 100_2188. Parked on road just past driveway. Realized that there were sections of the driveway narrower than the trailer track width. The problem is that one side of the narrow bitRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 23rd, 2013 by DavidWalworth
Hi Colin, Yes the transom needs work. I replaced it in the late 80's and it is not that daunting

NEW COMMENT: July 23rd, 2013 by colintwyford
David, I am out of contact a little but note that the Transom looks a little unhappy.  Go

July 16th, 2013 by

Replaced most of outer keel in A77, Blue Goose. It was necessary to plane off 10 to 12 mm to get to solid mahogany. I used resorcinol from Aerodux that CP AdhesivesRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 20th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Thanks I was hoping someone might pipe up with a thought or two on the planking.  I believe your

NEW COMMENT: July 18th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
Tim You have taken on a mamoth task. Keep up the good work - it will be worth it!

NEW COMMENT: July 17th, 2013 by murrayreid
Good job....  A87

NEW POST> 2013 A102 - Hatch Repairs
July 8th, 2013 by

Photo: Boat repairs..     Photo: Boat repairs..   Photo: Boat repairs..   Photo: Boat repairs..   Photo: Boat repairs..   Photo: Boat repairs..  

NEW POST> Keel bolt grease fittings
July 2nd, 2013 by

Trevor mentions three types of grease fittings in the Repair Manual for the Keel Assembly and Mounting Structure published in 2010 with supplemental info. from Murray, Dominic, & John.  The attached photoRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 3rd, 2013 by colintwyford
Suggest you weld nuts on the end of the caps.  It will save a lot of effort using a ratchet to t

NEW COMMENT: July 2nd, 2013 by TrevorThompson
Well it looks like you will get the keel bolts out OK!

NEW POST> 2013 A102 - Lyon and The Rhone
June 25th, 2013 by

Photo: Lyon.   Photo: Lyon.   Photo: Rhone locks. I had heard alot about the locks on the Rhone, they are big.  I have discovered that as the bollards rise and fallRead More…

NEW POST> Electro hydraulic propulsion system
June 18th, 2013 by

 Adding an electric/hydraulic propulsion system to A169 (Kerry Piper) and thought it may be of some interest (attached plan). The mechanical installation is pending completion of structural  work to the hull and bulkheads, butRead More…

NEW COMMENT: June 23rd, 2013 by ChrisGreen
Attached - Motor details

NEW COMMENT: June 22nd, 2013 by ChrisGreen
I share Tim's view regarding the future for electric propulsion also my use as an auxiliary to sa

NEW COMMENT: June 22nd, 2013 by TimothyMallette
I have every confidence in the advantages of electric drives for those who don't tend to motor fo

NEW COMMENT: June 22nd, 2013 by TrevorThompson
Chris I am interested to see your plans for electrical propulsion, and particularl

NEW COMMENT: June 21st, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Another source for a ready to go motor, provided you have money bags, is

NEW COMMENT: June 19th, 2013 by ChrisGreen
A169 Plan attached - Again! Noticed an error on the original - the fluid return is from the valve

NEW COMMENT: June 19th, 2013 by ChrisGreen
An interesting Atalanta project, I recall reading this blog some years ago - I think on the old A

NEW COMMENT: June 19th, 2013 by NingWebmaster
Peter Snowdon has fitted electric propulsion on A150 Salizander, because he can't use petrol or

NEW COMMENT: June 18th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Chris, thanks for sharing this, looking forward to see how the system works in practice.  I'm

NEW POST> Calista's road accident
June 16th, 2013 by

Calista was damaged while on the way to the yard to be launched. The damage was caused by two vehicles hitting the back of the boat.     You may be able toRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 25th, 2013 by DavidWalworth
I have some thoughts on the varnish problem you had.  A byproduct of epoxy cure is a chemical ca

NEW COMMENT: July 24th, 2013 by DavidWalworth
So how many people did it take to keep you from going completely ballistic on the drivers of the

NEW COMMENT: July 10th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
The final comment to show the finished job:

NEW COMMENT: July 2nd, 2013 by TrevorThompson
Just a brief update regarding varnishing.   My problem is trying to use convention

NEW COMMENT: July 2nd, 2013 by TimothyMallette
You've convinced me to build a wood rudder for A77, I'll post a photo of a rudder with mahogany c

NEW COMMENT: June 30th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
Firstly in response to Murrays comments. I didnt actually think of using 2 pack varnish. I could

NEW COMMENT: June 26th, 2013 by murrayreid
Hi Trevor I am enjoying following your progress. I used Epifanes single pack varnis

NEW COMMENT: June 26th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
I have started to varnish the transom. I have been using Epiphanes varnish (supposed to be the be

NEW COMMENT: June 26th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
Getting on with the rudder. The three parts of the stock are bonded together:

NEW COMMENT: June 26th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
Tim I see what you mean. I dont know enough about the detail differences to really be able

NEW COMMENT: June 26th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Thanks for the response, the Type II catalog schematic depicts the P bracket bar lower than the T

NEW COMMENT: June 24th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
Tim I am fairly sure that the bronze casting - lets call it a "P" bracket - is the

NEW COMMENT: June 24th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Trevor, I see the different 33" vs. 37" dimension between Type II & Type I from the top of the r

NEW COMMENT: June 22nd, 2013 by TrevorThompson
I have been getting on with the rudder. This is the centre section coated with resin and t

NEW COMMENT: June 22nd, 2013 by TrevorThompson
Tim I was thinking of getting Dinah to follow me to the yard in her car, but of co

NEW COMMENT: June 17th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Trevor, the diagonal transom layout with genuine mahogany is better than the original.  Hope you

NEW COMMENT: June 16th, 2013 by DominicDobson
great repair job as usual, shows how relatively easy it is to repair an Atalanta and how robust t

NEW COMMENT: June 16th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
Now the main issue to resolve is the rudder stock which resembled a banana!   I ha

NEW COMMENT: June 16th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
So the boat is just about repaired! Here is the current state, with the topsides p

NEW COMMENT: June 16th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
You may know that the skeg is an "L" shaped piece of hardwood, extending up the transom, and unde

NEW COMMENT: June 16th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
Of course the sides of the hull where they attach to the transom were damaged as well. This is an

NEW COMMENT: June 16th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
The repairs are now almost complete, well we are at the varnishing stage. The repairs involved st

NEW POST> 2013 A102 - Into the Rhone Valley & R.Saone
June 13th, 2013 by

Photo: The Rhone valley. Today I crossed over from the Marne valley to the Rhone valley passing the highest point (340 metres) and through a 4820metre long tunnel.  I think a drinkRead More…

NEW POST> 2013 A71 Blue Jackaroo returns to former owner
June 5th, 2013 by

Blue Jackaroo is one of the better know Atalantas, being the boat pictured in the AOA’s Sinclair Trophy, which is awarded each year to the person who in the Committee’s opinion hasRead More…

NEW COMMENT: June 11th, 2013 by ChrisGreen
Interesting to see the "Seahopper" fitting so snugly on the aft deck - the perfect Atalanta tende

NEW POST> 2013 A102 - The Marne Valley
June 3rd, 2013 by

Photo: Lateral marne canal and Ay.. Ay is very much part of the Champagne district. Photo: Lateral marne canal and Ay.. Photo: Lateral marne canal and Ay.. Photo: Lateral marne canal andRead More…

NEW POST> A73 Lyde is no more
June 2nd, 2013 by

David Dean emailed today to say “A73 Lyde is no more, cut up and burnt today.” 

NEW POST> Atalanta on eBay
May 27th, 2013 by

Newly listed – Epenetus  Link to listing::

NEW POST> 2013 A102 - East from Paris on the R.Marne
May 25th, 2013 by

Photo: logs. The higher water levels are washing down some significant logs so you need to keep an eye out.   Photo: Meaux. Interesting mooring as the current runs across the pontoons.Read More…

NEW POST> 2013 A102 Mary in Paris
May 19th, 2013 by

Photo: Is that…. Photo: Paris an atalanta’s view. Going through Paris is exciting in an extreme sport sense.  The tourist boats are nose to tail.  They have enormous engines and combined withRead More…

NEW COMMENT: May 20th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
It is wonderful to see you updating the blog so regularly! Quite a few of us are watching your pr

NEW POST> Dave Allen is looking for someone...
May 7th, 2013 by

Dave Allen owns A66 Roamara and 135 Bloom, and he is looking for someone to share the work of restoring and maintaining the boats as well as the pleasure of sailing oneRead More…

NEW POST> 2013 A102 Mary To Paris
April 28th, 2013 by

Photo: beat this. Long on the somme. Photo: sails. Photo of the new sails made by suffolk sails. Note the use of the old brass hanks. Photo: seine. Waiting on the wallRead More…

NEW POST> A31 Bare Shell in 2013
March 16th, 2013 by

Photo: Atalanta 31 shell looking forward. Photo: DSCN0995. Photo: DSCN0994. Photo: DSCN0993. Photo: DSCN0992. Photo: DSCN0991. Photo: DSCN0990. Photo: DSCN0989. Photo: DSCN0988. Photo: DSCN0987.

NEW POST> A73 Lyde is in desperate need of rescue
March 8th, 2013 by

David Dean has written: “I’m 70 this yr and retiring later to Spain. Sold Lyde for £500 over a year ago. The buyer has vanished, Lyde is still in my shed. HullRead More…

NEW COMMENT: March 12th, 2013 by NingWebmaster
That's good news! It sounds like A73 is in quite good shape, and it would have been a tragedy to

NEW COMMENT: March 11th, 2013 by colintwyford
I understand that A73 has been saved and will shortly go to her new home.  Thankfully not to be

NEW POST> The Best Laid Plans-A183 Bluster's log-July/August 2012
February 26th, 2013 by

The best laid plans …… Or an enjoyable alternative “Where are you going for your summer cruise Jane?” ”Hopefully West, but if that does not prove possible, then France” The forecast didRead More…

NEW POST> 2013 T10 Callista under spinnaker in Croatia
February 15th, 2013 by

Photo: Calista3. Calista sailing in Croatis with the bimini in use

NEW POST> 2013 Atalanta Mary ready on the South Coast
January 7th, 2013 by

Photo: 2012-12-24 14.51.57. Well we didn’t make the east coast. Ah well. All the easier to cross the channel next year.

NEW POST> 2012 Autumn A17 at Beaulieu for half term
December 30th, 2012 by

Photo: A17 Gambol Sailing in Solent Half Term 2012. Photo: A17 Gambol Beaulieu On a falling Tide Autumn 2012 (two Families). Photo: A17 Gambol Fog (We Could only just make out GurnardRead More…

NEW COMMENT: January 4th, 2013 by SimonGarratt
Murray, My thoughts are that moving the jib aft and presumably of a smaller size than norm

NEW COMMENT: January 1st, 2013 by murrayreid
Thanks Simon A87 had a headstay fitted to the outer hole on the stemhead fitting and the o

NEW COMMENT: January 1st, 2013 by SimonGarratt
Murray, A Happy New Year to you. Both are connected to the standard bow fitting as in the

NEW COMMENT: December 31st, 2012 by murrayreid
Simon Happy New year! I have been studying your photo and it appears Gambol has a headstay with a

NEW POST> 2012 A17 Gambol Summer
December 30th, 2012 by
A17 Gambol crew enjoying themselves off the beach

Photo: A17 Gambol Newtown Swimming Summer 2012. Photo: A17 Gambol Newtown Summer 2012. Photo: A17 “Gambolling” With Ranger J5 Falmouth Regatta June 2012. Photo: A17 Gambol “Pimped” Haslar Marina Summer 2012.

NEW COMMENT: January 4th, 2013 by SimonGarratt
Nick, Many thanks for your comments. I really like it as well – it’s one of the images

NEW COMMENT: January 2nd, 2013 by NickPhillips
Simon - I love this photograph. Apart from bashing through all those waves travelling between moo

NEW POST> European holiday
December 4th, 2012 by

I am planning on a holiday next year along the lines of sailing from Chichester to St Valerie-sur-somme then across internal waterways to the south of France and then to spend theRead More…

NEW COMMENT: October 14th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Going back through these blogs now.  I am really sorry for the quality of the punctuation.  It

NEW COMMENT: October 5th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I am now back in the UK polishing my CV and sorting stuff out around the house. Mary is st

NEW COMMENT: September 26th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
I find that Calista is well ballanced when sailing - so I can actually leave the helm to put the

NEW COMMENT: September 26th, 2013 by FaireyMary
25th 12.62Volts 444.3 hours Bosa. After my comments on low wind conditions it appeared tha

NEW COMMENT: September 26th, 2013 by FaireyMary
24th 12.71 Volts 439.5 hours.  Alghero Port Conte is a fine place to wake up.  I went fo

NEW COMMENT: September 25th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Three good books that can help improve boat speed in light airs are The Manual of Sail Trim by St

NEW COMMENT: September 24th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
I am going to respond to your comments about sailing in light airs! It is perhaps

NEW COMMENT: September 24th, 2013 by AlanKelly
Good luck getting to Bosa for the final leg. Here of some pictures of our encounter in Isola Ross

NEW COMMENT: September 24th, 2013 by FaireyMary
23rd 12.70 Volts 439.5 hours. Porto Conte What I didn't realise was that another english b

NEW COMMENT: September 24th, 2013 by FaireyMary
22nd ? Ile Piana south of Asinara. It is a long stretch 40 odd miles across the Golfe dell

NEW COMMENT: September 24th, 2013 by FaireyMary
21st 12.70 Volts 426 hrs Capo Testa (Baia di Reparata) Filled up fuel 12 litres, not bad a

NEW COMMENT: September 23rd, 2013 by AlanKelly
Congrats for making it back to Bonifacio. It would have been great to see the approach. Spear at

NEW COMMENT: September 21st, 2013 by TimothyMallette
May Aeolus treat Atalanta well. You might check along the keel for soft spots in the planking in

NEW COMMENT: September 21st, 2013 by FaireyMary
20th Bonifacio By the time I had sorted myself out and watched the fish for an hour or so

NEW COMMENT: September 21st, 2013 by FaireyMary
19th Golfe de Porto Novo (18th ) The showers weren't working at Porto Vecchio (Euro 13 per

NEW COMMENT: September 21st, 2013 by FaireyMary
18th Porto Vecchio Keen to get on and accompanying the German boat we set out.  They left

NEW COMMENT: September 21st, 2013 by FaireyMary
17th Sept Rondinara The day of the big blow.  115km/hr in Bonifacio according to meteo fr

NEW COMMENT: September 17th, 2013 by TerenceWetherilt
Would be interested to know the more expensive product

NEW COMMENT: September 16th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
I have used linseed oil on bare wood before applying conventional varnish. In fact I used to use

NEW COMMENT: September 16th, 2013 by DominicDobson
Have used Coelan on coach roof in past v expensive and difficult to patch if small area becomes dama

NEW COMMENT: September 16th, 2013 by TerenceWetherilt
Coelan good if applied as instructed, but isn't as aesthetically pleasing as varnish, has plastic lo

NEW COMMENT: September 16th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Anybody tried Coelan?  The ketch I saw had its woodwork painted in the stuff 5 years ago and has

NEW COMMENT: September 16th, 2013 by DominicDobson
I've been using epoxy from reactive resins they do a primer resin that soaks into the wood and can b

NEW COMMENT: September 16th, 2013 by FaireyMary
15-16th September 12.56 Volts 420.5 hours I am literally playing chess with the weather. 

NEW COMMENT: September 16th, 2013 by TerenceWetherilt
I was advised to use G4,thinned with cellulose thinners, before applying epoxy resin The G4 dries ve

NEW COMMENT: September 16th, 2013 by FaireyMary
14th September 12.61 Volts 419.8 hours of engine Port de Rondinara. Magnificent sail today

NEW COMMENT: September 16th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
Your latest photos are bery interesting. It looks like it is only a surface layer of varnish whic

NEW COMMENT: September 13th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
Just to add my two pence on your request for advice on the deck and coachroof.   C

NEW COMMENT: September 13th, 2013 by FaireyMary
13th September 12.57 Volts 417.9 hours on engine After 4 nights sheltering from the wind i

NEW COMMENT: September 10th, 2013 by FaireyMary
9th 12.75 volts 417.9 hours Porto Pozzo to Maddalena.  Although I did turn the engine on

NEW COMMENT: September 10th, 2013 by FaireyMary
8th 12.78 volts 415.8 hours From Capo Testa I went to Porto Pozzo via Santa Teresa di Gall

NEW COMMENT: September 10th, 2013 by FaireyMary
7th 13.01 Volts 411.1 Hours Very glad to get going again.  After a brief and unsuccessful

NEW COMMENT: September 5th, 2013 by FaireyMary
5th Sept. Ok not that good I am back on daily bandage

NEW COMMENT: September 2nd, 2013 by FaireyMary
2nd September Not that good at resting.  The weather being reasonable we, Alan, Jen and I

NEW COMMENT: August 28th, 2013 by FaireyMary
27th August The distance to Isola Rossa is 40ish miles.  10 hours was a reasonable guess.

NEW COMMENT: August 28th, 2013 by FaireyMary
26th August. cont.. After getting a load of washing done I left to go to Campomoto

NEW COMMENT: August 28th, 2013 by FaireyMary
26th August.  Propriana On the pilgrimage to redress the feeling of freeloading I recogni

NEW COMMENT: August 27th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Spelling is overrated, hope your enjoying the reading of the Lonely Sea & the Sky. It doesn't go

NEW COMMENT: August 25th, 2013 by FaireyMary
They are all typing fingers none are spelling fingers.

NEW COMMENT: August 25th, 2013 by FaireyMary
25th Propriano 12.76 Volts 391 engine hours. After 2 nights of cage rest (incarcera

NEW COMMENT: August 23rd, 2013 by murrayreid
Ouch!.. at least it wasnt your typing finger!

NEW COMMENT: August 22nd, 2013 by colintwyford
I chopped the top of my left thumb off with a mitre saw when I was 17 and I can still recall the

NEW COMMENT: August 22nd, 2013 by FaireyMary
22nd Ajaccio -ile Piana 7:30 12.76Volts 386.6 hours.  I managed a trim (haircut) this mor

NEW COMMENT: August 22nd, 2013 by FaireyMary
21st Ajaccio -holding tank 8:00 13.40Volts 386.6 engine hours. I tried to use the o

NEW COMMENT: August 21st, 2013 by FaireyMary
20th Sagone - Ajaccio 22 miles 8am 12.88Volts and 0 engine hours. This doesn't look

NEW COMMENT: August 20th, 2013 by FaireyMary
19th Sagone - victualing 7:45 12.96Volts and 385.0 engine hours. I have no fridge a

NEW COMMENT: August 20th, 2013 by FaireyMary
18th  Anse de Chiuni to Sagone approx 10.7 miles 9:15 12.90 Volts and 383.6 engine hours.

NEW COMMENT: August 18th, 2013 by FaireyMary
17th Girolata to Anse de Chiuni. (NB I have made a mess of dates) I spent the morning airi

NEW COMMENT: August 18th, 2013 by FaireyMary
14th Baie de Crovani to Girolata. Having read up on the pilot guide and still feeling I wa

NEW COMMENT: August 18th, 2013 by FaireyMary
13th Revellata to Baie de Crovani Well all I can say is that I now trust my anchor.  I he

NEW COMMENT: August 18th, 2013 by FaireyMary
13th Port Cros to Revellata. I guessed it would take about 36 hours to cross so didn't thi

NEW COMMENT: August 18th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Perhaps a recap as I have without 3G coverage and even now only have good 2G. 10th Marseil

NEW COMMENT: August 14th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Have a fine gentleman's sail to Corsica with the winds at your back.

NEW COMMENT: August 14th, 2013 by murrayreid
Have a good one!

NEW COMMENT: August 13th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I am liking the iles of hyeres.  Not a bad idea to trailer down here for a week.  Most people a

NEW COMMENT: August 12th, 2013 by FaireyMary
11 August lumpy night but no wind in the morning.  I decide to do some clothes washing and have

NEW COMMENT: August 11th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Enjoying the tales of Fairey Mary, sounds like a good run out of Marseille.  There's a balance p

NEW COMMENT: August 11th, 2013 by FaireyMary
10 August I finally left Marseille not knowing what to expect.  I got out of the bay and started

NEW COMMENT: August 10th, 2013 by FaireyMary
My friend returned to England and the arival of a Mistral wind kept me in Marseille for three nig

NEW COMMENT: August 9th, 2013 by murrayreid
Really enjoying your blog. From down here at the end of the earth in dark and damp NZ your adven

NEW COMMENT: August 9th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Since returning I notice the significant effect the sun has on the boat.  A couple of places I h

NEW COMMENT: August 9th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Next morning we row ashore and look for facilities.  We find a cafe with a hammock and facilitie

NEW COMMENT: August 9th, 2013 by FaireyMary
After a trip to the chandlers to get another rigging pin, swimming goggles and some charts we hea

NEW COMMENT: August 9th, 2013 by FaireyMary
5th August and it is all getting exciting as tonight we will be at St Louis the gateway to the me

NEW COMMENT: August 9th, 2013 by FaireyMary
From Viviers we traveled to Avignon these are long days leaving at about 10ish and keeping on goi

NEW COMMENT: August 9th, 2013 by FaireyMary
3rd August we left reasonably early in the morning after a croissant of course and headed for Viv

NEW COMMENT: August 9th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Thursday 1st August.  Valence isn't the easiest place to visit and for the first week a friend w

NEW COMMENT: July 14th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
I have brass eye on the bottom front of the mast which I attach the spinnaker pole downhaul to. I

NEW COMMENT: July 14th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Where do you attach the spinnaker pole downhaul to the deck?

NEW COMMENT: July 9th, 2013 by colintwyford
On Hiran the boom Goose-neck in fixed on with two thin nuts but a hole has been drilled through b

NEW COMMENT: July 8th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I am now on the train to Calais after spending a week doing repairs and patching paintwork.  I h

NEW COMMENT: June 30th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
No - you havn't cottoned on. I looked up the manufacturers specification from the drawing of the

NEW COMMENT: June 29th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Thanks,  I have the locking nut but lost the one it locks against.  It is slightly thicker.  I

NEW COMMENT: June 29th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
The nut that holds the boom onto the mast is a 1/2 inch BSW lock nut. There are meant to be 2 of

NEW COMMENT: June 29th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
Firstly comments on deck painting. There is a lot to be said for white decks because they are muc

NEW COMMENT: June 29th, 2013 by FaireyMary
As Trevor said you cover many miles in a day on the Rhone.  Yesterday I did 71kms including 3 lo

NEW COMMENT: June 26th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
Just thought you might appreciate being told that your blog and photos are being followed with gr

NEW COMMENT: June 26th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I left Macon taking the bypass avoiding the low bridge.  I sailed for most of the day even going

NEW COMMENT: June 25th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I did stay in Macon for the Sunday.  I tried to walk the dog into town on the saturday night but

NEW COMMENT: June 22nd, 2013 by FaireyMary
Chalon-sur-Saone is an upmarket marina costing €15 for the night but it had a shopping complex

NEW COMMENT: June 21st, 2013 by FaireyMary
I have splashed out on a new tablet so hopefully the typo's will be minimised.   V

NEW COMMENT: June 20th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I left St Jean as it was gettng warm saying goodbye to the cafe national after had put up with my do

NEW COMMENT: June 18th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Too bad about the tablet, maybe we'll see the fish go online. Your typos are increasing with the

NEW COMMENT: June 18th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Te passage from Auxonne to St-Jean-de-Losne has two bridges and as it was a bit windy I stopped afte

NEW COMMENT: June 18th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I left Pontailler after getting some fuel and headed for Auxonne. I had a lovely lunch at anchor at

NEW COMMENT: June 17th, 2013 by FaireyMary
blast amd other words to that effect the tablet I have been using went in the drink. I am writing th

NEW COMMENT: June 16th, 2013 by DominicDobson
Ive found you need some keel to help turn on or else the hull just slides across the water, just

NEW COMMENT: June 16th, 2013 by FaireyMary
It is now Sunday and I am in Pontailler-sur-Saone. The last two days since leaving Piepape have been

NEW COMMENT: June 13th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Next morning I woke to what looked like it was going to be stunning day. I was hoping to get a few j

NEW COMMENT: June 13th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I stayed near Choignes on what I believe are called dolphins. The guide said there was grassy bank m

NEW COMMENT: June 10th, 2013 by FaireyMary
It is more about the countryside here. I am not sure if it was the misty rainy start or the countrys

NEW COMMENT: June 10th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I left Joinville after stopping nearer the town centre so I could look around the town without forci

NEW COMMENT: June 8th, 2013 by FaireyMary
When mooring that night a VNF (waterways) man appeared whilst I was mooring. Quite a surprise consid

NEW COMMENT: June 7th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I left reasonably early after filling the water tanks. There are alot of locks I went through 10 tha

NEW COMMENT: June 6th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I left Chalons-en-Champagne after visiting the market at about 10 am accompanied by another English

NEW COMMENT: June 5th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I stayed an extra day at Chalons-en-Champagne as the weather was good and I really wanted to fit the

NEW COMMENT: June 3rd, 2013 by FaireyMary
After getting my washing in I left the mooring and headed back to the enterance of the lateral marne

NEW COMMENT: June 2nd, 2013 by FaireyMary
We left Dormans to go to Epernay the countryside is now covered in grape vines and looking very much

NEW COMMENT: June 2nd, 2013 by FaireyMary
The next morning turned out grubby so after a walk around the castle we had a coffee while it poured

NEW COMMENT: May 30th, 2013 by FaireyMary
La Ferte-sous-Jouarre is probably the best mooring we have had. Although there was little commercial

NEW COMMENT: May 28th, 2013 by FaireyMary
It would seem that most of the rivers in France are running fast. We have heard of a dutch barge on

NEW COMMENT: May 28th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Lagny to Meaux is mostly canal with Chalifert being lock-tunnel-lock in quick sucession. The weather

NEW COMMENT: May 25th, 2013 by FaireyMary
My mum had joined me in Paris so now we were all ready to head out and see what the water was like.

NEW COMMENT: May 25th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Four days in Paris or five nights cost a total of €128. The cost jumps in June. I spent most of th

NEW COMMENT: May 24th, 2013 by TerenceWetherilt
Good to see pictures hope weather improves very wet here today

NEW COMMENT: May 20th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Sunday morning and the weather is set to come in. I couldn't do much here and even less if it rains

NEW COMMENT: May 19th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I left the lock and found the mooring in pleasant location and went into town in search of crossants

NEW COMMENT: May 19th, 2013 by TerenceWetherilt
Sorry to have misled you ,we were both looking must've not had glasses on Glad you've seen the sun R

NEW COMMENT: May 19th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I finished my coffee and had a look at the control tower, here was movement. So I walk up to ask. In

NEW COMMENT: May 18th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Yesterday (17th May) turned out sunny so I decided to make the most of drying. I pulled the tent dow

NEW COMMENT: May 18th, 2013 by DominicDobson
Photos are a good addition as is the date your blogging so that followers can see your progress i

NEW COMMENT: May 18th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Yesterday (17th May) turned out sunny so I decided to make the most of drying. I pulled the tent dow

NEW COMMENT: May 18th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Ok then it is how it should be. What do people want to hear more of? More photos? More about the fi

NEW COMMENT: May 18th, 2013 by DominicDobson
Its possible for non members to follow your blog they just cannot comment I read the entries with

NEW COMMENT: May 17th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Going back to Terence's comments, it is my intension that this blog is readable by everybody member

NEW COMMENT: May 17th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I left Pontoise and went round the corner to Cergy. It costs €13 a night but you get WiFi and elec

NEW COMMENT: May 15th, 2013 by TerenceWetherilt
Anymore photos ? we only knew you had a blog by looking at photo and to read we needed to be friends

NEW COMMENT: May 14th, 2013 by FaireyMary
On Monday I went on to "L'Isle Adam". There is a "bassin de viole" offshoot of the main river for sa

NEW COMMENT: May 14th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Glad to get feedback. To be honest the weather hasn't been great so I have been catching up on Tilma

NEW COMMENT: May 14th, 2013 by TerenceWetherilt
Reading this on Tuesday so hope all has been going well since Saturday Have enjoyed trip so far,

NEW COMMENT: May 11th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Next morning we went for a walk to inspect a promised mooring in town. I could see two boats moored

NEW COMMENT: May 11th, 2013 by FaireyMary
That night felt like a front came through and it was certainly cold an windy. The barge owners invi

NEW COMMENT: May 11th, 2013 by FaireyMary
It wasn't the best of mornings but after posting the previous, a quick walk around town and not want

NEW COMMENT: May 8th, 2013 by FaireyMary
The next morning was lovely and sunny. The evening before I saw a pile of air drying sawn timber. So

NEW COMMENT: May 8th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Next morning we both left, the other boat in search of a diver as they had something caught around t

NEW COMMENT: May 8th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Quite happy to be leaving Peronne and not feeling too good about being on the Nord I went on my way

NEW COMMENT: May 7th, 2013 by FaireyMary
With fuel I headed off for Peronne. It was a big day for me as the Canal du Nord has a reputation fo

NEW COMMENT: May 7th, 2013 by FaireyMary
From Corbie to Cappy where my lack of French left me short of Cappy to the tune of one lifting bridg

NEW COMMENT: May 7th, 2013 by FaireyMary
From Amiens I travelled to Corbie where I stayed by a camp site. Showers are €2.20. I also found a

NEW COMMENT: May 4th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I left Long and carried on to Amiens. I have to say that the lock keepers are most helpful. I am sur

NEW COMMENT: May 4th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I set off the next day and shortly after noticed two men on an orange van which I suspected were rel

NEW COMMENT: May 2nd, 2013 by FaireyMary
...through the boom yoke. No need to lash the mast down. Next morning 12 came around but I knew it w

NEW COMMENT: May 2nd, 2013 by FaireyMary
On the friday my friend left and not needing to rush I had a bit more of a look around and do some r

NEW COMMENT: May 1st, 2013 by FaireyMary
My friend left next for work commitments. Another friend kindly offered to combine a dog delivery wi

NEW COMMENT: May 1st, 2013 by FaireyMary
We left Newheaven equally as early looking at out options. We were going to pass Rye at low tide so

NEW COMMENT: May 1st, 2013 by FaireyMary
I left Chichester early on the 20th to head up the coast. It was a sunny day and we managed to motor

NEW COMMENT: February 16th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Thank, great photo!  My mind is wandering towards an "african queen" type cover.  I saw a good

NEW COMMENT: February 15th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
I forgot to tell you that I raised Calista's boom by about 12 to 18 inches. That is why we can us

NEW COMMENT: February 15th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
In "my photos" Trevors that is - you will find a photo of the bimini in use and another one from

NEW COMMENT: February 15th, 2013 by DominicDobson
Trevor on the subject of flexible tent poles I would suggest you source aluminium ones as the GRP

NEW COMMENT: February 15th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
I knew we had failed to discuss something important!   The big problen with adding

NEW COMMENT: February 15th, 2013 by DominicDobson
As usual Trevor is probably the person to answer this one he has a fantastic bimini that converts

NEW COMMENT: February 14th, 2013 by FaireyMary
Any suggestions on a bimini design.  I take this as essential kit for the heat of the sun in the

NEW COMMENT: January 30th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
A solar panel is a good idea if you are in the Mediteranean. Whether 50 watts will be enough is d

NEW COMMENT: January 29th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I am thinking of putting a solar panel on to keep the batteries topped up if I stay still for a w

NEW COMMENT: January 7th, 2013 by TrevorThompson
I think that you would be well advised to get a new mainsail, particularly as you are planning a

NEW COMMENT: January 7th, 2013 by FaireyMary
I took my main sail in to get the batten pockets repaired.  I was told that they couldn't guaran

NEW COMMENT: December 15th, 2012 by TrevorThompson
What a wonderful trip to be planning - very exciting! Presumably you intend to be away for a long

NEW POST> Tuan Mac
November 20th, 2012 by

Photo: Tuan Mac. We’ve lured a Fisherman into our midst!

NEW COMMENT: October 24th, 2014 by jimpailing
Ahoy ! Herewith photo of my Fairey Fisherman in a happier situation !

NEW COMMENT: November 20th, 2012 by NingWebmaster
We've lured a Fisherman into our midst! This is "Tuan Mac".

NEW POST> 2012 A102 Atalanta Mary travels to Chichester
November 4th, 2012 by

Photo: mary bow. first site nose on Photo: dual rudders. The owner before last changed the rudder system to dual rudders after loosing his for a second time. The research and calculationsRead More…

NEW POST> A89 coming home in May 2013
October 29th, 2012 by

The Association’s senior member, Bernard Upton will be 94 next summer and has decided to stop sailing solo on A89 and to down-size his house, therefore 53 years of Atalanta spares andRead More…

NEW POST> 2012 A88 Tenga in USA
October 12th, 2012 by

Photo: First day out. On my first day out with a sail up. I only raised the main that day. The following day main and a foresail (#1) and she behaved likeRead More…

NEW COMMENT: October 17th, 2012 by PaulORorke
hahaha!  I have the spinnaker but no pole... It will happen soon though...

NEW COMMENT: October 16th, 2012 by TimothyMallette
Congrats. Paul, get that spinniker up :)

NEW COMMENT: October 14th, 2012 by NingWebmaster
This A88 Tenga sailing with her new owner in Canada

NEW POST> A88 is in Cowichan Bay, British Columbia, Canada
October 12th, 2012 by

Hi all, this is just a quick introduction.  I have taken possession of A88 Tenga from John Denny (Thanks soooo much John!) and she’s in the water in Cowichan Bay, B.C. View Larger Map  LaterRead More…

NEW COMMENT: October 13th, 2012 by colintwyford
Paul, Good to hear news of Tenga, I recall that John won a restoration trophy some years a

NEW COMMENT: October 12th, 2012 by PaulORorke
Thanks Murray, I'm actually from Melbourne and will be back there for a year or so

NEW COMMENT: October 12th, 2012 by murrayreid

NEW COMMENT: December 26th, 2018 by Richard James
Hi Paul,Please could you post any photos of TENGA in 2018 here?It is always interesting to s

NEW POST> Bernard Upton
October 2nd, 2012 by
Bernard Upton

Photo: Bernard. Photo: IMG_0111. Bernard Upton

NEW POST> A77 Blue Goose Engine Replacement
September 30th, 2012 by

Photo: Raised Frame for Yanmar 2 cyl. Bridge Deck, Sort of. Photo: Engine Removal. Farmer style

NEW COMMENT: July 26th, 2013 by TimothyMallette
Hi Dave, with such large holes it's important to fair the stringers and whatever else is under th

NEW COMMENT: July 23rd, 2013 by DavidWalworth
You have no idea how good this makes me feel knowing we are not the only ones.......

NEW POST> A31-6 Caperndonich at Anstruther
September 5th, 2012 by

Photo: A31-6 with Watson class lifeboat at Anstruther. Photo: A31-6 Caperdonich at Anstruther Muster’s Classic Boat Rally.

NEW COMMENT: May 28th, 2012 by BillKennaway
There are four wire lifting slings connected to a round steel link that the crane hook takes. The

NEW POST> A71 Blue Jackaroo moves to Chatham
August 4th, 2012 by

Photo: Chatham_smaller. Blue Jackaroo at Chatham, August 2012, after a fantastic sail up river against Wind and Tide. What a great job Terry and Lisa (with help from Andy) have done ofRead More…

NEW POST> A89 Keel slot flushers
July 31st, 2012 by

Bernard wants to seal the slots above A89’s keels. I have experimented with moped tyres (3.0 x 19) and I can cut them into one long sausage, seal the ends and keep pressureRead More…

NEW COMMENT: October 2nd, 2012 by RichardJames
We fitted the moped tyres to A89 a few weeks ago and inflated them, then kept them in place with

NEW POST> 31ft Atalanta for sale in USA
July 22nd, 2012 by

A31/8 Trio of Playford Tim Arnold writes: Trio required quite a bit of work after being neglected under some trees in South Texas, accumulated leaves had allowed rain water to rot areasRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 17th, 2012 by NingWebmaster
I've just heard from Tim Arnold in Austin, Texas: the boat is indeed A31/8 "Trio of Playford" and

NEW COMMENT: August 10th, 2012 by NingWebmaster
It's the right way up, Richard. The address we have is for Tim Arnold in Austin, Texas. I've writ

NEW COMMENT: August 8th, 2012 by NingWebmaster
You mentioned Austin Texas, is your globe upside down John ?!!  

NEW COMMENT: August 8th, 2012 by NingWebmaster
Richard, I'm assuming the boat is A31/8 Trio of Playford owned by Tim Arnold - but we don't have

NEW COMMENT: August 7th, 2012 by NingWebmaster
John, the item has been removed, any idea of the outcome?

NEW POST> 2012 A142 Sugar Plum at Portsoy
June 26th, 2012 by

Photo: Portsoy 12-3. A142 Sugar Plum at Portsoy Traditional Boat Festival, 23/24 June 2012

NEW POST> Scottish Traditional Boat Festival-Portsoy
June 26th, 2012 by

Greg Manning has sent a report on A142 at Portsoy, with this photo   A142 Sugar Plum attended the Scottish Traditional Boat festival on June 23/24th.  Having craned in and fitted out atRead More…

NEW POST> Recommendation: Epenetus Blog
June 18th, 2012 by

I can highly recommend Rob Woolley’s excellent blog (I am sure he wont mind) titled ‘Living with an Atalanta’ . It is a very interesting blog with good photos of Epenetus.   ItRead More…

NEW POST> 2012 A148 Refurbishment - getting there
June 7th, 2012 by

Photo: Getting there!. A148 Johara

NEW POST> 2012 A176 Persephone for sale SOLD
June 5th, 2012 by
A176 for sale in 2012 after many years storage

Photo: A176 Persephone for sale. View from stern   Photo: A176 Persephone for sale. View from bow   Photo: A176 Persephone for sale. Sails   Photo: A176 Persephone for sale. Spinnaker  Read More…

NEW POST> Another Atalanta on eBay-251076562142
June 4th, 2012 by

A176 Persephone is up for sale on eBay – 5 days to go as of today. I understand she has been kept under a cover for 30 years, complete with mast sailsRead More…

NEW POST> A89 Colchide Update as of 2 June 2012
June 3rd, 2012 by

I visited Bernard Upton in Switzerland last week and we spent a few days working on A89 in the boatyard in Gland. The skeg was showing signs of cracking around the alloyRead More…

NEW POST> 2012 A89 Rudder Pintle
June 3rd, 2012 by
Inside the keel box

Photo: IMG_0101. Photo: IMG_0100. Photo: IMG_0096. Photo: IMG_0089.

NEW POST> A176 Persephone for sale
June 2nd, 2012 by
A176 for sale in 2012 after many years storage

I’ve just received this message from Gary Topple: “There is a Fairey Atlanta A176 “Persephone” for sale at Felixstowe. It is in rough condition having sat in a driveway on a trailerRead More…

NEW POST> A17 New Chain Plates 2012
June 2nd, 2012 by

Photo: A17 New Chain Plates Finished June 2012 – Rust Free Topsides This Season?. Photo: A17 New Chain Plates Ready for 4 Painting May 2012. Manufactured & Galvanised by Classic Marine WoodbridgeRead More…

NEW COMMENT: June 4th, 2012 by SimonGarratt
Murray, Many thanks. Yes I have backing plates which pick up all the bolts. I only took on

NEW COMMENT: June 3rd, 2012 by murrayreid
Hi Simon, nice work. Do you have backing plates that are slightly thinner on the inside and are t

NEW COMMENT: June 13th, 2012 by DominicDobson
I can confirm that the plates should have some bend as A90s have a similar shape which I bent whe

NEW COMMENT: June 13th, 2012 by SimonGarratt
Timothy, I have the drawing for a later version of chain plates (A24761) and in the not

NEW COMMENT: June 12th, 2012 by TimothyMallette
Hi Simon, The chain plates look good.  I am now wondering if the bends on the for

NEW POST> A31-6 Caperndonich at Anstruther
May 26th, 2012 by

Photo: Boat lift. Photo: boatlift2.

NEW POST> Swing Keel Fittings
May 9th, 2012 by

I may be one of the lucky ones, the pivot and brake bolts were replaced by Peter Lombard in the 1970s. Nylon bushings and grease fittings should make removal much easier. ARead More…

NEW POST> Calista's Easter Cruise 2012
April 25th, 2012 by

Calista took Dominic Dobson and myself on a cruise around the Milford Haven last week. Not actually Easter week, but the week after (Easter was early this year so it was stillRead More…

NEW COMMENT: May 9th, 2012 by TimothyMallette
Aye, you be sailin in thy spring over thar... shivering timbers.

NEW COMMENT: April 25th, 2012 by DominicDobson
more photos from Wales

NEW POST> A77 Blue Goose Engine Replacement
April 22nd, 2012 by

Photo: Hole in the bottom!. Photo: Blue Goose Feb-2012. Photo: Blue Goose Transom Feb-2012. Photo: Forward cabin looking aft. Photo: Blue Goose April 2012. Photo: Blue Goose Transom April 2012. Photo: BowRead More…

NEW POST> A137 Baby Seal is for sale SOLD
April 22nd, 2012 by

Atalanta 26ft in sound condition. All items required by a 2009 Survey (available on request) have been actioned, only cosmetic work now required. Full inventry includes: Beta BD722 19hp diesel engine Hurth HBW35Read More…

NEW COMMENT: September 27th, 2012 by TarnFrancesAitken
Andrew Cross has now left Baby Seal in our care, She is still for sale but please contact Tarn an

NEW COMMENT: June 13th, 2012 by NingWebmaster
Andrew has dropped the price for Baby Seal to £2,000

NEW POST> A104 Arosa
April 20th, 2012 by

Photo: A104 Arosa at Calais. Photo: A104 Arosa in The Hebrides. Photo: A104 Arosa at W Mersea.

NEW POST> 2012 A31-6 Crossing Crinan Canal
April 15th, 2012 by

Photo: A31-6_Crossing_Loch_Crinan_2011. See 2010-11 Annual Bulletin

NEW POST> 2012 Sailing Today Article - Jaunty A100
April 14th, 2012 by

Photo: Sailing Today – article – 1ed. Courtesy Sailing Today Magazine – Photo: Sailing Today – article – 3ed. Courtesy Sailing Today Magazine – Photo: Sailing Today – article –Read More…

April 9th, 2012 by

ATALANTA A104 ‘AROSA’ Built 1959 and in commission (cruised the Western Isles last summer) Mast-head rig – wooden spars – Yanmar 8hp diesel engine – two burner gas cooker – 2 anchorsRead More…

NEW POST> A87 Refit continues......
March 24th, 2012 by

March 2012 Unbelievable! 6 months has slipped by and no significant progress has been made on Methuselah. However, indirectly things have been chugging along. In the meantime we have purchased an acreRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 20th, 2011 by colintwyford
With regard to laminate repair, if it is a small area you can cut out a patch slightly larger than r

NEW POST> A102 Atalanta Mary is for sale SOLD
February 23rd, 2012 by

ATALANTA MARY A1021959, 3/4 rig, restored to very good condition.Wood spars, sails – main and genoa, 1 & 2 jibs, spinnaker.Anchor’s chains & warps. Lavac heads, sink,fresh water tank, 2 burnerspirit stove,Read More…

NEW POST> Sad news of A97 Joanne in USA
February 15th, 2012 by

(Note: This is not the same boat as A65 Joann, which is safe and sound in Suffolk. JI) Clayton Loushay writes: “Greetings, I am a former owner of A97. During that timeRead More…

NEW POST> Holding Tanks
January 19th, 2012 by

I have been giving thought to how to instal a holding tank to Calista. Partly driven by requirements for the next trip to the Med (scheduled for 2013 now), and partly toRead More…

NEW COMMENT: March 21st, 2012 by TrevorThompson
The installation of the holding tank is now completed.  

NEW COMMENT: February 18th, 2012 by TrevorThompson
Another update on progress:   After lots of fiddly bits which had to be left to cu

NEW COMMENT: February 6th, 2012 by TrevorThompson
A progress report on the holding tank:   The focsl with the toilet removed and rea

NEW COMMENT: January 27th, 2012 by TrevorThompson
Well I have made a decision! I almost went for the chemical toilet, but decided to fit the holdin

NEW COMMENT: January 20th, 2012 by TrevorThompson
I asuppose I will have to get a quote for a welded plastics tank. I have to admit that I was not

NEW COMMENT: January 20th, 2012 by murrayreid
The idea for the flushing tank and holding tank sounds good Trevor. I was looking at a boat yeste

NEW COMMENT: January 20th, 2012 by colintwyford
I forgot to say that the holding tank carries like a suitcase, though with questionable contents.

NEW COMMENT: January 20th, 2012 by colintwyford
When we went up the Thames after removing the Simpson Lawrence, I placed plastic tubes over the o

NEW POST> T12 Tily-Ho is for sale
January 16th, 2012 by

Tim Palmer has reluctantly decided to part with Titania T12 “Tily-Ho” which he has owned and cared for since 1978. You can reach Tim on 019633 70151 and he has sent the followingRead More…

NEW POST> 2011 A17 Gambol Engine replacement and maintenance
December 29th, 2011 by

Photo: A17 Gambol Yanmar 2GM20FC in Pieces Spring 2011. Photo: A17 Gambol Virgin White Engine Room Spring 2011. Photo: A17 Yanmar 2GM20FC + PRM 150 Gearbox + Original Transfer Box 4 VariableRead More…

NEW POST> 2010 A17 Gambol's Year
December 28th, 2011 by

Photo: A17 Gambol’s Tri Lens Radar Reflector – As detailed page 44 2009 – 2010 Annual Bulletin. Photo: A17 Gambol at Hamble Point at the Start of Round Britain Relay 2010. Photo:Read More…

NEW POST> 2008 A17 Gambol East Coast and Holland
December 27th, 2011 by

Photo: A17 On Trailer Raising Mast Suffolk Yacht Harbour 2008. Photo: A17 Gambol Veerse Meer Holland 2008.

NEW POST> 2008 A17 Gambol Toe Rail replacement
December 27th, 2011 by

Photo: A17 Refurbishment of Toe Rail 2008.

NEW POST> 2007 A17 Gambol Summer cruising
December 26th, 2011 by

Photo: A17 Gambol Oban 2007. Photo: A17 Gambol Dried Out Stone Point Suffolk July 2007. Photo: A17 Gambol Dried Out Stone Point Suffolk July 2007 + Duckling.

NEW POST> 2007 A17 Gambol at Beale Park
December 26th, 2011 by

Photo: A17 Gambol Beale Park show 2007.

NEW POST> 2007 A17 Gambol Keel Box repairs
December 25th, 2011 by

Photo: A17 Starboard Aft End of Keel Box In Poor Way 2007. Photo: A17 New Stainless Keel Stops 2007. Photo: A17 Gambol Attacking the Port Keel Box 2007. Photo: A17 Gambol NewRead More…

NEW POST> 2003ish A17 Gambol at Brightlingsea
December 24th, 2011 by

Photo: A17 Gambol Brightlingsea 2003ish.

NEW POST> 1976 ish A17 Gambol
December 23rd, 2011 by

Photo: A17 Gambol in Foreground Not sure When or Where. Photo: SPM Propeller Page 1 of 2. Photo: SPM Propeller Page 2 of 2. Photo: Series II Land Rover Advert. Photo: LandRead More…

NEW POST> 2012 Kookaburra For Sale
December 12th, 2011 by
2012 For sale

Kookaburra was sold in 2012. ‘Click’ on a photo for a slideshow.

NEW POST> 2011 A46 Theodora
November 27th, 2011 by
Johanna - well set up with varnished hull and an excellent looking galvanised trailer

Photo: P1020006. Photo: IMG_3073. Photo: IMG_3068. Photo: 11092010332(2).

NEW POST> 2011 season
September 25th, 2011 by

Wednesday April 27th Mourne Goblin on trailer ready to go, the tow up to Inverkip completed sucessfully in about 5 hrs arriving about 23:00 slept on board.   Thursday April 28th Up early to prepareRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 22nd, 2011 by TrevorThompson
I will try to make sure that Croatia happens. I am just as fed up with the rotten weather as you. Ha

NEW POST> 2011 A31-10 Zambra internal views
September 19th, 2011 by
This area doesn't look much bigger than on the 26.

Photo: Zambra interior 1 – heads. Heads and sails storage in the forepeak. There’s a drop down flap which I can stand on to hank on the Jib through the front hatch.Read More…

NEW POST> 2011 A31-10 Zambra at West Mersea
September 16th, 2011 by

Photo: West Mersea Regatta 2011 pic 1 A31-10. Zambra just after the race. Photo: West Mersea Regatta 2011 pic 2 A31-10. Zambra just after the race. Photo: West Mersea Regatta 2011 picRead More…

NEW POST> A95 Hiran on the Thames
September 8th, 2011 by

Photo: A95 on the Thames. Returning to Erith YC from the annual Ovens Race with our Commodore on the port winch. Photo: Mont Blanc. Taken from Bernard Upton’s home, with Lake GenevaRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 10th, 2011 by NingWebmaster
Colin adds: The centre figure in the cockpit of A95 is Phil Wick owner of A164 Scarweather, which is

NEW COMMENT: September 9th, 2011 by murrayreid
Great to see some new sailing photos on the site!!

NEW POST> 2011 Sailing with Bernard on Lake Geneva
August 23rd, 2011 by

Photo: Mont Blanc. Taken from Bernard Upton’s home, with Lake Geneva in the foreground and snow-topped Mont Blanc 100km away in the background. Photo: Bernard aboard A89 Colchide. Taken 14th August 2011Read More…

NEW POST> Sailing with Bernard Upton on Lake Geneva
August 23rd, 2011 by

In between family commitments I spent four days last week sailing with Bernard Upton on Lake Geneva. Many of you know that Bernard is our longest serving member, having bought A89 ColchideRead More…

NEW POST> On special request of Colin Twyford!!!
August 4th, 2011 by

Seven photographs how Destiny got lifted over the house into the water. Needed a 150 Tons crane!!! Fortunality my neighbour is driver of one of those!!!

NEW POST> 2011 A31-9 Destiny Repaired, Flying and Sailing
August 1st, 2011 by

Photo: P3310040. Destiny In front of our house for clean up! Photo: DSC00070. Photo: DDSCF0426. Destiny, on our shallow waters, keel at appr. 4 ft. Photo: P3290036. Destiny In front of ourRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 16th, 2011 by nickruneckles
Fantastic! I've just uploaded a couple of pics from last month... A31-10

NEW COMMENT: August 3rd, 2011 by NingWebmaster
Doesn't A31/9 Destiny look great!

NEW POST> 2011 A147 Chamois in Soctland
July 21st, 2011 by

Photo: A147 Chamois. Chamois heading off towards Dorus Mor Photo: A147 Chamois. Chamois at anchor in Crinan Loch Photo: A147 Chamois. Taken from A31/6 Caperdonich, with Crinan Hotel and the sea lockRead More…

NEW POST> 2011 A31-06 Caperdonich
July 21st, 2011 by

Photo: A31/6 Caperdonich. Shot of an 1887 William Fife gaff cutter take fro Caperdonich Photo: A31/6 Caperdonich. Away on the first race of the regatta Photo: A31/6 Caperdonich. In sea lock atRead More…

NEW POST> 2011 A174 Cordyl wrecked in Bembridge
July 5th, 2011 by

Photo: A174 Cordyl interior. Interior, from forecabin looking aft. Foredeck has gone. Photo: A174 Cordyl hull & transom. A174 Cordyl languishing in Bembridge boatyard

NEW POST> Cordyl spotted in Bembridge boatyard
July 5th, 2011 by

John Arthure had experience of Atalanta sailing when the boats were quite new, and sent some details about A174 Cordyl in Bembridge boatyard. IoW: ” As you drive round the harbour, past theRead More…

NEW POST> The Sailing Season Continues
June 13th, 2011 by

So far I have managed a weekend on board and a 3 day midweek cruise – since completing the easter cruise. I suppose there was also a day sail with my olderRead More…

NEW COMMENT: July 6th, 2011 by murrayreid
Wow, it looks so nice there!!, its the middle of winter here and very dark and damp and miserable! s

NEW COMMENT: July 4th, 2011 by TrevorThompson
Second of July Fantastic weather, and we managed to get away for a day sa

NEW COMMENT: June 21st, 2011 by TrevorThompson
I have managed to sort out the engine issues over the weekend.   The water pump wa

NEW POST> A87 Methusaleh Hull Repairs
June 10th, 2011 by

Photo: IMG_3745.

NEW POST> Fulmar "Blue Belle" for sale
May 22nd, 2011 by

See Eastern Yachts web page here: £2,700. Two berths and a small galley, lovingly restored, fitted with new alloy mast and new sails, Vetus 7hp inboard diesel engine. Kept under cover forRead More…

NEW POST> Chance Meeting
May 12th, 2011 by

Peter Keightley writes to say that: ” I had an extraordinary coincidental meeting with a skipper in Cowes Yacht Haven last week.His boat was a van de Stadt called Sherpa Bill. AfterRead More…

NEW COMMENT: May 13th, 2011 by NormanDorrington
I was interested to read Peter Keightley's article about Bill Perkes. Just after I bought

NEW POST> Winter maintenance
May 12th, 2011 by

Since lifting Mourne Goblin out at the end of September much work has gone on to try and solve some of the issues highlighted during the season.   Ive added a layerRead More…

NEW COMMENT: March 20th, 2011 by DominicDobson
in answer to Colin and Murrays comments I Havn't had a bill yet as its on my mates trade a

NEW COMMENT: March 20th, 2011 by murrayreid
Dom, it sounds like great stuff, will be interested to see how it is to machine etc..The blogs great

NEW COMMENT: March 17th, 2011 by colintwyford
What is the cost compared to mahogany and other hardwoods? Colin

NEW POST> A90 Mourne Goblin Sailing in 2011
May 12th, 2011 by

Photo: IMG_1724. Photo: IMG_1730. Photo: IMG_1729. Photo: IMG_1727. On the mooring at Gourock Photo: IMG_1726. Photo: IMG_1725. Photo: IMG_1723. Karen on board at last Photo: IMG_1721. Ready to launch Kip Marina

NEW POST> Easter Cruise on Calista T10
April 26th, 2011 by

17/04/2011 The crew – Trevor, Pete, Don and John – joined Calista at her mooring in Milford Haven on Sunday afternoon. After settling in we motored up the river to Blackpool Mill.Read More…

NEW COMMENT: April 29th, 2011 by TrevorThompson
John   Much improved by your editing and the photos!   Thanks

NEW COMMENT: April 27th, 2011 by NingWebmaster
I've inserted a few of the photos in Trevor's blog of our Easter cruise, and there are now plenty mo

NEW COMMENT: April 27th, 2011 by TrevorThompson
John   Please edit, add photos and generally add substance to it. Just hope you ca

NEW COMMENT: April 27th, 2011 by NingWebmaster
It was a fantastic six days, Trevor.  I'm very grateful to you for inviting me along, and to Pet

NEW POST> 2011 Callista Easter Cruise by Trevor
April 26th, 2011 by
Demonstrating the increased space inside a Titania

Photo: Easter cruise on Calista. Dominic working in the galley, supervised by John Photo: Easter cruise on Calista 2. Pete demonstrating how to get out of the aft cabin Photo: Easter cruiseRead More…

NEW POST> 2011 Callista Easter Cruise by John
April 25th, 2011 by

Photo: Seal on pontoon at Dale. When we arrived at Dale, this seal watched us for about 30 minutes! Photo: Tenby Harbour. For £10 per night you can enjoy the Harbourmaster’s baseRead More…

NEW POST> 2011 Callista Easter Cruise by Dom
April 24th, 2011 by

Photo: IMG_1701. Photo: IMG_1702. Photo: IMG_1703. Photo: IMG_1704. Photo: IMG_1705. Photo: IMG_1706. T10 Calista moored at the North Haven on Skomer Island, Easter Cruise, 20th April 2011 Photo: IMG_1707. Photo: IMG_1708. Photo:Read More…

NEW POST> 2010 A90 Goes to Peel Traditional Boat Rally
April 20th, 2011 by

Photo: Dominic. Photo: Henry. Photo: Henry Pamela. Photo: Isle Man coast. Photo: Leaving Peel. Photo: Pamela. Photo: Peel departure. Photo: peel trad. Photo: Port Patrick. Photo: port patrick6. Photo: Port Patrick 2.Read More…

NEW POST> 2010 A90 and A147 Sail Scotland W.Coast
April 20th, 2011 by

Photo: 18. Mourn Goblin from Chamois July ’10. Photo: 19. Mourn Goblin No 2. Photo: 20. Mourn Goblin No 3. Photo: 21. Mourn Goblin behind Chamois. Photo: 22.Mourn Goblin. Photo: 23. MournRead More…

NEW POST> 2010 A100 Jaunty
April 19th, 2011 by

Photo: on mooring aft port quarter. Jaunty A100 on her berth in Chichester Harbour July 2009 Photo: shor-chich goose winging. Photo: Launch from SYC. Photo: companionway looking forward. Photo: saloon looking aft4.Read More…

NEW POST> Restoring Mourne Goblin
April 14th, 2011 by

Mourne Goblin was bought in 2001 from Gavin Clarke who lived at Bettyhill on the North coast of Scotland so before I could collect her a trailer was needed. I obtained theRead More…

NEW POST> 2011 A60 Achates
April 1st, 2011 by

Photo: n553531634_822598_3689.

NEW COMMENT: April 1st, 2011 by NingWebmaster
Jonty, Thanks for the photo which is now featured on the main page, also nice to know how you look!

NEW POST> A90 Naughties Restoration - 8 The Launch !
March 28th, 2011 by

Photo: A90 Mourne Goblin. Atalantas were designed as “trailer-sailor” cruisers Photo: ready for test sail. Photo: 127. Photo: 128. Photo: 129. Photo: 130. Photo: 131. Photo: 132. Photo: 134. Photo: 140. Photo:Read More…

NEW POST> A90 Naughties Restoration - 7 Fittings
March 27th, 2011 by

Photo: 106. Photo: 107. Photo: 113. Photo: 114. Photo: 64. Photo: 65. Photo: 109. Photo: refurbished keels. Photo: new engine. Photo: 115. Photo: 108. Photo: 122.

NEW POST> A90 Naughties Restoration - 6 Hull
March 26th, 2011 by
Hull preparation

Photo: 44. Photo: 45. Photo: 50. Photo: 51. Photo: 54. Photo: 60. Photo: 61. Photo: 62. Photo: 63. Photo: 68. Photo: 92. Photo: 93. Photo: 94. Photo: 95. Photo: 96. Photo: 97.Read More…

NEW POST> A90 Naughties Restoration - 5 Decks
March 25th, 2011 by
Painting the decks

Photo: 11. Photo: 31. Photo: 32. Photo: 33. Photo: 34. Photo: 35. Photo: 36. Photo: 37. Photo: 38. Photo: 41. Photo: 42. Photo: 43. Photo: 52. Photo: deck repair.

NEW POST> A90 Naughties Restoration - 4 Cockpit
March 24th, 2011 by
Rebuilding the cockpit

Photo: 8. Photo: 9. Photo: 13. Photo: 116. Photo: rebuilding cockpit. Photo: engine cover.

NEW POST> A90 Naughties Restoration - 3 Interior
March 23rd, 2011 by
Back to bare wood inside

Photo: 1. Photo: 2. Photo: 3. Photo: 4. Photo: 5. Photo: 6. Photo: 7.

NEW POST> A90 Naughties Restoration - 2 Collection
March 22nd, 2011 by
Mourne Goblin's hiding place - time to get her out

Photo: 24. Photo: 25. Photo: 26. Photo: 27. Photo: 28. Photo: 29. Photo: 30.

NEW POST> 2010 A87 to New Zealand
March 22nd, 2011 by

Photo: A87 UK. Packing up… Photo: A87 UK. Farewells… Photo: A87 UK. Off to Southampton… Photo: A87 NZ. Arrival in Auckland… Photo: A87 NZ. Arrival in Auckland… Photo: A87 NZ. Home atRead More…

NEW POST> 2006 and on - Iniitial restoration in the UK
March 22nd, 2011 by

Photo: A87. As is where is….Kingswear Devon Photo: A87 UK. On the way to Totnes… Photo: A87 UK. Baltic Wharf… Photo: A87 UK. Tidy up begins… Photo: A87 UK. Hull painting… Photo:Read More…

NEW POST> A90 Naughties Restoration - 1 Trailer
March 21st, 2011 by

Photo: 18. Photo: 19. Photo: 20. Photo: 21. Photo: 22. Photo: 23.

NEW POST> A87 Methusaleh Keel Repairs
March 4th, 2011 by
Replacing the sand keel

Photo: Keel repairs.

NEW POST> A31-06 Caperdonich at Thames Festival 2009
February 1st, 2011 by
Caperdonich at the Thames Festival in 2009

Photo: Thames_festival_090912. Caperdonich at the St katherine’s Dock for the Thames Festival 2009

NEW POST> A105 Taku Maru
January 31st, 2011 by
After some years under restoration a trial launch on The Broads at Martham

Photo: IMAG0039. Photo: 2009-05-24 12.02.27. At the turkey farm, freshly painted top Photo: TakaMaruMove 4-Apr-07. Loading up at Boroughbridge to come down to Watford. Photo: Emma Duck. Chichester

NEW POST> Unsink Buoyancy - Bluster's Airbags
December 21st, 2010 by
1992 Unsink Buoyancy-brochure p 2 of 4

A183 Bluster was fitted with the ‘Unskink Offshore Buoyancy System’. This is a set of airtight bags which are normally folded but fill with compressed air under emergency conditions.

NEW POST> 2010 A100 Jaunty For Sale
December 12th, 2010 by
2010 For sale - trailer

For sale on the South Coast. ‘Click’ on a photo for a slideshow.

NEW POST> A12 Ione Last Rights in Milford Haven
December 12th, 2009 by
Such a shame, but she was in a very poor state.  A lot of gear and parts were salvaged but she was burnt on the beach in 2009

The Harbour Master at Milford Haven contacted the Association with news that an Atalanta had been abandoned in the harbour and was going to be destroyed. A group of Association members gotRead More…

NEW POST> A169 Kerry Piper in 2009 - a lot to do!
May 20th, 2009 by

Chris Green bought A169 Kerry Piper in 2011 and commenced what turned out to be a very extensive restoration. As you can see in the photos, taken 2 years earlier, there wasRead More…

NEW POST> A159 Lindora for Sale - Plymouth SOLD
December 12th, 2007 by
2005 Lindora for sale in Plymouth

Lindora for sale in fishing-boat trim. ‘Click’ on a photo for a slideshow.

NEW POST> A124 For Sale in 2007 - Eastern Yachtbrokers SOLD
December 12th, 2007 by
2007 Looking good in her barn home

Extensively restored in 1999-2000 and then used on the East Coast. For sale in Essex having been stored for a couple of years. The ‘For Sale Details’ and a 2006 Survey canRead More…

NEW POST> A65 Joann For Sale in 2007 SOLD
December 12th, 2007 by
Looking peaceful on her mooring. 2007

A65 Joann is for sale. An unusual Atalanta she has a Titania coachroof ‘blister’ over the main cabin providing increased headroom there. She also has a standard Atalanta blister fitted to theRead More…

NEW POST> A71 Blue Jackaroo For Sale
December 12th, 2004 by
For Sale in 2004

Blue Jackaroo, in excellent condition, is for sale. ‘Click’ on a photo for a slideshow.

NEW POST> What happened to A113 Aku?
April 28th, 2004 by

In 1996 Colin Twyford, the AOA Secretary, Sent an AOA Newsletter to Jack Nelson requesting news of Aku but heard nothing in reply. Colin sent another Newsletter in Spring 2004 .To Colin’sRead More…

NEW POST> AOA John Searle Trophy (Best Restoration)
February 1st, 2004 by
John Searle Award for restoration and launch

Major Boat Restorations Awarded when restorations are put in the water. This award started as a plaque awarded to singificant restorations of an Atalanta, Titania, Fulmar or Atalanta 31. It became knownRead More…

NEW POST> AOA Charles Currey Trophy (Most adventurous journey)
January 25th, 2004 by
The silver Etchells Trophy

Most Adventurous Journey written up in the Bulletin Silver model of an Atalanta in a glass case. This is a second silver model (like the Etchells Trophy). This had been owned privately,Read More…

NEW POST> AOA Odling Trophy (Best Technical Article)
January 25th, 2004 by
Odling Trophy - painting of A71 Blue Jackaroo by Alan Vines presented to the AOA in 2005 by Margaret Odling in memory of her late husband Major General Bill Odling CB OBE MC DL

Best Technical Article published in The Bulletin Painting of A71 Blue Jackaroo by Alan Vines. The trophy is the second painting taken from a photograph of A171 Blue Jackaroo. This time theRead More…

NEW POST> A110 Trientje P in 2003
February 1st, 2003 by

Renamed Trientje P from Turnstone A77 in fine condition in Germany in 2003.

NEW POST> A88 Tenga for Sale - believed to be in the early 2000s but not certain
December 12th, 2002 by
A very well sorted Atalanta. Believed to be in the early 2000s

Tenga had been owned and restored by a cabinet maker. As can be seen in the picture and in this advert, she is in remarkable condition. A88 Tenga for sale in CanadaRead More…

NEW POST> Ships Company, Chesapeake Bay
June 5th, 2000 by
A26-103a AOA register pageP3165298

In 2000 Puffin was bought by ‘Ship’s Company’. The letter to the Hon Sec at the time (Colin Twyford) below explains their purpose and requested help:

NEW POST> Beta Diesel engine
January 24th, 2000 by
A102 Beta engine installation

In 2001 the original Coventry Victor engine was replaced with a 13.5HP Beta.  

NEW POST> A169 Kerry Piper looking fine in 1999
May 20th, 1999 by
A169 Kerry Piper in 1999, looking very smart

This picture is of A169 Kerry Piper looking fine in 1999 just before she was sold.

NEW POST> A95 New drive shaft 1999
February 1st, 1999 by
"Hiran's new drive shaft

Hiran gets a new driveshaft

NEW POST> A165 Sloeberry attends Uffa Fox centenary in Cowes
December 15th, 1998 by
A165 at Cowes Corinthina YC for Uffa Fox Centenary 14-16 August 1998

The family of Uffa Fox held a celebration for the centenary of the birth of the great man. The Event was attended by twenty five boats including two Atalantas – and A165Read More…

NEW POST> A130 Last resting place as garden feature
November 14th, 1998 by

This letter was received from the owner in 1998  

NEW POST> Restoration - Cockpit, Engine, Rig
May 24th, 1998 by

In 1998 a restoration began with the rebuilding of the lower cockpit woodwork. Further work included restoring the mast, standing and running rigging.

NEW POST> A105 Turning Hull Over 1997
January 29th, 1997 by
A105 (7) Date unknown. Turning hull over

Photographic record of turning over Taku Maru in the late 1990s. Click on an image on the right for a slide show.

NEW POST> A60 Achates at MDL Hamble 1996
July 31st, 1996 by
A60 Achates (7) 1996 At MDL Hamble

Achates visited the MDL Marina on the Hamble based on the old Fairey Marine yard.

NEW POST> A104 Arosa at MDL Hamble 1996
June 1st, 1996 by
"Arosa" comes into the pontoon at the MDL Hamble event 1996

Arose visited the MDL Marina on the Hamble based on the old Fairey Marine yard.

NEW POST> 1996 A52 joins hire fleet in Germany
May 26th, 1996 by
A52 Enters Yacht Charter Fleet in South East Germany

In 1996 A52 was bought by Jochen Gassner to join his charter fleet on the Mecklenburgische Seenplatte or Mecklenburg Lake District in the South East of Germany. The fleet also included A110.Read More…

NEW POST> A83 Flying Fox new owner and new paint in 1995
February 1st, 1995 by
A83 (2) 1995

Flying Fox changes hand, is returned to her original name from ‘Branca’ and gets a new coat of paint.

NEW POST> A88 Tenga restored in 1995
February 1st, 1995 by
Tenga after restoration

In the US Tenga is restored to beautiful original condition.

NEW POST> A168 Kerry Piper Before/After 1990s restoration
January 29th, 1995 by
A169 Kerry Piper post restoration 1990s 2

Photo: Kerry Piper A169. A169 in Antwerpen (Belgium) just prior to and after the restoration from 1987 till 1990.

NEW COMMENT: January 29th, 2015 by ChrisGreen
You had her in great shape Wouter - hopefully she will be back together this season 30 years on.

NEW POST> 1993 A35 Sold to Conservatoire de Plaisance in Bordeaux
January 18th, 1993 by
A35 in the submarine pens in Bordeaux by Bernard Blavier

In 1993 A35 was bought to form part of a collection of over 70 boats in Bordeaux, based in the old submarine pens. Press release from the time:

NEW POST> A125 Polaris - Timewarp in Mexico
August 17th, 1992 by
Reported in September 1991 that "it's still there".

Associate Member P.Nichols sent through a report of his visit to see Polaris II. The current owner had offered her for sale. She had been dry stored for many years and wasRead More…

NEW POST> Coupe Bernard Trophy 1992 - Twin Rudders
January 24th, 1992 by

In the early 1990’s Atalanta Mary was modified with the fitting of twin rudders in place of the single lifting original. This was influenced by the number of rudder blade failures andRead More…

NEW POST> A89 Hydraulic drive
February 1st, 1990 by
Showing engine 'back-to-front' for ease of maintenance.  Also lack of prop shaft due to hydraulic drive

Bernard Upton fitted a Farryman 12hp and hydraulic drive to a 2 bladed folding propellor. He also put hydraulic rams on the keel hoists.

NEW POST> A51 Bacardi in British Columbia 1989-1990
December 30th, 1989 by
A51 Local waters, BC Canada 1990

Bill and Juliet Higgs sent ‘Seasons Greetings’ to Secretary George Parker with the photographs below. Dear George Seasons Greetings to you and the association. This is a typical winter’s day in BritishRead More…

NEW POST> Kerry Piper Family Sailing in the 1970s 1980s
November 5th, 1985 by

It’s what Atalanta sailing is all aobut!

NEW POST> AOA Sinclair Trophy (Services to the AOA)
February 1st, 1981 by
Sinclair Trophy painted by the owner

Services to the AOA Painting of A71 Blue Jackaroo by owner EL Sinclair. The painting was created from a photograph of A171 which was also used as the basis for a secondRead More…

NEW POST> Saving Aku A113
January 28th, 1980 by

From the 1980-81 Bulletin Tony Peck and John Riding’s start of their circumnavigation, and its halt in the Galapagos islands, has been written up elsewhere. After abandoning their circumnavigation AKU was passedRead More…

NEW POST> In the Navy
January 24th, 1979 by

Atalanta Mary was owned by a Naval officer between 1979 and 1981. During this time he and his wife had their honeymoon cruising the South Coast.

NEW POST> Peanut - Unusual beginnings for an unusual Atalanta
November 29th, 1978 by
Peanut on Facebook Uffa Fox Designs group

‘Peanut’ is an Atalanta 31 with a difference. She was put together about 1974-5 by the Burnetts with the help Captain Urry, who was Mrs Burnett’s father and a pioneer of theRead More…

NEW POST> 1978 Photo by Victor Hopwood (AM)
May 5th, 1978 by
A26-123b AOA register pageP3165327

Humber Yacht Club, NZ looking very smart.Photo sent to Hon Sec in 1998

NEW POST> A124 Helen's Folly 1970s Restoration
June 30th, 1977 by
Late 1970s Restoration for A124 Helene by Godfrey Holter

In 1976 was bought as a kit of parts. The previous owner had dismantled her with the intention of restoring her but never got around to it. However the new owner tookRead More…

NEW POST> A146 Bluff OSTAR 1976
June 7th, 1976 by
A146 Crosses Atlantic 1976 OSTAR

(Map courtesy of Brian Sadler) A146, already very well travelled, changed hands and went across the Atlantic No history of racing by Atalantas would be complete without mention of Rod White whoRead More…

NEW POST> East Coast Rally and Race
August 6th, 1975 by
The Atalanta Trophy - a wooden model of A12

Soon after Maj. Gen. Odling became the Hon. Sec. of the AOA in 1975, he instituted the East Coast Rally and Race as an annual event at West Mersea on the EssexRead More…

NEW POST> A115 Sabrina Across The Atlantic in 1975
May 27th, 1975 by

In 1975 Eric Stallard and two young friends set out from Appledore on May 27th in A115, Sabrina of Croyde, to cross the Atlantic. They had a stormy passage through the BayRead More…

NEW POST> A80 Sails extensively with Gunter Rig
May 11th, 1975 by
1975 PBO report on A80 Talanta's conversion to Gunter rig.

Although the AOA Registers are Bulletin are quiet on the matter it appears that A80 was converted to Gunter rig in the 1970s (and back to her standard rig later). In 1975Read More…

NEW POST> A146 Sherpa Round Britain Race 1974
June 29th, 1974 by
Bill Perkes sailing memoirs In the Wake of My Heroes

Immediately after sailing in the Round the Island Race on June 29 in which he came second in the Atalanta Class, Alan Perkes in A148, Sherpa, set out for the Round BritainRead More…

NEW POST> A113 Round the World
November 28th, 1964 by
A113 Aku travels to The Galapagos

The longest and most ambitious expedition undertaken in an Atalanta was in 1960-61 when Tony Peck and John Riding set out in A113, Aku, to sail round the world in a westerlyRead More…

NEW POST> A175 pictured in brochure crossing the French/Swiss border
May 18th, 1964 by
A175 on her trailer near the French -Swiss border

The 1964 Atalanta brochure has a picture of Inyoniyamanzi on her trailer on page 4. She was kept for many years at Clarens at the eastern end of Lake Geneva.

NEW POST> AOA Etchells Trophy (Best Log in the Bulletin)
February 1st, 1964 by
The silver Etchells Trophy

Best Log published in The Bulletin Silver model of an Atalanta in a glass case. The ‘Etchells’ was first presented at the AGM on 6 January 1965 in memory of HF Etchells.Read More…

NEW POST> A175 boat name
May 18th, 1963 by

A175 was launched with the name Inyoniyamanzi. The is a term from South Africa (Afrikaans? Zulu?) for “African Penguin”.

NEW POST> 1961 Las Palmas, Aku meets James Wharram on her Round The World trip
July 28th, 1961 by
A113 Aku meets James Wharram 003

After a troublesome voyage across the Bay of Biscay Aku put in to Las Palmas on her way round the world for rudder repairs. There she caught the eye of James andRead More…

NEW POST> A113 Reaches Las Palmas on her circumnavigation
June 28th, 1961 by
A113 Aku track to Las Palmas

From the 1962-63 Bulletin MR. J. A. (TONY)  PECK,  ‘Aku’  (A.II3),  is  now  wintering at Las Palmas in the Gran Canarias Islands before setting out across the Atlantic on the next stage of his round-the­ world cruise. Fighting forRead More…

NEW POST> Fairey Marine Dry Moorings
February 1st, 1961 by
Fairey Marine Boatpark image

Nothing is new – Fairey had a Dry Boat park, now all the fashion, in 1961. And it was for 26′ sailing boats! In 1961 they provided a boat park for allRead More…

NEW POST> A113 Sets off Round the World
November 30th, 1960 by
A113 Aku leaves the river Hamble

From the 1960-61 Bulletin On 15 November 1960, John Peck in Fairey Atalanta “Aku” (A113 ) left Hamble on the longest planned Fairey Atalanta cruise yet . He planned to sail westward round the world – a two year, 31,000 mile journey.  John Peck was a racing motor cyclist aged 49. He was accompanied by 24 yearsRead More…

NEW POST> Atalopoly - Virtually as much fun as an Atalanta!
August 27th, 1960 by

So you want to play Atalopoly? You have come to the right place. Instructions Each Player has an Atalanta. They throw the dice and move around the Atalopoly board, sailing, making repairs,Read More…

NEW POST> Atalanta Cherbourg Rally
July 6th, 1960 by

Between 1960 and 1963 the annual Cross Channel rally/race was arranged each Whitsun. On the second occasion in 1961 there were 14 entrants and the event was kindly started at 1900 hrsRead More…

NEW POST> AOA Coupe Bernard Argod
February 1st, 1960 by
Coupe Bernard Argod

For activities on The South Coast (UK) Silver Cup. The Coupe Bernard Argod was donated by Bernard Argod who livein Paris as a trophy for Solent to Cherbourg race. Bernard Argod wasRead More…

NEW POST> Handicaps for racing
December 9th, 1959 by
Atalanta racing in classic handicap race

Introduction Since the first Atalantas were made they have competed against each other and against other yachts in races. When racing against other classes in races organised outside of the AOA theyRead More…

NEW POST> Fulmar - a one-legged Atalanta
February 1st, 1959 by

The need for a smaller and cheaper sailing cruiser of similar construction to the Atalanta 26 was met by the production of the 20ft overall Fulmar. The cut-away diagram in Fig. 5Read More…

NEW POST> The Titania - Atalanta with more room
January 10th, 1959 by

The only 26ft variant of the Atalanta was the Titania. Described by the makers as “brilliant and beautiful”, it was intended for the owner who planned to spend more time cruising underRead More…

NEW POST> Atalantas in the Round the Island Race
July 12th, 1958 by

Although the Atalanta was designed primarily as a family cruiser it was natural that some owners, who had previously raced dinghies, were attracted to competitive sailing. The first venture was the RoundRead More…

NEW POST> AOA Constitution
May 31st, 1958 by

The Current Constitution Previous Versions 1959 – The Original ‘Rules’ 2001 – As adopted at the AGM 2018 – As adopted at the AGM

May 21st, 1958 by

When Fairey Marine first launched the Atalanta 26 they considered ways of promoting the class and encouraging owners to get together. A cocktail party was given by the Company on their standRead More…

NEW POST> AOA Atalanta Trophy (Annual Race)
January 24th, 1958 by
The Atalanta Trophy - a wooden model of A12

First Atalanta in the West Mersea Regatta (previously Round the Island Race) Wooden Model of A12 in a glass case.  The Atalanta Trophy was created by Fairey Marine in 1958 and awardedRead More…

NEW POST> Atalanta Construction
December 1st, 1957 by
Fairey Marine construction - putting the boat in the autoclave

After the Second World War Fairey Marine applied the technology developed to make aircraft to boats. Starting with dinghies such as the Firefly, Swordfish, Albacore, and Falcon they started building the AtalantaRead More…

NEW POST> Atalanta Sail Handling
June 1st, 1957 by
mast reefing

General The forehatch is a major safety feature for Atalanta sail handling. This is a feature of both the Atalanta and the Titania. It may be frowned upon by a marine surveyorRead More…

NEW POST> Motoring
May 1st, 1957 by
Titania motoring

Original Engines Motoring in most Atalanta’s originally used a Coventry Victor horizontally opposed twin cylinder petrol engines developing 12 or 15 hp depending on model. Titania’s and some Atalanta’s were fitted withRead More…

NEW POST> Guard rails
April 1st, 1957 by
Titania forehatch

Do you need them? Well do you? Read the post on handling sails and ropes from the forehatch. Read how you can work the mainsail from the main hatchway. Look at howRead More…

NEW POST> Raising and Lowering the Mast
February 25th, 1957 by
mast raising

A key requirement for any trailer-sailer is that raising and lowering the mast must be simple. And it is with the Atalanta and Titania. The mast Some Atalanta are fitted with alloyRead More…

NEW COMMENT: September 1st, 2020 by lpw
Not sure why you need a special winch. Only having done this on dry land I took the sheet over the

NEW COMMENT: September 1st, 2020 by Trevor Thompson
I don't know where you got the "special winch" from? I have not mentioned a special winch.My des

NEW COMMENT: October 17th, 2023 by Stephen McCann
Hi does anyone have more detail on this - ie closer in pictures!? I am planning a remast and launch

NEW POST> An Atalanta as a Caravan en Route
February 20th, 1957 by

The Atalanta has always been used as a caravan en route to a new cruising ground. The issues you need to be aware of are: Where to spend the night? Camp sitesRead More…

NEW POST> Atalanta recovery to trailer
February 15th, 1957 by

  Leave aside the obvious travel hoist or crane option. Basic principles The diagram is based on an original Fairey marine drawing.   The boat and trailer combination were always intended toRead More…

NEW POST> Launching an Atalanta or Titania
February 10th, 1957 by
travel hoist launch

There are really four ways of launching an Atalanta (or a Titania) from its trailer: The travel hoist The easy way is to have it lifted in by travelhoist. It is notRead More…

NEW POST> Atalanta and Titania towing
February 5th, 1957 by
Towing is easy with the right car

Weights The Atalanta and the Titania can be legally towed behind many 4×4 cars. The boat weighs between 2 and 2.5 tons (depending on equipment and fittings). A suitable trailer could weighRead More…

NEW COMMENT: August 15th, 2018 by AOA
Hi TrevorPartly to see what happens to a Comment in this section of the site, and partly because

NEW COMMENT: August 17th, 2018 by Trevor Thompson
NickI did reply to this yesterday but the reply has disappeared.Lets see if this works!N

NEW POST> Drying out
January 1st, 1957 by
A71 aground

  Where to dry out Atalanta’s were designed to be equally at home sitting on the bottom, anywhere where there is a suitable stretch of ground to sit on. Muddy harbour andRead More…

NEW POST> Clever Interiors
December 1st, 1956 by
A124 Helene cabin oil lamp - saving on electricity.

What sort of accommodation does an Atalanta have? Well if we start at the bow, there is a traditional forward heads. Behind that there is a saloon, with a berth on eachRead More…

NEW POST> The Forehatch
November 1st, 1956 by
A102 uncluttered decks

It Opens aft It is right in the eyes of the boat – so it could hardly open the other way! You can see from the photo how useful it is. SeeRead More…

NEW POST> Rounded Decks and Coachroof
October 1st, 1956 by
A71 aground

Three photos of Atalantas follow. Look at them with particular emphasis on the curved decks and coachroofs: There are three elements behind this design feature: Windage Fairey marine always made a bigRead More…

NEW POST> Strange Bulges on the Bulkhead in the Cockpit
September 1st, 1956 by

Engine Ventilators I am talking about those blue things mounted either side of the cabin entrance. They are original features of the Atalanta and the Titania. They are common on factory finishedRead More…

NEW POST> Three-quarter and Masthead Rigs
August 1st, 1956 by
A162 Solone, A60 Achates and A65 Joann

The standard rig illustrated in Fig. 2 was the so-called three quarter rig when the forestay holding the luff of the foresail was secured approximately threequarters of the way up the mast.Read More…

NEW POST> Self Righting
July 1st, 1956 by
Stability test

Stability The prototype Atalanta is shown in the photo above undergoing a heeling test. While we cannot tell what the righting moment is ( but it looks like the man at theRead More…

NEW POST> The rudder system
March 20th, 1956 by

The transom hung rudder is a heavier version of a typical dinghy rudder, with a large lifting blade: This is the rudder on a Titania, but in principal the same as anRead More…

NEW POST> How the keels work
March 1st, 1956 by
keel mechanism

Retractable keels The Atalanta has a canoe body which has no form of fixed keel what so ever. All of the ballast is contained in lifting keels. Two of them. The unusualRead More…

NEW POST> Atalanta - YW Annual 1955
December 6th, 1955 by

With thanks from YW for permission (NEED TO GET THIS)   A T A L A N T A   Designer: Uffa Fox Builder: Fairey Marine Ltd   L O A 24ft.Read More…

NEW POST> The Atalanta Concept - Sujanwiz
June 1st, 1952 by
Sujanwiz post featured image

An ardent admirer of the Firefly was Alan Vines, a senior executive in the Fairey Aviation Company and a keen and almost fanatical sailor. He was very impressed with the seaworthiness ofRead More…

NEW POST> The Prototype Atalanta
April 1st, 1952 by
A48, A1 and Sujanwiz in Christchurch Harbour 1958

(The photo shows the prototype Atalanta between a production Atalanta on the left and Sujanwiz on the right, Alan Vines concept boat which started it all) On a family visit to UffaRead More…

NEW POST> Weren't they dropped from aircraft during the war?
March 31st, 1952 by

This is a comment that most Atalanta owners will have come accross at some time.It’s usually when you are tied up alongside in a small harbour attracting attention from all the passersRead More…

NEW POST> So what is so special about an Atalanta?
December 1st, 1950 by

Ereina sailing near the cleddau bridge within Milford Haven[/caption] Well on a practical level it is a combination of the following: Safe at sea, even when the weather deteriorates The ability toRead More…

NEW POST> The ultra modern 50 year old yacht - a true classic
November 1st, 1950 by

Although these boats meet the definition of “classic yacht” (designed or built before 1960) they seem to be  too modern for “real” classic boat enthusiasts. They are not made from planks ofRead More…

NEW POST> The original trailer sailer
October 1st, 1950 by
trailing 1961

The Atalanta is the original trailer sailor. From the very beginning in 1955 owners were regularly trailing them to the south of France for summer holidays. In those days large family carsRead More…

NEW POST> A Family Boat
September 1st, 1950 by
2011 A17 Gambol at Play Chichester

Claims that the Atalanta was a suitable boat for families, on account of her roominess and sea-kindly qualities, were soon confirmed by several accounts of cruises in which children accompanied their parents.Read More…

NEW POST> Seaworthiness
August 1st, 1950 by

The Atalanta has always been considered to be a seaworthy vessel. Few trailable 26 footers can claim this distinction. It is a special feature of these boats. Many of the early AOARead More…

NEW POST> Sailing Performance
June 1st, 1950 by
A179 Hamble 2005

See also the poston Atalanta Handicaps for use when racing Diagram showing likely speeds on different points of sailing Both the Atalanta and the Titania are capable of making swift offshore passages.Read More…

NEW POST> Variable draft
March 1st, 1950 by
Keels down on Colchide

  Sailing with variable draft Atalanta’s can be sailed with the keels lowered or partly raised. It is usual to keep them fully down when offshore to maximise the righting moment. HoweverRead More…

NEW POST> 1964 Atalanta Specification
January 20th, 1950 by
Sujanwiz at speed

1964 Atalanta Specification for Atalanta 26   (issued in 1964) STANDARD BOAT: £3,360 Ex Works Hot pressure moulded hull consisting of 4 laminations of 2.5mm Agba on mahogany main frame fitted with bulkheadsRead More…